What Is Our Vision?
Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. Prov 29:18
Vision...What is it Anyway? We hear the word tossed around all the time. For example, “he is a ‘visionary’ leader.” Even King Solomon, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, saw the significance of vision. But what is it?
Here are a few ideas:
- Vision is merely hope with a blueprint. – Anonymous
- Vision is the world’s most desperate need. There are no hopeless situations, only people who think hopelessly. – Winifred Newman
- Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. – John Wooden
The only person who likes change is a wet baby. – Mark Twain
What about Grace Church? What is the vision God has given us? If you could enter a time machine and jump ahead in time 10 years, what would Grace Church look like?
- First, you would see a church that is operating on a solid biblical foundation. We want the Bible to be our “Operating Manual” in all areas.
- Second, you would see a church that is a praying church. We want to be a church that intercedes on behalf of our members, our fellow churches, our missionaries, our city, our state and nation, and our leaders. We want to be a “house of prayer.”
- Third, you would see a church that is fulfilling its mission to “make disciples.” We want to be a disciple-making church where the theme “Maturity Evidenced By Love” is more than just a slogan.
- Fourth, you would see several additional churches in communities around Central Iowa. We want to be a church that reproduces itself in areas where our impact is diminished due to distance.
- Fifth, you would see a church where missions–both home and abroad–is a significant part of our ministry. We want to be strong Prayer Warriors on behalf of the missionaries we support.
- Sixth, you would see a church that is one. We want to be a church that loves one another and encourages one another. We want to stand in unity with the saints in Des Moines and be a testimony to a community desperately in need of a Savior.
Begin praying today that God will lead us triumphantly as we accomplish this vision...for His glory!