Self Defense For Families

The Best Self Defense:

  • avoid the situation
  • use common sense
  • stay aware of surroundings
  • keep you distance from possible trouble
  • form neighborhood watches - police help set up 


  • lock doors and windows
  • outdoor lights
  • fences
  • shrubbery trimmed and away from windows
  • dog–best deterrent and alarm
  • alarm and /or just stickers
  • don't leave key near doors in obvious place
  • cellular phone
  • safe room

 Car and Car Jacking:

  • lock and park in lighted area
  • look around and underneath as approaching
  • lock after inside
  • run over attacker
  • leave room to maneuver car
  • equipment - cellular phone, pepper spray, club, knife, gun


  • get off (or on) if other people look like trouble
  • don't take stairways unless with someone else
  • be prepared in case there is trouble
  • carry kubotan, pepper spray, etc so bad guys can see it and you will have it ready

 Airport Security:bad guys know your unarmed Legal issue afterwards:

  • Home: in or outside of house
  • Neutral area: could you have gotten away?
  • Do you want to call the police? bad guy or family may bother you later.
  • You need to think about whether or not you will fight for your life if situation happens. If you would for your child, you should do it for yourself
  • Most people are better off resisting. That will be your decision. Maybe it’s only a robbery. Let them have what they want, but if it escalates, then do what must be done.

 There are no rules on street survival! Targets: eyes, throat, neck, groin, ear drum, kidney Less dangerous: knee, joints (wrist, elbow, etc.) ribs, fingers, shin, instep Weapons:

  • Common objects–end of comb, hairspray, keys, umbrella, cane
  • Special–kubaton, mace, knives, guns
  • Body–fingernails, fingertip & thumb in eye, knife edge of hand, knuckles, knee, foot

 Physical Practice Hand and arm:

  • palm strike–front stance
  • knife hand strike
  • elbow–may use up, down, across or back

 Leg and foot:

  • upward kick–toes pointed: strike instep and or shin, groin or stomach
  • heel
  • stomp to foot, shin , knee
  • side and step kick to stomach or below
  • inward stomp to knee

 Wrist Grab:

  • one hand
  • two on one
  • two at a time

 Lapel Grab

  • one hand:
  • two hand:

 Shoulder Grab

  • one hand from  the side
  • two hands from the front
  • one hand from the back
  • two hands from the back

 Hair Grab Choking

  • front
  • back:

 Bear Hug (front and back)

  • arms free
  • arms pinned

 Ground fighting Opponent on top Hand shake Weapons Defense against:

  • Knife
  • Gun
  • Club


  • Knife
  • Stick or club
  • Kubaton
  • Hairbrush

 Recommended targetsThe following matrix gives the preferred or high payoff targets for each body weapon and the probable results.

Weapon Targets Results
Fist Eyes Temporary blindness, watering
Nose Shock, impaired breathing, bleeding
Chin (never hit mouth directly, Unconsciousness, teeth and tongue damage
    teeth cut)
Throat Death from strangulation
Solar plexus Arrests breathing temporarily
Armpit Temporary numbing of arm
Short ribs Pain, arrests breathing
Kidney Pain, shock, internal bleeding
Groin Pain, shock, incapacitation
Backfist Cheek bones Pain to facial nerves affects eyes
Nose Bleeding, shock, impaired breathing
Short ribs Pain, bends opponent over
Hammerfist Nose Pain, bleeding, shock, impaired breathing
Cheek bones Pain to facial nerves
Collarbones Broken bone/incapacitated arm, nausea
Forearm nerve point Grip release
Calf or ankle (when blocking a kick) Intense pain, cramping
Knife hand Throat Death by strangulation
Side of neck just under the ear Possible death, unconsciousness
Side of neck over the carotid region Stun, possible unconsciousness
Back of neck at top of vertebrae Possible death, unconsciousness
Inner side of wrist Release of grip
Collarbone Incapacitation of the arm, nausea
Ridge hand Bridge over nose Stun
Under the septum Intense, eye-watering pain
Throat Death by strangulation
Groin Pain, shock, incapacitation
Palm strike Under the tip of the nose Intense pain, bleeding, impaired breathing
Up under the chin Unconsciousness, broken jaw,
possible broken neck
Top vertebrae in back of neck Unconsciousness
Heart Stun, disrupted breathing
Solar plexus Arrested breathing
Bladder Possible long-term death because of
internal infection
Kidneys Shock, internal bleeding
Two-fingerstrike Eyes Blindness, temporary
Supportedfingerstrike Eyes Blindness, death if driven through eyesockets in brain
Septum under the rinse Intense pain
Throat Choking



Summary of the Inductive Bible Study Process


Keeping Your Kids & Teens Safe in Cyberspace