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New Tool: Bible Pronunciation Website

Here's a handy tip from Morris Proctor:

Bible Pronunciation Website
A while back I discovered a free Bible
pronunciation website. It has been a while since I’ve listed it in the
newsletter and several have e-mailed asking for it so here it is:
You can click here to jump there
Here is the address: http://netministries.org/bbasics/bbwords.htm

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Christmas Letter (2004)

December 2004

Dear Family of Friends,

Wow. Do you ever look back over the last 12 months and just thank God that we made it through in one piece? One year ago we were looking at a major change in our church’s emphasis with a shift from Bible fellowships to small groups. Now, here we are at the end of the year and many of you have experienced the personal intimacy and spiritual growth that small groups offer. Let me congratulate you on stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a risk to experience growth and intimacy.

As we look forward, I am encouraged by the momentum I sense as we continue to see more and more people connecting within small groups. Perhaps you haven’t made the jump yet; let me encourage you to make the move this January. On January 8 and 15 we will have another opportunity for you to join a small group as we get ready for our next study, Going Public with Your Faith.  This six-week study will help you understand how God can use you as part of the process of reaching people for Christ.


Also on the horizon is the start of Grace Church of Newton. Pastor Dan is already working with a core group of leaders committed to a “Grace-like” ministry in Newton. Please add Newton and Pastor Dan to your prayer list. If you live in Eastern Polk or in Jasper County and you are interested in being a part of Grace Newton, please contact Pastor Dan at [email protected].

Well, that is just a preview of what is coming in the next few months at Grace. On Sunday, January 8, during the morning services I will go into greater detail on where I believe the Lord is leading our church in the months and years ahead.

Included with this letter is a photo of our church staff. Let me just say on behalf of the staff that we are incredibly honored and blessed to serve each of you at Grace. We recognize that God has blessed us with a church family that is committed to His Word and to being a Christlike influence within our neighborhoods and places of work. We are blessed with a spirit of unity and with a “family of friends” that not only loves one another but enjoys being together and has fun together.

Finally, I would be remiss if I did not give thanks for God’s indescribable gift of our precious Lord Jesus. As we celebrate Christmas, take time to reflect on how different your life would be were it not for Jesus and His birth, death and resurrection. He truly is the best gift of all.
Merry Christmas!

Pastor Phil

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