Celebration Offering Letter

April 2, 2001

Dear Church Family,

As you read this letter, let your heart be drawn to the final chapters of 1 Chronicles. It'€™s a time of transition in Israel as the nation says good-bye to their beloved King David and prepared to welcome a new king--€“David'€™s son Solomon. At the heart of these chapters is David'€™s concern and preparation that the people fulfill the one dream he is not allowed to fulfill--€“the building of the Lord'™s temple in Jerusalem. He knows that to accomplish this will require strong leadership and sacrificial commitment.

Turning to his son, David encourages him with these words: "€œBe strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the Lord is finished. (1 Chron. 28:20).

Like Israel, Grace Church is living in a time of transition. Looking back over the past year we have witnessed many changes, but at the same time we have seen God work in mighty ways! And now we believe the Lord is beginning to turn our hearts away from the past and He is focusing our vision on an exciting future, one that we believe will impact the Kingdom of Heaven in a mighty way.

Yes, God is for us! Last week it was with chills of anticipation that we watched the steeple to our new worship center lifted into place. Now, day and night, 365 days a year hundreds of thousands of people entering and leaving the city of Des Moines will witness this testimony to His glory! Just last Saturday a family from Cedar Rapids was making a trip to Des Moines and were so stuck by the beauty of the church they had to stop and see what God is doing here. Glory to God!

Grace Church, the Lord is saying to us: "Be strong and courageous, and do the work."€ This coming Sunday we have the opportunity to make a sacrificial commitment to the work God is doing in our presence. As a church family we will offer our annual Celebration Offering for our new worship center. Just like the nation of Israel, which sacrificed to build God'€™s temple in Jerusalem, this place of worship will not be built without the sacrificial giving of God'€™s people.

We, the elders of this church, want to challenge you to prayerfully consider your part this Sunday. We have already committed on our part to lead the way. Enclosed with this letter is an envelope for you to use this Sunday. Many of you will give your entire gift at this time, but others will desire to give above and beyond what they can on Sunday, and will so commit to complete their offering by year’s end.

Grace Church, do not be timid--be courageous! It is spring. And just as the farmers will soon begin preparing for a great harvest in the fall, so we believe God is preparing the soil of this church for a great harvest in His Kingdom. Yes, God is good…all the time God is good! We do rejoice as we look towards the future; why? Because God is For Us!

For His Glory,

The Elders of Grace Church


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