Giving Letter (8/2007)

August 14, 2007

Dear Family of Friends,

Today is August 14, 2007. I can’t believe that we are already more than halfway through the calendar year! The State Fair is in progress and school starts for many next week. I hope you had a wonderful summer, but I have to admit I love it when the crowds are back and the schedule is full at Grace Church. I really take this ministry of life building very seriously, and it’s just a simple fact that we do a better job when everyone is here!

God is good to us. He is good to us all the time. Salvations of young and old, a continual stream of guests, and faithful ministry of the Word of God are the standard expectations of all of us here at Grace. God is very faithful to bless us with growing believers and new converts all the time. At the same time we are participating in the ministries of both “home grown” and “adopted” missionaries all across the globe. God is faithful to use us to send forth the Word of God through our missionary endeavors.

The key word is faithful. In 2 Corinthians 4:2 the Bible says,“Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.” Each of us is a steward of all that God has invested in us. That includes our time, talent and treasure as wells as our influence, our families and our homes. God asks us to give to Him first of all from these areas. We have included a record of your giving for your benefit so you will know just where you are in giving this year. I can tell you how God has led Bonnie and me to give. I simply look at the gross amount I anticipate earning this year and divide by ten. That is the total amount I plan to give as a tithe to my local New Testament church in the year 2007. It is easy to divide that number by 52 and see what my weekly giving should be. To see if I am up to date through June I simply divide the total amount I plan to give by two.  I may give other special offerings like “One Month for the Master,” in addition to that. I am committed to planning my personal budget around giving to God first. It is amazing how much more diligent I am in budgeting when I put God first. Also, It is wonderful how to see how much further the 90% goes when I give God what is His.

I believe in the ministry of Grace Church. I believe that you and I can both give with confidence knowing that God’s word will go forth as a result. Please examine your record. If we have made a mistake, please call Pastor Paul and we’ll get it fixed asap. Also examine your heart; Jesus said where your treasure is there will your heart be also.

God bless you, dear friend; I believe this fall and the “52 day Journey to Building a Healthy Life,” is going to be the best ever. Don’t miss a single week.

Don’t forget what we are about here at Grace:

  • Bring people into God’s family through evangelism
  • Build people up in God family through discipleship
  • Prepare people for service in God’s Family ministry training
  • Send people out from God’s family to go public with their faith
  • And we do all for the Glory of God.

In Christ,

Pastor Phil


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