40 Days of Prayer & Fasting


40 Days of Prayer & Fasting

March 4–April 12, 2001

“They all joined together constantly in prayer.” Acts 1:14

“With prayer and fasting committed them to the Lord, in whomthey had put their trust.”  Acts 14:23

  • Pray that as a congregation we would humble ourselves before God and confess our sins to Him so that we can worship Him in purity and truth.
  • Pray that God’s Spirit would be free to minister within the body of Grace Church and Grace West.
  • Pray for safety and steady progress on the construction of our new Worship Center.
  • Pray for the financial needs of Grace that God would continue to supply the necessary funds through the faithful giving of His people.
  • Pray for those within our church family who are sick or hurting–physically, emotionally or spiritually.
  • Pray for our Missions Family ministering throughout the world. Pray that God would give them strength and wisdom and the faith necessary to accomplish great things for His Kingdom.
  • Ask God to use the people of Grace to invite their lost friends on Friend Day, March 18. Pray that many will be saved as a result of this evangelistic opportunity.
  • Pray for our Pastoral Search Team as they seek to find God’s man to serve as our next senior pastor. Ask God to give them wisdom and discernment in all that they do.
  • Pray for our Celebration Offering on Palm Sunday, April 8. Pray that as a church family we would give both sacrificially and liberally to meet our goal of $330,000.
  • Pray for our services on Palm Sunday with Rick Amato. Ask God to fill this church on Palm Sunday with men and women who are hurting and need to hear about the wonderful Grace of Jesus.
  • Pray for our Kidz Easter Candy Scramble on Saturday, April 14. Pray that many children would come to know and understand the need for personal salvation.
  • Pray for our services on Easter Sunday, April 15, that God would use this day of victory and celebration in His church to effectively share the gospel with the hundreds of visitors we will have worship with us.
  • Thank the Lord for His continued presence in our Church and for the countless blessings He showers upon us day-after-day.



Celebration Offering Letter


The Battle Within Christian Camps