Giving Letter (7/2006)

July 17, 2006

Dear Family of Friends,

I hope you are enjoying your summertime! As I write this, the temperatures are soaring into the 90s during the day. I can’t help but think, however, of the many U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq today. I read a news account recently that temperatures in Iraq will reach into the 110 to 120 degree range! These men and women deserve every vote of thanks and appreciation we can give them.

God has certainly blessed us in so many ways. For me, the highlight of 2006, so far, is to see the new church in Newton growing and reaching people for Christ. Pastor Dan is doing a great job of leading and shepherding Grace Church of Newton. A couple of weeks ago there were 160 people in attendance for the morning service, and the church averages 130 on a weekly basis. Praise the Lord!

God is also using the people of Grace Church to carry the gospel to Central Iowa. Going Public With Your Faith continues to bear fruit as people put out their faith flags, cultivate relationships, and when the moment is right, share about how Jesus Christ has impacted their life.

As we look forward to the last half of 2006, we are preparing for a new teaching series this fall on the Old Testament book of Joshua. The book of Joshua tells the story of the nation of Israel possessing the promise land. It is filled with incredible spiritual lessons and principles that have great application to us today. I can’t wait to begin this September.

Fall is also the time to get plugged into ministry. Coming August 27 we will have our annual Ministry Focus, a mini “ministry fair” in which you can see all of the opportunities to get involved serving Christ through Grace Church. Whether it is working with our next generation or using your musical talents, there is a place for you at Grace.

Finally, remember our “One Month for the Master” offering in November. I am putting a little money aside each month so I can participate and give in this offering.

May the Lord richly bless you and keep you, my dear family of friends!

In Christ Where it is Safe,

Pastor Phil


Fall Offering Letter (2006)


Paul and the Acts of the Apostles