My Values My Values


I choose to be a learner, to be open to the thoughts and ideas of my superiors and my peers. I seek first to understand and then to be understood.

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My Values My Values


I choose to humble myself under the mighty hand of God. Pride is built into every man.  This is a daily battle for each one of us.

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My Values My Values


I strive to be a person of authenticity. I am who I am. This, to me, is the antithesis of hypocricy. I strive by the power of the Holy Spirit to live an authentic life where my private life is consistent with my values, and my public life mirrors my private life.

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My Values My Values


Learn to be inwardly satisfied regardless of external circumstances. "God, Your way, Your timing, Your outcome." Surrender. It is what it is. Let God be in control. Trust Him.

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My Values My Values


I seek to spend time in silence and solitude each week contemplating and appreciating the work of the Lord in my life, the blessings, of the Lord, and how His hand is directing and leading my life. "Be still and know that I am God."

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