Procedure for Hiring New Ministry Staff Members

Grace Church 

Finance & Personnel Team

Procedure for Hiring New Ministry Staff Members

  1. Elders approve need to fill a position.
  2. Pastor (or his designee) will develop a job description for the new position.
  3. Finance & Personnel Team will begin search for a person to fill the new position based on the needs and qualifications outlined in the job description.
  4. Finance & Personnel Team will collect background information on each potential candidate, perform preliminary interviews and narrow the search to one man.
  5. Finance & Personnel Team will present the potential candidate to the pastor (or his designee) for review.
  6. If Pastor approves, candidate will be invited to Grace for an interview with the pastor and elders.
  7. If the elders agree, the job will be offered to the candidate.

 Note: This procedure applies only to ministry positions; support staff positions will be filled as needed under the direction of the executive director.


Sr. Ministry Position Search Procedures


To carryout the process of searching for God’s man to serve in a senior ministry position with Grace Church.

Definition of Senior Ministry Positions

Currently, the following positions are considered senior ministry positions within Grace Church: Senior Pastor; Executive Director; Praise & Worship Pastor; Adult Ministries Pastor; Children’s & Youth Pastor.

 Parameters of Search Committee’s Authority

  1. Operate under the authority of the Elders
  2. Only make recommendations to the Elders
  3. The Senior Pastor will serve as chairman of the Search Team. (In the absence of a senior pastor the Elders will appoint a chairman of the Search Team.)

 Search Committee’s Make Up

  1. The Search Committee shall be made up of 5-7 qualified men. Each man will currently serve as an elder or be spiritually qualified to serve as an elder.
  2. The Chairman of the Search Committee will serve as Grace Church’s primary contact with all potential candidates.
  3. The Chairman of the Search Committee will serve as spokesman to the Elders on behalf of the Search Committee.
  4. The Chairman of the Search Committee will serve as spokesman to the congregation on behalf of the Elders and Search Committee.

The Search Committee’s Budget

The Search Committee will have at its disposal funds from the General Fund budget for the purpose of completing its task. These funds will be used for reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by Committee members in searching for a pastor and travel expenses to bring a candidate and his family to Des Moines as needed. 

Search Process

  1. Senior Pastor (or his designee) will prepare a job description for the position.
  2. Search Team will begin to search for a person to fill the position based on the needs and qualifications outlined in the job description.
  3. Search Team will collect background information on each potential candidate, perform preliminary interviews and narrow the search to one man.
  4. Search Team will be invite the potential candidate to Grace for an interview with the Elders.
  5. If the Elders agree, the job will be offered to the candidate.



Grace Church E-mail Newsletter - December 2000


Pastoral Search Letter