The Battle Within Christian Camps


      Key Principal: The Authority of Scripture is meaningless.

      Key Words:  Science, intellectualism, humanism, evolution

      Primary Evangelistic Tool: Public Education (schools, colleges, universities)

      Primary Religious Vehicles: Mainline Protestant Denominations


Neo Evangelicalism

      Key Principal: Balance the inerrancy of Scripture with the demands of culture.

      Key Words:  Unity, Politics, Pro-family, Conservativism, Ecumenicalism

      Primary Evangelistic Tool: Contemporary Christian Music & Literature, Radio

      Primary Religious Vehicles: Mega-churches, Evangelical Churches, Para-church Org



      Key Principal: The defense of the inerrancy of Scripture at all costs.

      Key Words:  Biblical, Militant, KJV, Soul Winning, Separatism, Legalsim

      Primary Evangelistic Tool: Local Churches

      Primary Religious Vehicles: Independent (Baptist) Churches


To confront evil we must:

  • Be students of the Word of God (e.g. of Jesus in Matthew 4; Hebrews 5:14.)
  • Correctly identify that which is evil.  (Eph. 6: 12)
  • In battle, follow the Great Commandment (Matt. 23:37-40)




  • The Danger: We were not left here to confront evil…this can become a diversion.
  • Our Commission: Make Disciples
  • “We are not infantry soldiers on a search and destroy mission, we are soldiers of mercy on a search and rescue mission.”
  • The Christian Life in View of Persecution (1 Peter 2:9-17)

40 Days of Prayer & Fasting


End-of-Year Update Letter (2000)