Membership Interview Questionnaire

Grace Church

Membership Interview Checklist

Interviewer: __________________________ Date: _____________Prospective Member: ____________________ Spouse: ____________________Interview Process: (check boxes as you proceed through interview) 1) Salvation Testimony – Ask the prospective member (and spouse) to tell you about their salvation experience. To the best of your knowledge, are they saved based on their testimony?

Prospective Member

Yes (If yes, go to step 2.) No (If no, go to next bullet.)


Yes (If yes, go to step 2.) No (If no, go to next bullet.)

Share the plan of salvation. Did they accept Jesus Christ as their Savior?
Prospective Member

Yes (If yes, go to step 2.) No*


Yes (If yes, go to step 2.) No*
* If the prospective member (or spouse) answers no, explain that membership starts with joining God’s family, answer their questions, set up a follow-up appointment, and close the interview with prayer. 2) Discipleship – Ask the prospective member (and spouse) if/when they were discipled as a believer. You may need to define discipleship.
Have they been discipled?Prospective Member

Yes (If yes, go to step 3.) No (If no, go to next bullet.)


Yes (If yes, go to step 3.) No (If no, go to next bullet.)

Explain discipleship and our 5-week program; Class-of-One.

 Are they interested in being involved in Class-of-One?
Prospective Member

Yes (If yes, go to next bullet.)

No (If no, go to step 3.)


Yes (If yes, go to next bullet.)

No (If no, go to step 3.)

 Forward their name to Pastor Paul for Class-of-One follow-up. FOLLOW-UP: Notify Pastor Paul of their interest in discipleship.
 3) Baptism – Ask the prospective member (and spouse) if/when they have been baptized as a believer by immersion.
Have they been baptized as a believer by immersion?
Prospective Member

Yes (If yes, go to step 4.)No (If no, go to the next bullet.)


Yes (If yes, go to step 4.)No (If no, go to the next bullet.)
 Explain the importance of baptism (see brochure) and explain the requirement for believer’s baptism by immersion for membership.
Would they like to be baptized?Prospective Member

Yes (If yes, go to next bullet.)



Yes (If yes, go to next bullet.)No*
* If the prospective member (or spouse) answers no, explain that baptism by immersion as a believer is an act of obedience to Christ and a requirement for membership to Grace Church, set up a follow-up appointment or phone call, and close the interview with prayer.Set up a date and time to be baptized. Forward their name to Pastor Shawn Kinnison for follow-up. Explain the procedures and preparation for baptism.
2007 Baptismal Services (check one)1/8 4/23 7/15 2/12 5/21 8/26 3/12 6/3 9/23
10/28 11/25 12/23
Service Time8:30am 10:30am
 4) Membership Application & Covenant – Review the application and covenant form with the prospective member (and spouse).Have they read the “Who We Are” and “How We Operate” sections of the Grace 101 book? (verify they have filled out the application)
Prospective Member

Yes (If yes, go to next bullet.)



Yes (If yes, go to next bullet.)


* If the prospective member (or spouse) answers no, ask them to read through these sections in the next few weeks, set up a follow-up appointment or phone call, and close the interview with prayer.Are they in agreement with our doctrine, values, ministry structure, government, and financial policies? (verify they have signed the covenant)
Prospective Member

Yes (If yes, go to step 5.)



Yes (If yes, go to step 5.)


* If the prospective member (or spouse) answers no, tell them of the importance we place on unity within our church body. Answer any questions they may have, but if they will not agree, welcome them to continue attending our church and close the interview with prayer.
 5) Misc. Membership Items – Review items with the prospective member (and spouse) that relate to their acceptance as members.
  •   Have we taken their picture for the membership announcement? Yes (If yes, go to next bullet.)No** If the prospective member (or spouse) answers no, set up an appointment on a Sunday morning between the services (10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.) at the Guest Reception area, and go on to the next bullet.FOLLOW-UP: Notify Chris Eller of the picture appointment on ____.
  •   Are they interested in finding/joining a small group?Yes*No (If no, go to next bullet.)Already in a group (If already in a group, go to next bullet.)* If the prospective member (or spouse) answers yes, provide them with a Sunday and/or small group brochure and forward their name and general small group needs/wants to Pastor Paul Dykstra.FOLLOW-UP: Notify Pastor Paul Dykstra of their interest in a small group.
  •   Are they interested in attending other core courses?
Prospective Member

Grace 201: Growing/Maturity

Grace 301: Serving/Ministry

Grace 401: Sharing/Mission


Grace 201: Growing/Maturity

Grace 301: Serving/Ministry

Grace 401: Sharing/Mission

FOLLOW-UP: Notify Pastor Paul of their interest in any core courses.Give them offering envelopes.FOLLOW-UP: Notify Bev Baker of their envelope number (# ____). How will they be joining our church?

Prospective Member






Baptism = Indicates they are already saved and joining by water baptism.Letter = Indicates they are joining by commendation of another like-minded church. Profession = Indicates they are believers by their testimony.Restoration = Indicates they have repented of sin and want to join the church again.
  •   Set up a date to announce their membership on Sunday morning (see baptismal dates). Notify Pastor Shawn Kinnison of the date chosen.
  •   Welcome them into our church family, and close the interview in prayer.
Interview Follow-up:
  1. Notes – Write down anything that the pastoral staff should know about this interview, the person/people interviewed, or special needs/requests related to the membership application/announcement.________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
  2. Follow-up – Make note of those who need to be followed-up with regarding this interview.
Pastor Shawn Kinnison:Prospective MemberNeeds baptized on _____ @ _____ Needs a small groupMember announcement on ______Pastor Paul:Prospective MemberInterested in discipleship Grace 201: Growing/Maturity Grace 301: Serving/Ministry Grace 401: Sharing/MissionChris Eller:Needs picture taken on ______Bev Baker:Took offering envelope # ______
SpouseNeeds baptized on _____ @ _____ Needs a small groupMember announcement on ______SpouseInterested in discipleship Grace 201: Growing/Maturity Grace 301: Serving/Ministry Grace 401: Sharing/Mission
 3) Hand in Paperwork – Once all follow-up is completed, turn in this form to Pastor Shawn Kinnison or Bev Baker.
  Updated 6/20/2007

Giving Letter (8/2007)


Summer Evening