Fall Offering Letter (2006)

November 1, 2006

Dear Family of Friends,

We have enjoyed a tremendous season of growth this fall as we have studied the book of Joshua together. Most encouraging to me have been the men and women—mostly in the second service—who have made a decision to believe in Jesus Christ.

As we conclude our study of Joshua, we move directly into the holiday season at Grace. Beginning with Thanksgiving, we pause to thank the Lord for His bountiful blessings and provisions.  Then we begin our Christmas celebration with our adult musical, Wondrous Gift, Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 & 3. This will be a powerful retelling of the Christmas story and will help to refocus our attention on truly wondrous gift of our Lord Jesus Christ born in Bethlehem more than 2000 years ago. In addition to our adult musical, we will also celebrate with our kids’ choirs on Dec. 17 as they present Miracle on Main Street. Our kids’ musicals are always a delight to watch! We will conclude our Christmas celebration with our traditional Candles, Carols & Communion service on Christmas Eve. This year we will have two services, at 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Plan now to celebrate the birth of our Savior on Christmas Eve with Grace Church.

Finally, I want to ask you to join with me in praying for our offering on Nov. 19. Each year we give two special offerings at Grace. In January of this year I asked each family to prepare to give “one month to the master” this November. I challenged each family to give the equivalent of one extra month’s mortgage payment or rent payment to the Lord. The first $50,000 of this offering will go towards capital improvements on our facility, and the rest will go directly towards the principal on our mortgage. It is my prayer that we can take another giant step towards becoming debt free and preparing for the next phase of ministry the Lord has prepared for us. Enclosed with this letter is a special envelope for your special offering on Nov. 19. Bonnie and I are looking forward to giving our gift to the Lord for His glory.

In Christ, Where it is Safe,


Phil Winfield
Senior Pastor


Book Review: Battle for the Beginning


Giving Letter (7/2006)