Grace Fellowship

Read: Acts 1:6-11 (NOTE: Their Judea is our Norwalk!)

Church has such a strange ring to it. Perhaps it brings to mind the image of placing a bulb in the ground and in a few weeks a new church springs up. Well, it’s something like that, but not as simple.

Church planting is in essence starting new churches. A better analogy would be what your mother used to do when she wanted to create a new plant. She would take a pair of scissors and cut a branch off the original plant, place the branch in a glass of water and wait a few weeks. Before long roots began to show and she could then take the new plant out of the water and place it in its own pot of dirt. Without doing a thing, she had created a new plant that had the same characteristics of the original plant, and yet it was a different plant.

At Grace Church we want to do basically the same thing. We want to find a group of people who are willing to leave the “mother church” and begin a new work. As the sending church, we would help get the new church “planted” in its new community. Before long, if the Lord blesses and the people work hard, a new church will be rooted in a new community reaching people who would never consider driving to 4200 E. 25th Street.

Currently, a new church is planned for the Norwalk area later this year. Here is how you can be involved in the Norwalk church and in church planting in the future:

  1. Consider being a part of a harvest prayer team for new groups heading out. The harvest prayer team will provide a prayer covering for the new church and pray specifically for the needs of the new church.
  2. Consider donating time, talents, and money to help get the new church rooted. As the time approaches and we begin a heavy concentration of activity in the new community, we will need volunteers to knock on doors, pass out flyers, make telephone calls, and serve wherever else there are needs.
  3. Consider being a part of the group leaving Grace Church to be a part of the new church. As “Charter Members” of the new church, you will have the privilege and responsibility to provide leadership and support for the church.
If you are interested in Church Planting and would like to talk to someone about your part, please contact Pastor Rob Jones (265-0199) or indicate your interest on your Care Card.

From 1995.


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