Vanished Without A Trace

Vanished Without a Trace

By Phil Winfield

Bible Text: Matthew 24

Preached on: Sunday, April 11, 2004

Grace Church of Des Moines, IA

4200 E. 25th StreetDes Moines, IA 50317


Online Sermons:

Take your Bibles if you would, please and turn to Matthew chapter 24 and we are going t pick up right where we left off last week. We were talking about sign posts on the road to the end and we are talking about the road that leads to eternity, the road that leads to the end of all things.Some people don’t believe things are ever going to end. We preached about that in 2 Peter chapter three. There’s a group of people that believe that everything just continues as it always has.  There is never going to be a change. There is never going to be anything different, man is just going to keep on and keep on until he just gets better and better and things are going to just become glorious.Well, it is not going to happen like that according to the Bible and we talked about the sign posts on the road to the end and we mentioned some of them last week.  We mentioned that there were physical sign posts and we talked about famines and earthquakes and pestilences, that is, diseases. We talked about international signs. We talked about the fact that nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. And the Bible gives us many examples and we looked at that.  And then we talked about intellectual sign posts. We ended with that one last week. We ran out of time and so we ended there saying there were intellectual sign posts pointing toward the end, that there would be an increase in knowledge and people would travel here and there all around the world trying to accumulate more and more knowledge. And I illustrated that last week.We won’t do it again, but Daniel chapter 12 and verse four—you might want to just jot these verses down in the margin of your Bible there—and Matthew 24 is a very prophetic passage and all of these verses relate so Daniel chapter 12 and verse four says, “But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end.”  And it says, “Many will go here and there to increase knowledge.” Increased travel...has there ever been a time when travel was increased to the point that it is right now?  And they will do it in order to gain knowledge and, of course, with unlimited travel we are going to the bottoms of the oceans, to the ends of the earth, we are examining everything in the jungles, in the oceans and the sky.  We are examining those things too big and too far away to get up close to and we are also examining those things that are microscopic in size and they are talking about nanotechnology which is the smallest existing—at least known—existing divisions of matter. And we are talking about that.Well, those are intellectual sign posts. Knowledge shall abound. It didn’t say wisdom would increase. Make sure you make a distinction, a differentiation in your own mind between knowledge and wisdom.Knowledge has to do with the accumulation of facts, figures and data.  Wisdom has to do with knowing how to use any of those things to live the life that God wants you to live and live a life that makes sense.Then there is another one. Let’s look at it, moral sign posts. Take your Bibles in Matthew chapter 24 and verse number 12 and let’s see what it says. Matthew 24:12 says, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.”Now there has always been sin. It is as old as Eden itself. Sin started there.  But we are living a veritable explosion of sinful activity right now. What used to be hidden in the back alleys of decadence are now paraded on afternoon television. You understand that.  You understand you can watch on TV all of the decadence, all of the heathenism, paganism. And you can watch the most wickedly horrible things as it is paraded across the television. Hollywood would like you and love for you to think that transvestites and bisexuals and aberrant behavior is normal and acceptable.And do you know what the bottom rung—now just watch this, now—do you know what the bottom rung of moral decadence is and moral degeneracy?  I will tell you what it is. It is when we get to where gross sinful behavior becomes an entertainment source for the masses. Stop to think about that.  When gross sinful behavior becomes an entertainment source for the masses you know that you are getting to the bottom rung of moral decadence and you can’t get very much lower.You say, “Now, pastor, that’s interesting.  Where did you find that in the Bible?”I’m glad you asked.  Turn over to Romans chapter one and let’s look at the bottom rung of moral decadence.  Romans chapter one. I won’t read it all, a very powerful passage.  We will be using this passage in the month of June as we talk about some of the critical issues of the 2000s that we are living and we will look at that in the month of June, but right now let’s just read just a few verses there.  Let’s begin reading at verse number 28, Romans 1:28.“Furthermore, since they did not think it worth while to retain the knowledge of God...” Underline that in your Bible.  “They did not think it worthwhile.” Underline the phrase “ retain the knowledge of God.”You say, “Well, what is the significance of that?”They did not want to retain in their thinking patterns, in their reservoir of knowledge they did not want to think about the fact that there was a God.Now I want to read the rest of this passage, but let me stop and direct myself to something right here. Do you know that the first thing that you have to cleanse out of someone’s conscience and psyche before you can liberate them to live any kind of life they want to and do anything they want to, is you have got to eliminate any kind of moral standard in someone’s life. You have got to shoot that thing down. Before you can liberate a person to live and do any thing they want, any time they want, any way they want, you have to eliminate the very idea of a right and wrong and that there is a moral standard.”What did Romans chapter verse 23 say this morning?  We have all sinned and fallen short of the what?  Of the glory of God.  There is a righteousness. There is a glory. There is a right way of living that God is the example of. There is no greater example of righteousness and of doing right than Jesus Christ himself.  He is the perfect example of perfect righteousness and he is the example.Somebody says, “We can never live like Jesus.”No, but we are supposed to become more and more like Jesus. That is God’s expressed purpose for our life, Romans 8:29, that we take on the image of Christ, that we become like him. That is what God is working on in your life.  He is going to spend all of your life time making you more and more like Jesus. That is God’s life long purpose for you and for me, to make us like Jesus Christ.Now the first thing you have got to do if you are going to give a person moral freedom, that is, there is no morality.  It is amorality.  It doesn’t exit. It is immorality and it really doesn’t matter. The first thing you have to do is eliminate the knowledge of God.I want to say something to you that when your child goes to the state university or any other university for that matter that is not expressly for the purpose of Christian furtherance and the furtherance of the gospel. When they go there one of the very first things they are going to do when they get there, especially in psychology classes, world history classes, classes on civilization, one of the first things they are going to do is now the first thing we have to do, they’ll say is, “We have got to eliminate all of the baggage that you brought to this classroom and to this university.  Before we can teach you anything you have got to understand that everything your momma and your daddy and your grandma and your grandpa told you is worthless, especially anything that somebody told you at some church. Throw that out and we will actually be able to teach you something.”Do you know what they are trying to do?  What this verse says.  They didn’t like to retain the knowledge of God in their entire being. They don’t want that.  Get rid of the knowledge of God.I’m going to pull over and park. Turn over to 2 Peter chapter one, if you would, 2 Peter chapter one.  I want you to make sure you understand this.  2 Peter chapter one. We studied this, just got done with 2 Peter, but I want to make the connection. Look at 2 Peter chapter one and verse two.It says, “Grace and peace be yours in abundance.”  Do you want grace, God’s unmerited favor to you?  Do you want peace in your life?  Here is how it is going to come.  It is going to come through the what?  “...the knowledge of God.”Now there is two fold knowledge of God.  There is what God knows that he can impart to you and then there is also what you learn and know about God. It is what you take in about him and his character from the Scriptures and also how he imparts his wisdom. James chapter one.  If any man lacks wisdom, let him do what?  Ask of God.God’s knowledge can give you peace.  God’s knowledge can give you a life worth living.Look at verse three.  “His divine power has given us everything we need.”  Look at that. “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our [what?] knowledge of him.”Well, do you know what the number one enemy of satanic, satanic purpose in this world is?  It is what you and I know of God, about God and from God. It completely halts Satan’s program in our life.So Romans chapter one, people who started intelligent became ignorant. They became decadent. And how did they do it?  They started by saying, “We do not need an absolute standard of right and wrong.”  I don’t want to ride a horse to death, but during the series on the 10 Commandments we talked about this over and over, that there are absolutes. The absolutes are not obsolete.  God’s Word is true. It is true. It is true. It is true. It is true.  The Word of God is your life.  The Word of God gives you life. His Word is life. It gives you life. It preserves your life and it gives you life that really means something. And to ignore God’s Word is to live in death.And so this passage of Scripture right here where we are reading here in Romans chapter one is so very powerful because when a person says, “All right. I don’t want to think about God anymore, as long as I am thinking about a righteous God who judge, then I can’t go out and do anything that I want to.” And that is where they started.  They said, “All right. That’s it.  No more thinking. No more retention of God in our knowledge.”And so, furthermore, since they did not think worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind.  What kind of mind do you get when you eject God?  When you eject God what do you get?  You get what kind of a mind?  A depraved mind, a decadent mind, an indecent mind.So where is all the indecency and the immorality, the amorality, where does all that come from today? It comes from ejecting God from your though patterns. You eject him, you eject his Word and so that is where...that is the society that we live in. And so he gave them over to a depraved mind to do what ought not to be done.Notice, please read your Bible with care. Read your Bible carefully and meditate on it.Do you know why people do the wrong things? It is because they first start off thinking the wrong things.  Notice what happened. First of all they had to eject God out of their thinking processes and their knowledge. And once they got him out of their head then they didn’t have any problems getting him out of their habit.  Get him out of your head, then you can get him out of your habits. And that is exactly what we see.So how far did it go?  Well, they do the things that ought not to be done. “They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice.” Sound like the newspaper to you?  “They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful.”Look at the next phrase.And  they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents;   they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless.  Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only...Now watch.Now you say, “Pastor, you started going to tell us what the bottom rung of the ladder of moral decadence is.”Well, here is what it is. Right here is the bottom rung.  The not only continue to do these very things, but the “also approve of those who practice them.”What is it that the world, the news media is trying to get us to do right now?  They are trying to get us to approve of what?  Same sex marriage.  They are trying...they want approval.  It is not...they don’t want permission. They are going to do it whether we give them permission or not as a nation. They are going to do it. It is not a matter. But what they want is they want equal standing. They want approval. They want us to stand up and say, “Ok, we know that this is...that you can’t help it and you were just born this way and we might as well just recognize it.”We might as well just recognize rapists. We might as well just recognize murder because people are doing it. People are doing all kinds of things, but that doesn’t make it right before God almighty in heaven.Now watch this passage.  What is the bottom rung of moral decadence?  When society, when we even as Christians begin to get used to the idea and we begin approving, tolerating—oh, there is your word—tolerating. But when they say tolerate they do not mean put up with. They mean give it equal standing. They mean declare that what you believe is ok, but what they believe is very much as ok as what you believe. In other words, let’s just get rid of the retention of God in our mind and then there is no moral standard.Now, folks, think about what you are reading in this passage of Scripture. Meditate on what God says. The bottom rung of moral decadence is when we approve of, give assent to, when we allow these kinds of things and we say, “Well, it is just a different alternative to living.”Wow.Well, I’ll just carry it a little bit further. Let me read in the New American Standard Version.  It says, “And although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.”Other versions say they applaud those who practice them.  One version says they entertain themselves watching those who practice them.When our entertainment—now you be careful.  When our entertainment is to watch—though we don’t participate—what others do of moral decadence, we are giving approval to what they are doing.  Ooh.  Moral decadence.Last week I went to the debate in Ames up there with Mike Hartwig. What a deal. W e were actually sitting in a room with people who could read an write, worked jobs, drove themselves to the meeting, drank punch and ate cookies without spilling it all over themselves and yet they did not have a clue to the difference between normal sexual relations and same sex relations. I was amazed.There were young people in that journalism school that think and act with a pack mentality. Like wolves in a pack what one decides they all go along with. What one voices they all applaud. No thought process, thinking is worthless. Just forget thinking.  Put that aside. Just do just whatever the pack decides, then let’s just go with it. They think in pack mentality.By the way, coming up here in just a couple of weeks, I don’t have the date and time in front of me, but Mike is going to go to debate, once again, at Grinnell College right out here. Do you have it Mark?  What is it?  Tuesday, this coming Tuesday, Grinnell College, 6:30, right?  6:30. I don’t know whether you can find out from Mark. There is going to be another debate there. It has to do with same sex marriage and all those things again. But, boy, it was wonderful to see over 100 grace people at the last one. It would be great to see that again to support Mike in this.And you say, “Well, what in the world is he doing debating?”Well, Mike is not going over there thinking he is going to change anybody’s mind. He is going over there like Jeremiah did with his face set before them and God is going to make him a brass and an iron wall to give the truth as a witness against them so that God, one day, will be able to say, “You heard the truth from that person right here.”  They might not a one of them believe what he said. They may reject every word. But that doesn’t have anything to do with it because nobody believed Jeremiah either, but he was a witness against them. And that is exactly what is going on.But I went up there and these pack mentality people in that journalism school, they want us to believe and they want us to accept that any thing, any one wants to do, think or live out in their life should not only be permissible, it should be promoted by everyone else.  That is what they want you to believe. They want you to receive, applaud, encourage and promote all styles of life.Someone rightly pointed out that if gay and lesbian same sex marriages sanctioned by society it will only be a matter of time until polygamy will be readdressed.  Why not?  Somebody else said that communal partnering.  Why that’s just their expression. It is just the way. They don’t believe in just having one partner.  Why that’s the way the expressed it. Who are we to tell a man that he can’t have two wives?  Who are we to tell two men that they can’t have wives and share them?  Who are we to tell men they can’t have three wives and three men and share them?  Who are we to...?  We can’t decide that as a society?  That’s up to... Who are we to tell people what to do behind bedroom doors?Do you know what?  We are talking about it. You listen to me. We are talking about civilization itself when we start talking about these kinds of subjects.  The bottom rung of moral decadence is when you approve of, applaud and tolerate any and every kind of aberrant behavior.  And there is a right and a wrong in God’s Word. It is so very, very clear.I would like to ask them sometimes. I heard them keep talking. I have a simple question for anyone that thinks a same sex couple can be monogamous and raise children.  What a joke.They say, “Well, just want to have a monogamous relationship just like heterosexuals do.”Well, how are you going to have a monogamous relationship and rear children because with a monogamous relationship between two people of the same sex there is no such thing as rearing children unless there is a third partner in that monogamous relationship because there is no children possible without it.  It is insane. There has to be that third person.We, in order to believe all of those things we have to simply bid good riddance to common sense, not even to mention the righteous plan of God in his Word. There are moral sign posts.You see, all of the things going on around us are indicators. They are signs of the times. They are telling us that we are on the road. We are headed toward the end and the end is getting closerThen there is the spiritual sign post, the spiritual sign post, last one.  Evil men will get worse and worse.  Daniel 12:10, wicked men. “Many will be purified, made spotless and refined, but the wicked will continue to be wicked.”  And they will get worse and worse.There are wicked men.  There are wicked leaders. Jeremiah 5:1-2 through chapter five verse three to five talks about the leaders that were wicked and they were setting the pace for wickedness.There used to be a day that we could point to public servants and say, “Wow, these people, at least, you know, they are not perfect but they are giving a good example. We can point to them and say, ‘Let’s follow these kinds of leaders.’”Boy, it’s getting hard, isn’t it?  Leaders, religious leaders, pastors, preachers, priests, what have you.  Listen to God’s Word, Jeremiah 5:30.A horrible and shocking thing has happened in the land: The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way.How sad.  Wicked preachers.Micah chapter two it says we have preachers telling people what they want to hear.Verse 11. “If a liar...” Get this. This is amazing.  This is Micah. This is Micah chapter two. Write this down in your Bible. This is amazing, verse 11.  “If a liar and deceiver come...” Now, who is this?  “If a liar and deceiver comes and says, ‘I will prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer,’ he would be just the prophet for this people!”You know the Bible says that in the last days that people are going to heap to themselves teachers to tell them just what they want to hear.  Forgive us, please, at Grace Church for not being only self help organization. This is not about how to come over and get everything fixed to organize this and organize that and fix this and get along with this person better. It is about coming in and taking a look at God almighty and his Word and humbling ourselves before him and living the life that God has planned for us to live and guess what?  All those other issues fall in line when you put God in his proper place.  It is so interesting.2 Timothy or Micah chapter three verse 11. “Her leaders judge for a bribe, her priests teach for a price, and her prophets tell fortunes for money. Yet they lean upon the LORD and say, ‘Is not the LORD among us? No disaster will come upon us.’”  Well, that is exactly what they are saying today.  Oh, no. Land of the free, home of the brave.  Why we are a Christian nation. God is not going to do anything to us. We are not exempt from God’s righteous judgment as a nation.2 Timothy chapter four verse three. “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine.”  We are getting there.  They will not put up with sound doctrine.Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.It is a sad day when you cannot look to the pulpit and hear the truth and only the truth from God’s Word. It is a sad day, it is a sad day when from our pulpits by means of interpolation and by means of transliteration and by means of twisting the Scriptures pastors and preachers all across our land stand up and give basically blanket, carte blanche permission to live any way you want to, do anything you want. After all, you are just clay and God doesn’t hold you responsible for anything you do. There is enough of God’s grace to cover.Well, there is.  But I am going to show you a verse in a little while that says what God’s grace should teach us, something very powerful.  And so wicked teachers and wicked prophets and wicked leaders and wicked people. These are the sign posts on the road to the end.  They don’t necessarily mean we are there yet, but it sure means that we are getting very, very close.I don’t know about how many of you take road trips. I love to take a road trip. My family, I think, Bonnie and I and our kids just, you know, just tell us we are just going to take a road trip. We are going to because, I don’t know, we did it so much when we were on deputation and on pre field ministry and on furlough, I mean it got to be an art form with us. We just love to take road trips.  But when we are getting close to where we are getting we enjoyed seeing the signs along the side of the road counting down the miles, getting closer and closer and knowing that you are getting there and so those sign posts were welcome sights.Now that doesn’t always work because Wall Drug Store is also advertised Moscow. I don’t know if you knew that or not, but it is. And you start seeing those signs way ahead of time.Well, I want you to know that the sign posts on the road to the end, there are not only many of them, but they are increasing in number and I believe that we are getting close to the end. So there are physical signs, international signs, intellectual signs, moral signs, spiritual signs.  But on the road ahead there is something else that I want to talk to you about and just basically introduce tonight. There is not going to be enough time to completely finish it, but I want to talk to you that on the road ahead that there are going to be millions missing one day, millions missing, vanished without a trace.Just last week we got started on the series and I borrowed this title from Bill Gates, “The Road Ahead.”  Lots of people are borrowing things from Bill today and I don’t mean what he means. When he talks about the road ahead he means things that he is planning right now to introduce in the technological and the computer fields, but I am talking about some pretty amazing things that God has said hundreds and even thousands of years in advance.  And last week when I showed that computer chip in the hand deal, boy, did I get a lot of reaction to that one right there. I don’t think have ever gotten so many emails in my life over something as I did over that right there and I have gotten questions everything from, “Pastor Phil, is that the mark of the beast?” to, “You are scaring us and our children to death.  Please be careful in what you are saying.”Well, just this week brother Larry [?] I don’t know if he is in here.  Are you in here tonight, Larry [?]?  He is probably teaching a class somewhere, but Larry [?] bought a dog and when he bought that dog do you know what they did?  They said, “Larry, we would like to sell you a little computer chip and we would like to put this computer chip in that dog and we want you to know that every day, 365 days a year there are literally dozens of dogs that are lost and found because of this computer chip. This year we will find 1000 lost dogs for people just like you through the on star system with this little computer chip and we will be able to find that dog for you. And by the way, Larry, one day that computer chip is going to be used on humans.”I had a bunch of people get really upset with me. That’s not happening.  All you got to do, if you just keep looking you are going to find it all over the internet. One day it will be.Now I want you to listen.  So let me talk to you for a minute about the fact that as we move on to this thought we need to be aware that one day on the road ahead there will be millions missing, vanished without a trace.Now I am not a TV junkie, but that is one television show I kind of like. Have you ever seen the With a Trace Channel Eight?  Man, I love that show. That is one of my favorites.  They... I always love trying to figure out how things happened, where people went. I am an Agathie Christie mystery buff. I love to read those mysteries and try to figure it out before the end.Well, there are going to be millions missing without a trace. The Bible says that they will be caught up, caught away. The Latin Vulgate actually uses a word from where we get the word “rapture.” It is the word rapio, if you want to write that down, the Latin word—R-A-P-I-O.  It literally means to snatch away.Now, turn this off.  Is this off? Make sure that is off. What is rapture?  That’s rapture.You say, “Pastor, say that again.”What is rapture?  That’s rapture.  Snatch away.  Catch away.  It has nothing to do with thing.  It had to do with who grabbed it and jerked it out and the rapture has to do with that moment in time when God literally catches away, snatches away, jerks away in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, takes away those that are his.1 Thessalonians chapter four verse 17. “After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds.”  There is the word.  “caught up.”  “And so we will be with the Lord for ever.”Now that teaching about the Lord’s coming is not an isolated thought in the Scripture.  Now listen to me. It is not an isolated, one time only mentioned thing in God’s Word. There are approximately 224 prophecies concerning Christ left to be fulfilled and God will do as good with the second coming as he did with the first coming. That is he will have 100% accuracy in his predictions. And the rapture of the Church is not a welcome doctrine in this world even among some Christians. It is not welcome.The whole idea of the Lord coming back and just taking us out in a moment, just taking us out without warning and taking us into God’s presence, a lot of people just don’t...they get real nervous about that very teaching. They don’t like that.Well, here is a guy here that really hated it. In 1996 on NPR radio Andrew Codrescu said, “The evaporation,” get this, “the evaporation of four million people that believe in this blankety blank, blank, blank, blank,” National Public Radio, “would leave the world a better place.”  He was talking about the teaching of God’s Word concerning the rapture. “All of the people that believe this blankety blank would leave the world a better place.”National Public Radio had to apologize. I doubt that Mr. Codrescu ever apologized, but that will be reserved for the day he does so on his knees confessing that Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.Let me start with a verse that doesn’t really teach the rapture, but does teach us about the idea of the suddenness of the event.  Now mind you when we talk about the rapture...You say, “What are we talking about?”We are talking about a yet future event involving the literal bodily movement of believers from this world to the Lord’s presence. Now what is the rapture?  We are talking about a yet future even that involves the literal bodily movement of believers from this world to the next world or to the Lord’s presence.Now, you are in Matthew chapter 24.  You need to stay there. That’s where all of our study is based as we talk about the road ahead. Matthew chapter 24 and verse number 36.  “No-one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”  And so it says there in verse 36 that only the Father knows—at least at the time that this was written—was the only one knew. He says, “No one knows about the day or hour. We don’t know when it is coming.”And then drop down to verse 42.  Its says, “Therefore keep watch.”  Underline that. “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.”When is the Lord coming?  Keep watch.When is the Lord going to be here?  Just be watching.When is the Lord going to be here?  Keep living right because the Lord may come at any time.So when is he coming?  Well, you must be ready in verse 44, “because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”He is going to come and he is going to come suddenly.  He is going to come when we are not thinking about him. He is going to come, if we are not careful, when we are not aware.Now I can’t go into detail here, but technically this passage is talking about rapture in reverse.  It is not talking about the rapture. When it says, “two left in the field, one taken and one left, two will be grinding, one taken and one left.”  It is not talking about the rapture. It is talking about what happens at the end of the tribulation period, but I will talk to you about that in the future.  I promise I will clear that up for you in the next two or three lessons. But it does make an application to the people who were standing right there in front of Jesus. And the application was: Therefore you need to be ready. You yourself need to be ready because your Lord is going to come at an hour that you are not thinking about it.And so he says, “Be ready.”Well, somebody might ask, “Well, what does the rapture have to do with me? I can’t do anything about it. I am living here doing my duty. I can’t stop the rapture so I will just wait.”Well, that’s true.  Somebody might say, “Well, you know, big deal. The rapture is coming. What can I do about it?”Well, if the Lord is coming and he is going to judge every one of us we had better be ready for when he gets here.  You know, he wants to...we need to be found doing what the Lord wants us to be doing. I remember when my dad would come home, especially if my mother was absent and she had given us instructions. And when my dad would come home if he did not find us doing as we were told to do, it was Katie, bar the door.  I am going to tell you when he came home and we were doing the wrong thing we paid dearly for not having done what he told us to do.Well, just imagine if he who knows everything, if he who sees the thoughts in our head and the intents of our heart, if he catches us in a situation of unrepentance, then what is it going to be like for us?But I want you to know this statement, “What does that have to do with me? I am living here and doing my duty, I can’t stop the rapture so I will just wait.”Well, that is a pretty good statement. I will just wait.Flip over in your Bible to 1 Thessalonians chapter one.  Flip over there right quick, 1 Thessalonians chapter one.  We will read just a little short passage there, very, very important on this subject. That little thought of I will just wait is exactly what we are supposed to be doing.1 Thessalonians chapter one verse eight says, “The Lord’s message rang out from you.”  This is a church, the church at Thessalonica. They were a good church, very...a church of much commendation. Paul bragged on this church like he did very few churches in the New Testament.  He said, “The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere.”Isn’t that a great statement?  Wouldn’t you like it to be said about Grace Church, “Man, you guys don’t just have it going on over there on Sunday at church, but your faith is ringing out.  People are hearing about what is going on at Grace Church here there and everywhere”?I had a lady come up to me this morning. She said, “Pastor Phil, you don’t know me, but I know you pretty well.”I said, “Is that so?”“Yes, I live in the northwest corner of the state.  I have a sister who goes to church here and I have listened to every sermon that you have preached for the last seven months on CD and thank you very much for preaching God’s Word.”Well, I was excited to hear that.  That’s pretty exciting.  This week I got an email, get this, from Sydney, Australia.  And it said, “Hey, just went back and listened to your sermon, downloaded it on the internet and got the...I go the sermon notes and if it is ok, I’m going to preach that sermon next week over here in Sydney.  Would that be all right?”I said, “Man, just like I have been told so many times before, if my bullets fit your gun then shoot them.  You know, that’s it.  Just take them and shoot them.”Jerry Vine said that first. Rick Warren said it second. Now you heard me say it.  So that’s just the way it is. And so the Lord’s...The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere. Therefore we do not need to say anything about it, for they themselves report what kind of reception you gave us. They tell...Now watch.  Look at this conversion in the lives of these people.They tell how you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead—Jesus, who rescues us from the coming wrath.There is a rescue coming. What do you call that rescue boat? The rapture. There is a rescue from the coming wrath. It is the rapture.Now watch. Back up a little bit. It says here they did three things.  I want you to see the teaching about the conversion of a soul in these verses. It says, first of all, that they turned to God from idols. Salvation always involves that kind of repentance. It means turning from something and turning to something.I was just a little boy. I had not spent all of my time. I had not been involved in the horrible things and this sin and that sin and all of the gross things you might mention, however I had to turn from confidence in my own good behavior in memorizing so many Bible verses and [?]. I had to turn from my confidence in self and I had to turn to my confidence and trust in God in order to turn to God from what I was trusting in.Do you see that? That is the first step of salvation, turn to God from something. Second. And then what did they do?  After they turned to God, then they turned to him to serve the living God. And one of the most sure ways of telling that a person is genuinely converted is to see if they stop primarily serving self and they started primarily serving the Savior.You say, “What?”Let me say that to you again.  One of the most sure fire ways to find out if a person knows the Lord—I am not saying it is the only way—but an absolute sure fire way is if a person who has been self serving their whole life all of the sudden wakes up to the fact that they can serve an almighty God and that God through them can serve other people.Do you see that? First of all you turn to God from something and second of all while you are waiting you are serving. You are doing somebody and you are letting God use you and you are serving God.Then the third thing: And to wait for his Son from heaven.  You know what?  The waiting is the third thing mentioned.  The first thing we do is repent. We come to him, turn to him. The second thing we do is get busy doing something, serving him.  Just I mean you serve him in your prayers. You serve him as you learn about him. You serve him as you love him. You serve him as you praise him. You serve him as witness to others. You serve him as you give. You serve him as you talk to others.  You serve him as you served your family. You serve him as you love your wife.  All of these things are serving God. You are serving his will. You are doing what he wants.But here is what we are supposed to do.  Come to God, serve God and then what?  Wait.  Don’t get impatient. Don’t worry about the... You know what?  Christians should be the one group in the world that are not sitting at the kitchen table tapping their fingers and going... We shouldn’t be doing that.“The world is getting so bad. You just talked about it. It’s horrible. The sky is falling.”That should not be us.  We should not be that group because what are we waiting on? One of two things: resurrection or rapture, one of those two things.  That is what we are waiting on.  Now I kind of go... I would kind of like to go the rapture route rather than the resurrection?  How many of you would like to go the rapture route instead of the resurrection?  You know, to do the resurrection thing you have got to die first.  I would rather do the rapture thing.Maybe that is why at the end of the book of Revelation it says, “Even so, come.”  That’s a great prayer, isn’t it?  John is writing it. He has written all these things down and I have got to stop. Time is up.  But he writes at the end of the book of Revelation and he says, he says after he has written all of these things, he... Man, he has fell on his face before God in chapters one, two, three and four. He was lifted up in the Spirit and saw things that he could not understand.  He wrote about things that made no sense to him. He saw the glory of heaven. He saw the goriness of hell. He saw all of these things. But what he is fixated on was that chapter 19 about when Jesus comes and he takes him to himself all the glory and all the honor and all the kingdoms and all the praise. He takes it all to himself and everything lines up under him and, once and for all, the subjugation of all things is put under his feet and he finally puts to death death. He puts death to death. That is the last enemy. Puts it to death.And then as John is reading all of that. I am sure it is all inspired, but I really like that part where John says... Lord, this is so good. This is unbelievable. “Even so, come Lord Jesus.”You want to pray a prayer that a Bible person prayed?  Pray for the Lord to come back.  You say, “Lord, why don’t you just come on back?”Now don’t pray so that you can escape your problems. Pray so that you can go into his presence.  Let your motive be right.I remember in college one time I had a final exam coming up. I started praying for the rapture because I was not ready.Do you know what?  We of all people in the world have reason to rejoice. We have been forgiven for our sins. We have been given eternal life. And do you know what else we have been given?  We have been given rescue before the wrath and the wrath is coming.Would you bow your heads and close your eyes?Maybe you are here tonight and you say, “I don’t... I really don’t know all of what you are talking about, but that whole thing scares me and if Jesus were to come back tonight I do not know that I would go with him because I am not his child.”You see, if you are God’s child, you have a seal put on you.  You have been marked.You say, “I don’t see any mark. I bathe every day. I don’t see any marks.”Oh, no. It is not a mark that you are going to see. It is a mark that only God almighty and the angel reapers are going to be able to see. And do you know what that mark is?  Ephesians chapter one says it is the seal of the Holy Spirit of God.What does that mean?  That means that the very presence of God in you, God can certainly recognize himself. And, you know, it is God in you that is the hope of eternal glory.And so I want to say to you tonight if you are here and you say, “Well, I don’t think God lives in me.”Well, if Jesus were to come back tonight, shout and blow the trumpet and take his away from this world, if God is not in you, you are not going and to be left in this world to endure what is coming is horrible.If you are here tonight and you have never called on Jesus to be your Lord and Savior I invite you to do so. I invite you to pray a prayer so simple, “Dear Jesus, I am a sinner.  If I were to die I don’t believe I would go into your presence. If you were to come I know you wouldn’t take me because I am a sinner. I have never believed on you.  But I believe you tonight.  I believe you died, that you were buried and that you rose again.  I invite you to come into my heart and be my Savior. I want that seal of the Holy Spirit in my life. I want you to live in me.  The best way I know how I receive you, Jesus. Please receive me. I give you total care and control of my life.”If you are here tonight and you have prayed that prayer, you said, “Dear Jesus, come into my heart,” if you did that then I want to say to you, you were just born into God’s family and the Holy Spirit of God took up residence. He moved in. He is going to live in you. And then the third thing is that if the trumpet were to blow, the rapture, the catching away was to happen, you would go with him and not be left to suffer the wrath that is to come.If you are here and you prayed that prayer with heads bowed, please don’t look around.  Heads bowed, eyes closed. Say, “Pastor, I prayed that prayer tonight. I asked Jesus to come into my heart.”  Would you just raise your hand up?  Anyone?  Just raise it up.Well, my dear family of friends, Christian brothers, we have so many messages to share, but the basic and truthful message that we all can share is that Jesus saved us and he can save them.  Share it with your friends.  Share it with your neighbors. Share it with your loved ones.  Tell them. Jesus loves you. Jesus died for you. Jesus is coming back and he will take you with him.Father, bless us tonight and help us to take this message. Help us to understand that you are coming and to believe it with all of our hearts. We love you, Lord. We thank you for dying on the cross. We thank you for saving us from our sins, paying the ultimate price by sacrificing yourself.  But, Lord, this is Easter. We thank you that you conquered death and hell and the grave and that you rose again promising us a resurrection and eternal life in Jesus’ name we ask all these things. Amen.Daniel 12:4Ibid.Matthew 24:12Romans 1:28Ibid.Ibid.1 Peter 1:2Ibid.2 Peter 1:3Ibid.Romans 1:29Romans 1:29-30Romans 1:29-30-32Romans 1:30Romans 1:32 (NAS)Daniel 12:10Jeremiah 5:30-31Micah 2:11Ibid.Ibid.Micah 3:112 Timothy 4:32 Timothy 4:3-41 Thessalonians 4:17Ibid.Matthew 24:36Matthew 24:42Ibid.Matthew 24:441 Thessalonians 1:8Ibid.1 Thessalonians 1:8-91 Thessalonians 1:9-10Revelation 22:20Ibid.Page  PAGE 17 of  NUMPAGES 17

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Sign Posts on the Road

Sign Posts on the Road

By Phil Winfield

Bible Text: Phil Winfield

Preached on: Sunday, April 4, 2004

Grace Church of Des Moines, IA

4200 E. 25th StreetDes Moines, IA 50317


Online Sermons:

Take your Bibles if you would, please, and turn to Revelation chapter 13, the book of Revelation chapter 13.  “Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon.”  And we will talk about this in the future of who these people are.He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed.  And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men.  Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth.You might write the words “false prophet” across the top of your page there.He ordered them to set up an image in honour of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.  He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.And then verse 16, underline it.He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no-one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.  This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.In 1996 Bill Gates wrote a book. Now do any know who Bill Gates is?  Sadly, that is a name that is approaching one of the most famous people in all the world. He wrote a book called The Road Ahead.  In it he outlined some pretty amazing forecasts concerning technology.  And he added to his billions in the process and lots of what he predicted came to pass. It was in that book that he talked about being able to hold in your hand a mini computer with, Rich, you could keep your schedule, have pictures of your children, use as a telephone. You got one right over there, don’t you?  He’s got one right there.  But at 1996 you didn’t have one.And he was talking about the technology of the future and all of the things that were going to happen.Are you ready?  Ok.  Let me finish my statement now. You got me going.  He is waving at me up there. Ok.  And he made some statements about coming things, things on the road ahead. And it was a fascinating book and I haven’t read all of it, but I am going to as I get into this study talking with you and about these things.  And in that book he described what would happen on these little mini computers.Many other things. He said the internet was only the opening door, just opening the door to the technology of the future of what is going to be able to be done with microchips and with all kinds of small, mini computers of what we will be able to do.  You even see it now with your cell phones as, you know, people are stealing each other’s secret passwords at ATM machines now with these cell phones as they stand behind and take pictures. Another person is looking as they are talking on their phone and it is amazing what is going on.  And he predicted a technology explosion.You say, “Pastor, what does that mean?”That means that the technology exists right this minute to mark every man, woman, boy and girl on the whole world.He said, “Well, there might be...there might be...we might have to take a vow of commitment to the beast.”And that is what this is all about.You say, “When is this going to happen?”I don’t know.“When...?  Is it right around the corner?”I don’t know.“Is it going to happen the next year, five years...?”You know, what bothers me about that question is a lot of it if we really knew when all these things were going to happen, if we knew when Jesus was coming back then we would live right up to the last minute the way that we want to and we just wouldn’t get serious until we knew he was coming tomorrow.  That’s why you don’t know the hour of your death.  That’s why the Lord doesn’t tell you you are going to live today, tomorrow and the next day you die. He wants us to be expectant of either death, expectant of his return and expectant that it could happen at any moment.Why?  Because we are supposed to be busy today. We are supposed to be aware today.Now this is not fictitious. This is in existence.  All you have to do is go online,  I use it all the time and just type in “mondex.”  Type in the word “verichip” and you can read hundreds of links about this very technology and this year, 2004, they will produce one billion of those little right sized chips.What could happen?  Well, I don’t know what could happen exactly, but I know that the technology exists right now for the beast to be able to know exactly where we are and what we are doing. And if they force everyone to take that mark, I believe there will be a vow of commitment that will also go along with the mark. I don’t believe it will just be as simple as punching people with a needle.But I do say this.  All of this information, all of this technology should make us aware that Jesus is even at the door. He is coming and he is coming very soon.Take your Bibles, if you would, and look to Matthew chapter 16.  Let’s see if I can move through some information quickly with you tonight that will help you as we think about the fact that we are on the road toward eternity, that we are on the road toward the end of all things and mankind has been on this road for all of history and that heading toward the end, but wow, those living thousands of years ago they just didn’t see it, didn’t understand it, they didn’t even understand the cross, the crucifixion when they were talking about it in the Old Testament. And certainly those New Testament writers writing about these things may have surmised, they may have calculated, they may have guessed and they may have come up with their ideas, but as we get closer to the time, all of these things become more and more of a reality for you and for me.Matthew chapter 16 verse one says:The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to show them a sign from heaven.  He replied, "When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.  A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah." Jesus then left them and went away.Do you notice that part it says there?  “But you cannot interpret the signs of the times.”Jesus embarrassed the Pharisees a little here and he pointed out that he had enough knowledge to tell the weather, but they could not tell the seasons.  They had enough knowledge to know whether it was going to rain in the morning or not, but they did not have enough knowledge to know that the seasons were changing and that the times were changing and that they needed to look ahead to what was going on.We are going to use our Bibles tonight. Take your Bible now and turn to Daniel chapter 12 and we will move rapidly and try to cover a lot of ground as I want to lay a groundwork for what we are going to be looking at the next weeks here on Sunday evenings.Daniel chapter 12 and verse number one. I can’t teach all of the context about Daniel here. I just want to read these verses and draw your attention to something, chapter 12 verse one. “At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then.”  Notice that, a time of distress, Jacob’s troubles.You might write the word there in the margin of your Bible, write the word “tribulation.”“But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered.”  Look at that phrase.  Everyone whose name is written in the book, they will be delivered.  I am not looking for the antichrist. I am looking for the very Christ. I am not looking for the antichrist or the beast or the false prophet or the unholy trinity. I am not looking for an undertaker. I am looking for an uppertaker. I am looking for Jesus Christ to come and to take us back to heaven.Now that is what our hope is. What is the blessed hope?  It is the glorious appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.Verse two.  “Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.”  You see, we are all on the road.  And I want to talk to you now, over the next few weeks, about the road ahead. I want to talk to you about what is ahead of us concerning the final events in history and what is it that we can look forward to.  What is in the road ahead?Tonight I just want to talk about the sign posts. I want you to look at some signposts that let us know that we are nearing the end of the road.Now, don’t let it be said that pastor Phil is setting dates. I am not setting dates, not setting seasons.  I am not going to tell you this year, next year, 10 years from now. I have no clue. It is not up to me.  Acts chapter one verse six to eight says I am not even supposed to think about it.  I am just supposed to be busy being a witness for him.However, it does say that we are not supposed to be good at looking at the weather and being able to predict that yet be unaware of the signs of the end. And so in this passage of Scripture, “Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and [what kind of] contempt.?” Everlasting contempt, everlasting punishment, everlasting destruction.I have on many occasions debated different ones about whether hell was for a moment or whether it was for eternity. Does a person just disintegrate at the very moment they are dropped off into hell and do they go out of existence?  Or is it true that that rich man in the story of the rich man and Lazarus is still looking for a drop of water. He is still screaming for someone to go tell his brothers not to come to that place.Well, I want you to know that this passage of Scripture says some are raised everlasting life and others are raised to everlasting judgment. Every man, woman, boy and girl that is born on this planet is headed on the road toward the end. They are headed on the road toward eternity. They are headed on the road toward everlasting life or they are headed on the road to eternal and everlasting destruction.From time to time people will ask as they visit this church, and they will come up to me and they will say, “Pastor, now is this a church where you still preach about hell?  Do you actually believe that there is a hell, a heaven to gain and a hell to shun?  Do you really believe that there is a place like that or has it gone the way of the monster computers, the unicard computer, the Univac computer that took 30 rooms to occupy?  Has it gone that way?”No. I want you to know that the Word of God does not change. And I want you to know that the Bible teaches that there is a literal burning hell where people will suffer throughout all of eternity and the eternity of heaven would not make any sense if it were not for also the eternity in the continuum of hell.Notice this verse, “Those who are wise...” Circle that word.  “Those who are wise...” Those who are instructing others, “...will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.”It is a wise thing to be getting out the good news. I said it this morning. This is a love worth finding, it is a love worth living and it is a love worth sharing. And I want you to know that you, as a born again child of God, engage yourself in a very wise activity when you stand up for righteousness in this world. And then, also, when you share the good news of the gospel with someone else because there is an eternal hell and there is an eternal heaven.The road ahead for everyone is not the same; some to everlasting judgment, some to everlasting life.Now, the first thing I want to say tonight in regards to this subject is only God knows the exact details and the timing of what lies ahead.  We would like to think that we have it all figured out. In fact, during the days of the Cold War there were numerous people—and I remember talking to several of them—that were just convinced that the Russians were the one that were going to invade form the north in the Middle East. It seemed logical because Daniel talked about the northern kingdom. Zechariah talked about the northern kingdom. Jeremiah and Isaiah talked about the northern kingdom and that they were going to invade in the end days.Well, that still may be true.  Russia may be involved. They may invade, but the proximity of that does not seem to be so overbearing because of the fall of one little organization called the Soviet Union.Jeremiah, as well—it is an interesting illustration of that whole point—Jeremiah in the first eight chapters talks about an invasion coming into Judah from the north.  If you have read Jeremiah any time recently you will remember that Jeremiah kept saying that marauding armies, overpowering armies, armies that will sweep you away are going to come and eliminate Judah. And he was talking about that elimination of Judah and Jerusalem that was going to take place and did finally for the last time take place in 586 BC.  That is what he was talking about.  It is going to come from the north.And who was it that came?  It was Babylon.Now, if you have ever had a Bible map out you can even look at your Bibles now if you wish to the very back of it. Find that one that talks about the Assyrian and Babylonian Empire and you are going to find out that Susa and Babylon and all of those areas were directly east of the city of Jerusalem.And somebody would say, “Well, now there you have a discrepancy in the Bible.  The Babylonians were supposed to come from the north...or the invading armies were supposed to come from the north, but the invading armies came from the east.”Well, if you study this a little bit closer you will find out that the first thing they was go up and finish off Assyria. They went up the fertile crescent, up the Euphrates River, directly north of Jerusalem, finished off the Assyrians and came straight south into the city of Jerusalem and in three separate occasions all three times from the north they took away, first Daniel and his friends, then all of those that had any craft, then finally the rest of the people, leaving only the poorest in the land, final time, 586 BC and Jerusalem was sacked. That was the end of it.And they came from the north.  And so we know that God can be saying many things.Listen to Isaiah chapter 46 and verse nine.  Only God knows what is going on.You say, “Pastor, do you know when the Lord is coming?”No, I do not.“Do you know what day he is going to come?”I have no clue.“Do you know whether the Lord is going to come within the next year or 10 years?”I have not an idea. But I do know that the Lord is coming and it is much closer to us now than it has ever been. He is coming and he is coming soon.Look in Isaiah 46.  You may have to just jot down some references. Verse nine.Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me.  I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.Notice these are those chapters where God declares his sovereignty greater than any other place in the Scripture.  Isaiah 43 to 46.   “I am God. There is none other. I will not give my glory to another.” He says it over and over and over.And right in the middle of it he says, “I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.”And you know, Bill Gates made some pretty accurate predictions knowing that in his factories and in his rooms and in his laboratories he was studying this kind of technology. He made some predictions about what he knew was going to come to pass. But when we read in God’s Word about things that are going to come to pass in the future, we are not talking about 10 years ahead of time, five years ahead of time. We are talking about hundreds and hundreds, in some cases thousands of years ahead of time.  And we have to understand that God is the only one that knows exactly when all things come to an end.The key to understanding all of Bible prophecy is the person of Jesus Christ.Now you need to understand that. If you are going to understand Bible theology, if you are going to understand Bible prophecy, if you are going to understand the whole flow of Scriptures, then you are going to have to understand that this book is about the revelation of God, specifically about the revelation of his Son Jesus Christ. This book is about Jesus.Jesus himself said that as he was walking on the road to Emmaus one day and he met those two discouraged believers and he said to them....Oh, the world is falling. Look right over there.  See?  It is coming down.  I knew something was going on.Jesus said that.  He said that, “Why don’t you read the prophets?  Why don’t you read the law because all of the law and all of the prophets are talking about me?”This book is about Jesus.Now listen to this verse, Revelation chapter 19 and verse 10.  They key to the book of Revelation, the key to the whole Bible, if you will, concerning the unfolding of Bible prophecy.  Verse 10.  “At this I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me [this is John speaking], ‘Do not do it! I am a fellow-servant with you and with your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus.’”  Notice that. They hold to the testimony of Jesus.And then here is what it says. “Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”  Watch that now.  “The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”And what is this book?  This book is the testimony of God almighty through inspired writers about the person, the coming, the work and the efficacious work that Jesus Christ did in this world to take our sins away. Everything you read in this book is his story. In fact, all of history is, in truth, his story.  And that is what you find here in this passage of Scripture.And then John 16 and verse 12.  Jot that reference down if you would, please. This is so important. It says. “I have much more to say to you [Jesus speaking], more than you can now bear.”  By the way, that is the way God works with us in our lives. We don’t get it all in one dose. Many of us would like to get all of Christianity in one quick dose, you know, just become everything God wants you to be in one day. No, you are going to grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You are not going to get everything. You are not going to know everything in one day.Jesus tells them. He says, “You know, you can’t even bear all of the truth that I would like to give you.”“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”Who is it that is going to convince us?  Who is it that is going to teach us?  Who is it, after the departure, after the ceasing of the earthly life of Jesus, who is it that is going to make sure that we get the rest of the story?We had the Torah. We had the prophets. We had the Old Testament. We had the history. We had all of those things. But when Jesus came and did his work on Calvary, he then said, “Now, then, the one that is going to tell you the rest of the story is the Holy Spirit and when he comes he is going to tell you what is yet to come.”So you pick up your Bible and you look at it and you start at Matthew chapter one. You read right through the New Testament and you are going to come to prophetic passage after prophetic passage after prophetic passage after prophetic passage.I dare you. I dare you to go through your New Testament and use this symbol as a symbol.  Every time you know that it is talking about something yet in the future, you just draw an eye.  Just draw a little line there and a little line there and a little circle on that side and put some eyelashes on it because that will look forward...that will let you know that that is a verse.When you get done with it you go back and you count and you find how many times in the New Testament that Jesus or one of the disciples or one of the apostles, somebody who is writing talks about things yet to come. You are going to find out that it is many, many times because there is much prophecy yet to be finished in the future.There are 333 prophecies concerning the coming of Christ.  Jerry Vines says, though I didn’t count them. But I was reading Jerry Vines and he said that there are 300. He found that out somewhere because all of us are the same. We read all these books and find things in books and come tell you about them as if we knew them.Folks, I am only telling you what I have studied.  I don’t know everything. I am just telling you what I have been studying. Jerry Vine says there’s 333 prophecies concerning the person of Jesus Christ. One hundred and nine of those prophecies were fulfilled, in his first coming.  Now let me say that again.Prophecies concerning the coming of Jesus Christ. There are 333 of them.  One hundred and nine of those prophecies had to do with his first coming into the world. Thirty-three of those prophecies were fulfilled in one day.  That leaves 224 prophecies concerning Jesus left concerning his Second Coming.  Two hundred and twenty four prophecies.“Oh, wait a minute here. Now I don’t...I just thought the last thing that was going to happen is going to be the rapture.”Oh, no.  There are many, many, many, many, many more prophecies just concerning the person of Christ that are left yet to be done.Question: How accurate were the prophecies about his first coming?  What do you think?  How accurate were the prophecies about Jesus’ first coming? Were they pretty accurate?  Oh, they weren’t just accurate. Let me teach you some Spanish. They were accurate [?]. I mean they were so unbelievably accurate that I mean you could could not find one single discrepancy in all of the life of Jesus Christ.  The probability of him fulfilling all of those 109 prophecies on time at the right place is just astronomical.  You can’t even think about the possibility that that is.Well, it is isn’t possibility. It is called sovereignty and God made it happen.And here watch this.  Think about this. The virgin birth, the Bethlehem chronicles, the flight to Egypt, the return to Nazareth, the carpenter shop training, his area of ministry, his entry into Jerusalem on a young colt of a donkey, the cross, the garments, the crown, the clouds, all of those things fulfilled. I mean, exactly what the Old Testament said was going to happen in various occasions.Now here is another question for you.  We know how accurate the prophets were about his first coming. Now, knowing that God is batting a thousand—you know, baseball is right around the corner and I kind of like that sport, too.  I want to go over here and watch the cubbies lose again.But do you know God bats 1000?  Everything...  You know, Moses said that one day. He said that one day when he was getting ready to depart from all those people that he had been leading for all those years.  He said, “Not one of his promises that he gave to you has failed, not one promise. Everything he said he was going to do, he did.”And I want to say to you that the one who kept all 109 of the first prophecies is going to keep all 224 of the last prophecies and he is not going to miss a beat. One of those promises is he is coming back for you. He is not going to miss that.Another promise is he said, “Where I am, there you will be also.”  He is not going to mess that up.God never misses on his prophecy and he has said these things to us. He is going to do completely, exactly, fully, everything that he said that he was going to do.“Ok, Phil.  When is he coming?”I knew you were going to ask that.“When is he coming? How much time do I have?”You know, in the New Testament days let me tell you how they acted. It was a time of great difficulty. If you will remember, if you have ever read 1 Corinthians chapter six, seven, eight there were some cultural things that went on there, but there were also some things that Paul gave some information to those that were there about marriage. He says, “I would that everyone remained as I am so that you may serve the Lord fully because the Lord is at the door, the Lord is at hand.”I mean that is what Paul was saying. This is 2000 years ago. And Paul was saying, “You know what? If you are married, stay married. If you are not married, don’t seek to get married.”He [?] to understand that what is most important is that Jesus is coming and he is coming... He was talking that way 2000 years ago.And somebody might say, “Well, see there?  He said he was coming. He hasn’t come yet. I guess he is not coming.”No, all that means is that he thought he was coming then and he didn’t come. How much closer are we to his coming now than when we first believed?Jesus is coming.And so you say, “Well, when is he coming?”I don’t know, but don’t think that the question didn’t cross the mind of the disciples.They asked him.You say, “Is it wrong to ask when he is coming?”I don’t know, as long as it doesn’t side track you.You say, “What do you mean?”Back in the 70s and 80s one of the most popular events in America in the Christian community was to run off to a prophecy conference somewhere and just to, you know, to get big books and syllabuses and they would sold all kinds of books and you would go and you would sit at these conferences and they would all ooh and ah and listen to somebody. They would go on cruises and just cruise off all into the Caribbean and they would just float all around out there in some great prophecy teacher. And I am for it.  I’m not saying that they are not right. I am not saying they are not telling the truth.  But there’s...that is not really what we are supposed to do. We are not supposed to get caught up in is he coming today, tomorrow, the next day, next week or next year.  We are supposed to do what he told the disciples to do.And listen to what he told them to do, Matthew 24 in your Bibles verse one to three. Take your Bibles, open it up. Keep it moving. Those pages flip all direction so just grab that thing and go to Matthew chapter 24.The sign of a growing Christian is a worn out Bible, a person who needs to go buy a new one. So use it.  Use it, read it, love it, weep over it, pray over it. Put it in front of you when you have your devotions. Pray the Word of God.Matthew 24:1-3.  “Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings.” Think about that. “Oooh, Lord, look at that thing. Isn’t that something?  Look at that. Look at that world trade center.”Think about that. Think about that whole context there. “Look at what men have built.”"Do you see all these things?" he asked. "I tell you the truth, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down." As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately.They didn’t want to stir up a controversy. “‘Tell us,’ they said, ‘when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?’”Well, what did they say?  Well, they were just as curious as we are. “When are you coming back, Lord?”  They fully expected it to be any time.  They believed that his coming was even at the door. He told them lots of things concerning how it will be just before he returns. But he gave them an answer that would not satisfy them and it does not satisfy most humans because we just want to get this figured out. We want to know when, you know.My wife loves to go on a vacation with me and we are one of the few spontaneous families in the world.  I gave her 30 minutes to get ready for a vacation and we went. You would not like to be part of the Winfield family. If you do not like spontaneity then you do not want to be part of the Winfield family. I mean, you know, jump in the car and drive to Kansas City just for the fun of it. I mean, just, you know, just spontaneity.  If you are one of those people that you like to have your life righted all the way to the end, you know, there’s a lot of us like that.“Oh, I want to live by faith. But, Lord, light up the whole thing so that I can see it from here to there.”You know, I told you this one time. It is kind of like saying, “I want to go downtown to have a Starbucks downtown on Locust Street on...” By the way it is 10th and Locust right down.  Anybody wants to know where it is that is where it is. I go there often.But anyway if somebody says, “I want to go down and I want to have a coffee at Starbucks,” and so you pull out of this parking lot and you want to know whether the lights are green all the way.  Well, it’s just not going to work like that. You are just going to have get in and go from light to light to light and get on the expressway and dodge the cranes and all the things that are going on and find your way down there.And that’s know, life is not like that, but we would love it to be that way. We would like our life to just be laid out right before every bump in the road, every pot hole, every difficult. We would like to know that there is just going to be smooth sailing, green lights all the way, no difficulty, straight line, nothing to go around, over under. We just would love to have that and like to have it lighted right down to the end. We like the Lord...Here is what we would really like. Phil, right over here, Stovalt, you know what?  I am coming back on December 12th, 12:23 AM so get ready.He says, “Well, ok then. Got that figured out.  Now between now and then I’ll a lot my time and these are the things I am going to do between now and then.”Well, that is the way we would like it to be.  You know what the Lord says to us?  “Be ready because at an hour that you think not, like a thief in the night I am coming. You don’t know when I am coming. It could be at any time so be yourself ready.”That is the way the Lord wants us to live.He wants you on the edge of your seat. That is the way we are supposed to live.  Now that doesn’t mean we don’t relax and we don’t enjoy life.  We are supposed to occupy until he comes, but we are supposed to know that the Lord could come at any time.But, and the answer that Jesus gives them does not satisfy. Matthew 24:36, “No-one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”Now I believe the Son knows now, but I believe that the time he said that when he was in the world he did not know the day, the hour. He didn’t know about when he was going to come back the next time. He did not know, only the Father.The short reply is that no one knows when Jesus will come back, however all of human history is pointing to the fact that the road ends at the person of Jesus Christ and in his eternal kingdom.Predictions are abundant. There is a fellow by the name of Ed Wizenhand.  Did you ever hear of him?  Anybody ever read his book?  Do you think anybody is buying that book?A radio preacher said, a famous radio preacher said he is coming back in 1994.  He is not on the radio anymore.Joseph Smith said he is coming to Salt Lake Utah in his life time. Well, unless he is living a long, long life I don’t believe he is. He didn’t come.How many of you know who Charles Taze Russell is?  Why he was involved with the Jehovah’s Witnesses and very instrumental in getting that all started. He said that Jesus came in 1914, but nobody saw him.  He did. He said he came in 1914 but nobody saw him.Well, I have got a problem with that because Revelation chapter one says, “And every shall see him.”Well, the Lord is coming.  He will come and the fact that he is coming has been on everyone’s mind. Acts chapter one verse six.  Listen to God’s Word. His disciples, even those on the Mount of Olives—can you imagine the thrill?  Now back there at the temple when Jesus was talking about the temple of his body, also knowing that that temple would be destroyed, that was one thing. That was pretty amazing for him to say those kinds of things and for the disciples to ask him, “Lord, when is this going to happen?  What is the sign of the end?  When is the sign of your coming?”They were asking him this.  But now then, now then, the resurrection has occurred. Things are different.  We are not talking about some quizzical people that just, you know, just kind of curious about what is going to go on. No, no, no. We are talking about some people that are energized beyond what we can even understand.  I mean to have an encounter with a man that was dead, that you saw ripped to ribbons by the beatings and stabbed through the hands and the feet, nailed to a cross, lifted above the earth, dropped into a hole, suffer like no human ever suffered, die, have his side poked with a spear, have the blood and water mixed proving that he was dead running out, died, be taken down, embalmed in the way that they embalmed him, put him in the grave and then three days later find out that he is risen and that he is appearing to people.In fact, 1 Corinthians 15 says he had seen over 500 people in one meeting.  Well, that’s a lot of witnesses, do you know that, 500 witnesses that stand there and say, “I saw him. He’s alive.”Well, this group that is on top of the mount of Olives are ecstatic.  This group that is on the top of the Mount of Ascension, rather, they are up on top of the Mount of Ascension and they are thrilled beyond measure. They are...I mean they are giddy they are so excited.“Ok, Lord. You are going to go back to heaven. Whatever you say. You know what?  We wondered about this rising from the dead thing, but do you know what? You have proved us all wrong.  If you say you are going away and coming back, great. When are you coming back?”We always want to know, when, when, when, when, when, when is he coming?Acts 1:6. “So when they met together, they asked him, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom?”“You talked about that, Lord. Are you going to restore the kingdom now?”“He said to them: ‘It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.’”You ought to write yourself a note in the margin, “A note to me from God.”“It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority.”But here is what is to you.  “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”Knowing that Jesus is coming is supposed to produce an activity and an attitude in our life.  It produces the attitude of expectancy. He may come at any moment.  And then it produces the activity of sharing the gospel.You know, just watching that whole thing up there on that screen with that thing in the hand and all that stuff, it just sort of gives me the, you know, the willies, the chills, the goose bumps. How many of you know what I am talking about?  I just...oh, he is coming and he could come at any time.  It makes you wonder whether that bass boat is really what you need, isn’t it?There is nothing wrong with a bass boat. There is nothing wrong with a three wheeler or whatever.  Nothing wrong with anything. Use it to the kingdom of God, to God’s kingdom’s glory. Use whatever.  But here is what I am saying to you.  To live for those things is really a problem knowing that Jesus is around the corner. He is coming. He is coming very soon.“What are the sign posts, pastor?”Let me give you some of them very quickly tonight. The first sign posts are physical, physical sign posts on the road, on the road toward eternity.Matthew 24:7 says in various places, “There will be famines and earthquakes.”  The King James says “pestilence” as well or sickness.Earthquakes. The last 100 years 10 times the seismic activity of the previous hundred years. Did you hear me?  Ten times the seismic activity in the last hundred years of what there was the 100 years before that.  Growing up as a boy I don’t remember hearing of the massive earthquakes that we have heard of in the last decade, much less in the last 100 years.Pestilence. What is that?  Well, it is sicknesses.  It is disease. AIDS is a horrible scourge upon our country, upon this world. It is a terrible thing. I have a brother in law in Africa, in Zambia. Seventy, get this now, 70% of the people in that nation will die of AIDS.  Horrible thing.AIDS.  A homosexual Canadian airline steward was the first one to bring that into the adjacent 48.  When he brought that disease that was a result of sexual activity with a primate, maybe not him, maybe someone else...You say, “What? Sexual activity with an ape?”Well, you see, Darwin told us that we descended from what?  So why not?Do you see why wrong doctrine and wrong belief is so very, very, very dangerous?  Everything is spiritual.  Every decisions is a spiritual decisions. There is no such thing as making a decision that doesn’t have spiritual...“I just think I’ll go out and get drunk tonight.”That’s a spiritual decision.“I think I’ll just do whatever I want to with my money. I am going to take God’s tithe and spend it any way I want to.”That is a spiritual decision.  And it is going to have spiritual and physical ramifications in your life.AIDS is the product of a spiritual decision.Now you listen to me.  AIDS, when AIDS crossed the borders of the United States the estimates were that, well, even if there is sexual activity between an infected person the chances were only  one in a million; 10 years later, one in 600. In San Francisco today if there is activity it is one in 25, the chances that that person is going to contract that.Now combine that with the drug usage. Combine that with the tainted blood supply and all these other things and many other avenues that I won’t go into and AIDS is a scourge. And that is horrible.Pestilence. But that is nothing compared to the hot zone diseases of the world.You know, we are cute.  We want snakes in our homes. You know, we want to go in and get jaguars out of the jungle, bring them in, put a leash on them, put in the back yard.  We want to take lions and tigers out of the jungle and we want to bring them in and we are not understanding that that is another kingdom, that is an animal kingdom that God set up. These aren’t domesticated animals. And you can’t raise a snake like I heard about a snake that somebody had a particular type and that they had, that a little boy grew up with and at 15 years old the snake and the boy, the snake completely strangled the 15 year old boy and killed him right in his home, grew up with him.  You know what?  You don’t domesticate a snake.Hot zone diseases coming with these animals, coming from around the world. What is one of them?  Ebola.  What is that?  Well, what AIDS can do in 10 years Ebola can do in 10 days as it eats your flesh away from the inside out.  Horrible, terrible, hot zones.Physical signs. There will be famine. There will be pestilence. There will be earthquakes. I need not mention the hunger that exists in the world today. I am going to have to come to a close and finish as we keep going next week.Matthew 24:29.  “Immediately after the distress of those days "‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.”We have made the good old United States of America, our military and armed forces have produced a 100 megaton nuclear bomb.“Ooh, that sounds big, pastor, how big is that?”Well, if you drop an atom bomb every day for the next 13 years... Do you know what an atom bomb did in Nagasaki?  Do you know what it did in Hiroshima?  Do you know what it did?  Eighty thousand people and now today, even today, one in five born in that area are born with birth defects because of the radiation that continues to linger in that area.Now listen to me.  You know what a 100 megaton bomb is?  It is a bomb that if you dropped an atom bomb every day for 13 years you would finally get up to what a 100 megaton bomb. And our good old United States as well as China and Russia and others all boats of a bomb that would literally obliterate life as we know it.Bad news.How about some international signs?  Those are physical signs. Here are some international signs.  Matthew 24:7, “For nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom.”Right around 1950 the United Nations came into being saying, “We are going to just put an end to all of this. We are going to take control.  We are going to eliminate all of these wars in the world.”There have been exactly three and a half times the wars since 1950 that there were before 1950 in the last 500 years.  Wars, nations rising against nation, countries that figure in the end times, nations.Listen to this.  Russia does figure in the end times.  The Bible talks about Gog and Magog and Rosh and the prince of Rosh coming down.  Russia will figure. Europe, perhaps, more than any place on the face of the earth will figure in the end times and what happens during the tribulation period.  The revived Roman Empire figures in the end times, those 10 nations.You say, “Pastor, where do you get that?”Well, there are10 toes on Daniel’s statue in Daniel chapter two, 10 toes. There are 10 horns on the head of this beast that comes up out of the sea in Revelation chapter 12 and 13.  There is always 10. And these 10, these horns, these toes always represent kingdoms in a confederacy that always hovers there in the common market of Europe between eight, nine, 10, 11 and 12.You say, “Well, there are 12 of them over there now.”Yeah, but there was nine five years ago.  I mean know, I mean it just goes back and forth.  But it is at a certain time.  Whether we are talking about those 10 that were in existence in the New Testament or whether we are talking about 10 that are actually going to be in existence when Jesus comes back, there are 10 nations in Europe that are going to comprise the revived Roman Empire and they, they are really going to figure into what is going on in the end times. Jerusalem figures in the end.The city of Jerusalem for over 2000 years did not even exist as a nation.  People laughed, mocked.“Yeah, sure, that’s right. The Bible. You can’t trust that Bible.  Yeah, prophecy, inspiration, that’s all gone.”But in the 1800s the new theologians, the textual critics were all saying, “Yeah, you can’t trust that Bible. Israel doesn’t even exist as a nation.”Well, God’s batting 1000. Never forget that.May 14, 1948 the nation of Israel was reborn.  Zechariah 8:4 says:Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Old men and old women shall again sit In the streets of Jerusalem, Each one with his staff in his hand Because of great age.  The streets of the city Shall be full of boys and girls Playing in its streets.’I don’t know if you ever watch the news, but I see that on the news and in their little uniforms coming out of school.  The boys and girls are running home and they are all carrying on and giggling and playing in the streets and old men—which was not something that happened in Israel for many years—but God said it was going to happen.There are international signs. There are intellectual signs.Let me hasten to finish.  Intellectual signs.  Turn in your Bibles to Daniel and we will finish, Daniel chapter 12.  Intellectual sign posts along the road toward eternity. Listen to God’s Word.The Bible says in Daniel chapter 12 and verse four it says the following, it says, “But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end.”  Watch this. “Many will go here and there to increase [what?] knowledge.”I just showed you about a result of increased knowledge. I have given you this illustration before, but I want to give it to you again. If you could accumulate all of the knowledge that mankind had accumulated in books and computers and what have you up until 1900—didn’t even have computers—but up until 1900 let that be represented by a penny on the floor.  The accumulated knowledge of man from 1900 to 1950 would have made a stack eight feet high of pennies. The accumulated knowledge of man from 1950 to 1970 would have reached to the moon. The accumulated knowledge of man from 1970 to the present cannot be measured because it would go beyond our universe two or three times and come back to us.We are living in a time of increased knowledge. How many of you as young people were born and raised on a farm?  How many of you...?  I see Bill Cheney.  Bill, would you have ever dreamed that you could talk on a telephone and see the person you are talking to in that phone and that phone have no wires to it?  Technology. Would you have dreamed, would you have dreamed you could have been on an airplane?  That was quite a feat in the first place, but an airplane, sitting in that airplane talking to somebody on a telephone provided through the airplane, talking to anybody you want to. You are moving through the air and that thing is bouncing off a satellite somewhere.Can you believe that I am going to go to Peru in just a few weeks and within 15 of accuracy I am going to be able to tell exactly where I am on this planet because of a little wrist watch that has a GPS on it, a global positioning system, that I am going to be able to know exactly where I am in this big old universe because there are satellites up there, 12 of them, that hone in on that GPS and tell me where little Philip’s paddies are running today.We live in a day of increased knowledge.  I am not the sharpest drawer in the knife, nor the smartest guy on the block.  But here is what I know.   Sharpest knife in the drawer.  I told you I wasn’t sharp.Listen to me. Here is what I know.  We have only touched the tip of the iceberg in the area of the explosion of technology and information in this world. And the Bible said the people are going to go here, there like lightning, jostling like streaks of light against each other in streaks. They are going to do that chasing down more knowledge.I am going to stop right here. I have got more to say. Come back next week and I will carry on.  But I want you to know this. Jesus is coming.You say, “What comfort have you given us tonight?”Well, nothing. None of this should shock you. It should just let you know that your redemption is closer than when you believed.  Jesus is coming and we had better be about the master’s business because the master’s business is beginning to take form and he is going to take over very quickly in this world.Let’s bow our heads.Father, bless us, encourage us, use us, open our mouths to witness, help us not become groupies that want to go and study prophecy, but help us to be aware that you are coming so that we can study to be like you, so that we can witness to a lost and dying world before it is eternally too late. We ask you this in Jesus’ name. Amen.Revelation 13:11Revelation 13:12-14Revelation 13:14-15Revelation 13:16-18Matthew 16:1-4Matthew 16:4Daniel 12:1Ibid.Daniel 12:2Ibid.Daniel 12:3Ibid.Ibid.Isaiah 46:9-10Isaiah 46:10Revelation 19:10Ibid.Ibid.John 16:12John 16:13Matthew 24:1Matthew 24:2-3Matthew 24:3Matthew 24:36Revelation 1:7Acts 1:6Acts 1:7Ibid.Acts 1:8Matthew 24:7Matthew 24:29Matthew 24:7Zechariah 8:4-5Daniel 12:4Ibid.Page  PAGE 20 of  NUMPAGES 20

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Grace Church Planning Process for 2004

2004 Planning Process“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” –Proverbs 3:5-8Grace Church4200 E. 25th StreetDes Moines, IA 50317(515) “It’s easy to say “no” when there is a deeper “yes” burning within.” –Dr. Steven R. Covey

In 2004 we must become better at saying “no” to many/most good things so that we can say “yes” to the things that really matter. Until we determine what it is that “really matters,” we find ourselves with too many priorities, too many individual roles to fulfill, and not enough time, not enough money, and not enough resources. During this planning retreat we must answer the question, “What Matters Most?”Only the mediocre are always at their best. –Jean GiraudouxReview Purpose StatementGrace Church exists to bring people to Jesus and membership in His family, develop them to Christlike maturity, and equip them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify God’s name.Review Core Values

Jesus Is Our Lord–Jesus is our Lord, and because of this everything else is peripheral.  Jesus Christ alone is the only real and lasting hope (John 14:6).  We love Him and, for this reason, we place our relationship with Him first above all others.  We strive to respond faithfully to the call of Jesus- to follow Him above all the distractions of this world, which so often compete for our time, energy, and attention (Luke 14:15-24).  If God is pleased with us, nothing else matters.

People Matter–Since people matter to God, they matter to us.  All people are made in God’s image and have worth.  Therefore, we strive to obey both the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by reaching out to the world around us and sharing the everlasting love of Jesus Christ (John 20:21).

We Worship God–We invite the Holy Spirit to control us and lead us in our worship of Him.  God is the object of our worship and the recipient of our praise.  We live to honor Him, both with holy lives and adoring lips.  Where tradition helps to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, and further the mission of our church, we embrace it.  Where tradition becomes a wall between God and His people, we seek to tear it down (Matthew 23:13-36; John 9:1-41).

The Bible Is Foundational–We believe the Bible is God’s Holy, Inspired Word.  The Scriptures are our final authority in all matters.  The Holy Spirit- who is our Teacher- uses the Scriptures to daily guide us (Psalm 119:105; Acts 2:42-47).

We Are Called To Serve–We believe each member is called to be a minister (Ephesians 2:8-10; 4:11-12).  Our God is a great God who deserves to be served by faithful stewards.  It is a privilege to give our time, money and resources to Him.  In fact, anything less than our very best is an insult to His Holy, Awesome Name.  In response to His grace, how can we be less than fully devoted followers of the cross?

We Are one Body–We are a church of individuals, different in many ways, yet called together by God to be one in ministry and mission.  As members of the same body and family, we become more effective when we work in harmony as a unified whole (John 17:20-23).  Among us, love for one another is the norm (John 13:34; Romans 13:8), conflicts are resolved according to the teaching of Jesus (Matthew 18:15-17), and we seek to build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  We rejoice together and we suffer together (1 Corinthians 12:25-27).  We pray for each other (James 5:16), accept each other (Romans 15:7) and serve one another in love (Galatians 5:13).

We Are A Family of Friends–We do something unusual at Grace.  Despite being a larger church, we prioritize the importance of people knowing each other by name- to the point that we provide name tags for the entire church.  We know that you want a friendly church, but even more important, a church where you can make friends.

We Are Committed to The Next Generation--We believe children are a gift from the Lord and that it is our responsibility as a church to partner with parents in raising a next generation fully committed to the Lord. Regardless of what we accomplish during our life time, it is the faithfulness of our children and grandchildren that will be our significant heritage. As individuals and as a church we must take seriously the training and equipping of the Next Generation (Deut. 6).

We Agree to Disagree–There are some disputable matters on which two Christians may agree to disagree, even though they are in the same local church and part of the same leadership team.  We may state the case for our position, but will also acknowledge that sincere and intelligent Christians hold different views.  We are committed to nurturing the unity we share as the family of God and to obeying His command to “love one another” (Romans 14:1-15; 2 Timothy 2:23-24; Titus 3:9; John 13:35).

Review Long-range ObjectivesIn November 2002, Pastor Phil defined a New Charter for Grace Church. Much of the attention during the first 20 years of ministry was focused on “gathering the tools,” from qualified, capable staff members to the buildings and ground necessary to do ministry. Without question, the Lord has blessed Grace Church and provided abundantly! The next 20 years is not about buildings and property. Our focus must change to shepherding.Pastor Phil described our world today like a herd of sheep running for the cliff. Jesus called these people “his little lambs” and commanded us to “tend his sheep.” As a church we must take this very seriously. Our dream is to become a church that exhibits God’s unconditional love to hurting people; a church that doesn’t shoot the wounded, but helps them back to full health. We desire to be a welcoming, loving church that is ready, willing and able to put up with the mess of working with broken people.Not only do we need to help the sheep that have fallen off the cliff, but we need to help families build fences that protect our little lambs from reaching the cliff. The Next Generation Ministry must protect our kids from the wolves that want to push them over the cliff. We must teach the truth and we must model the truth for our children and grandchildren. Kids model what they see.How do we accomplish these things? We believe God has positioned Grace Church in a unique area of influence. Below are the strategic objectives that guide our ministry. Each is founded in what we believe to be the mandate for a true New Testament Church. While our ministry goals and emphasis may change from year-to-year, these objectives–along with our Core Values–will provide the compass for our planning.

  • A Regional, Flagship Church–Based on the principle that “to whom much is given, much is required,” we believe God is leading Grace Church to take on more leadership responsibility to the many smaller churches in our community. Clearly, God has given Grace many resources and opportunities that smaller congregations do not enjoy. We want to be a resource to these ministries and provide more training and fellowship opportunities for pastors within the Central Iowa region. We believe God is leading us to impact not just East Des Moines, but all of Polk, Dallas, Warren, Jasper and Story Counties for His Kingdom.
  • To Continue as a Church-planting Church–God has given us the privilege of planting two new churches in the last ten years, Fellowship Community Church of Norwalk and Grace West Church in West Des Moines and assisting with the planting of Easter Lake Church in 2003 and First Family Church in Ankeny in 2004. We believe the Lord is leading us to continue planting new churches within the Central Iowa region. Some of these churches will be new, independent bodies that will function completely autonomous from Grace Church, while others will serve as new satellite locations that will remain a permanent part of our church body. Specifically, we are praying about future church plant in Newton.
  • A Mission-minded Church with a Strategic Focus–We believe God has given us a very unique opportunity to have a dynamic impact in a specific foreign field–Peru. Pastor Phil and Bonnie are career missionaries in Peru and know the language fluently and are at home in the culture. At the center of our Peru Missions Strategy is The Bridge, a property located just outside Lima, Peru. In addition to a host family (Greg and Sherry Davidson), The Bridge provides short- and long-term housing for both short-term missionaries and potential missionary candidates for full-time service. From this base we can operate a growing and expanding mission ministry in the Lima area and in the entire country of Peru. During the next several years we will seek increasing opportunities to train and deploy our own people in both short-term and long-term ministries in Peru.
  • Preparing Leaders for the Next Generation–We are fully aware of the impact American Culture is having on the family in the 21st Century. Children growing up in our church today will face a new world where technology reigns supreme, values are anything anyone chooses to believe, and the church struggles to stay relevant. We believe God has given us a tremendous responsibility to raise our children to be true believers in the Lord God of Israel. This will not happen without the direct, active involvement of the entire church family. It is our intention to focus more of our resources on the Next Generation and to seek specific, Christ-centered objectives in our Christian Education approach.
  • A Balanced Approach to Church Ministry–We believe God’s approach to ministry is balanced on five specific purposes found in Scripture: membership, maturity, ministry, mission and magnification. As we pray and plan for the future at Grace Church, these five purposes will resonate in all that we do and say. Our desire is to become a church of balanced believers, bringing glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ in our individual lives, our homes, our schools, and our workplace.
  • Every Member a Minister–We want this to be more than just a cute catch phrase. It is our prayer that every man, woman and child at Grace Church will realize their unique calling as a believer and will seek to discover and pursue their specific ministry in this world. We realize, however, that effective ministers must be trained and equipped! It is our desire to see GEMS and other training tools grow and develop so that each member can be an effective minister.

Be certain of one thing: the plans of man are meaningless unless the Lord’s blessing is upon them. We believe God desires for us to plan and to be wise stewards of the resources He gives us, but we fully realize that the Lord is the Lord of the Harvest, and He can and does make changes to our plans as He desires.Review 2004 GoalsThe following goals were presented to the congregation on Jan. 11, 2004Next Generation Ministries–In 2003, we made great strides in building the foundation of our Next Generation Ministries. We brought Pastor Jonathan Meyer to Grace to lead our Student Ministry and we raised $100,000 towards the addition of a children’s pastor, support staff and the physical enhancement of our facilities for the next generation. Our emphasis this year is on finding the right couple to join our staff as Children’s Pastor and to become a church where the kids are dragging their parents to church because they don’t want to miss!Discovering God’s Way–This January we begin a three-year study with John 14:6 as the simple outline. In 2004, we will look at Jesus, The Way; in 2005, we will look at Jesus, The Truth; and in 2006, we will focus on Jesus, The Life. It is our desire over the next three years to saturate Grace Church with the simple truth of God’s Word. It is becoming clear to us that as we move into a post-Christian society, it is critical to have a solid understanding of the Word of God and how it applies to us in order to have an effective witness in this world.Home-based ABFs–In 2003 we saw our regular ABF attendance continue to grow. We are using all of the available building space at 9:45 a.m. on Sundays, and most of our classes are full to capacity. One solution is Home-based ABFs (small groups). Regular ABFs are not for everyone, and moving some classes into the home at a different time allows us to continue growing our ABF ministry. Our goal in 2003 was to create 50 new Home-based ABFs, and we currently have 18 meeting regularly. Praise the Lord!Back-to-Back Services/ABFs–The other solution to our ABF space problem is to create a second ABF hour. In order to do this, we will move to back-to-back services and ABFs in September 2004 (the exact times and logistics are still being worked out). This will allow us to double the amount of space available for Bible fellowships and open the door to new and smaller classes.Celebrate Recovery–Few ministries have had the impact in such a short time that Celebrate Recovery is having. Launched just one year ago, Celebrate Recovery is already seeing many lives changed and hope restored to hurting and broken people. To increase its effectiveness and its outreach potential, the Celebrate Recovery leadership team decided to move the ministry night from Sunday to Friday. Not only does this give Celebrate Recovery more space, but it provides a meaningful alternative on lonely Friday nights for many.Ankeny Church Plant–We have talked about the need for a Grace-like church in Ankeny for many years, and in 2004 this will become a reality. Pastor Todd Stiles is putting together the core group of families to start a new ministry in Ankeny in the fall of 2004. Let’s help him! We will have a lot more to say about this as the details become available. Also, we want to begin exploring the potential for a church plant in Newton.World Missions Outreach–Since arriving in Des Moines two-plus years ago, Pastor Phil has been refining and re-energizing our missions outreach. He has now developed a strategy for missions that just may shake the missions mentality of many churches. We believe we can do something here at Grace Church that will eventually hasten the process and personalize the relationship with our missionaries. In short, we are in the process of creating a network of churches who agree to put a greater portion of their missions support to missionaries working within the network. Moreover, the sending churches agree to support their home missionaries at up to 50 percent of their needed support. What this accomplishes is simple: missionaries currently have to visit a much smaller number of churches (15 to 20) to raise their support. This allows much stronger relationships to develop between the missionary and their churches and puts the missionary on the field in much less time.Missionary Housing–An important component of our missions ministry is providing housing for visiting missionaries and families home on furlough. We would like to see missionary housing available by the end of 2004.Praises/Blessings from 2004 (Areas of Strength)In developing plans for the future, we often neglect to look and see where the Lord is working right now.

  • What are the areas of ministry where we see God’s hand of blessing?
  • How “healthy” is Grace Church? (How are we balancing the five purposes of the church?)


  • Are there areas of ministry where God is blessing and we are not paying attention?

 Problems/Concerns from 2004 (Areas of Weakness)There will always be areas of weakness within any organization. Use this time to determine if we have areas that are both critical and weak.Areas of need identified in 2003:
  • Services too long
  • Not connecting volunteers
  • Women’s Ministry
  • Children’s Ministry

 Ministry PrioritiesDetermining priorities is perhaps the most critical outcome we can achieve from this two-day planning meeting. In determining priorities we need to address both organizational priorities and individual role priorities. Ministry Priority GridReview and agree on the terms used and the placement of various ministries within the grid.  

Individual RolesReview each person’s role within the organization. Does each person know what is truly important to the strategic mission of the church and is each person doing what is truly important?              Pastor Phil, Senior Pastor

Critical Role: See what God is doing and to continually hold our people before God’s Word so they can see what God’s will is.

What Does This Mean? To be the visionary and set the general direction for the leadership team (Staff and Elders); teach God’s Word and clearly proclaim His truth before the people; encourage and coach the staff.

             Larry Jatho, Executive Director

Critical Role: Make things happen behind the scene so Pastor Phil can accomplish his job well; take care of the details of the ministry and the “small things” so Pastor Phil can focus on the big picture.

What Does This Mean? Smooth operations.

             Chuck Morris, Pastor of Congregational Care & Counseling

Critical Role: Care for the people of Grace Church; be the personal extension of the church staff to hurting people; love, care and support the missionaries of Grace Church.

What Does This Mean? People are Job Number 1.

              Jay McFarling, Pastor of Maturity

Critical Role: Create a thirst for Christlike maturity; provide the tools necessary to disciple and grow the people in the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word; to equip and prepare people for ministry.

What Does This Mean? Make disciples.


   Chris Eller, Communications Director

Critical Role: Communicate the message of Grace to the church family, the community, and to the world; increase the awareness of our people to what is happening at Grace Church.

What Does This Mean? Communicate, communicate, and communicate!

          Phillip Winfield, Pastor of Magnification

Critical Role: Lead people into God’s presence through praise & worship.

What Does This Mean? Worship!

          Dan Hayton, Pastor of Membership

Critical Role: Connect people to Jesus Christ and to membership in His family at Grace Church; help people build meaningful relationships within the church body.

What Does This Mean? Do people know they are loved and wanted at Grace Church.

 Paul Dykstra, Children's Pastor 

Critical Role: Assist families in building the spiritual foundation for children.

What Does This Mean? Kids are developing a basic understanding of God, His Word and His plan for their lives.

          Karla Kincaid, Children's Director

Critical Role: Assist families in building the spiritual foundation for children.

What Does This Mean? Kids are developing a basic understanding of God, His Word and His plan for their lives.


        Josh Colyer, Jr. High Youth Pastor

Critical Role: Build relationships with teens.

What Does This Mean? Keep them interested in God through the transitional years.

       Jonathan Meyer, Sr. High Youth Pastor

Critical Role: Leadership training for the Next Generation.

What Does This Mean? Seeing teenagers take responsibility for their own spiritual growth and development and for carrying out the mission God has given them for their life.


ResourcesDoes the distribution of resources accurately reflect the priorities we have established? Are we allocating enough resources to the areas that are critical (Tier 1)? Are we allocating too many resources to areas that are Tier 3 or even Tier 4Areas Not Adequately Supported:MoneyTimeSpace Areas Over Supported:MoneyTimeSpace
 Secretarial Assignment GridAs of September 1, 2004 
  Pam(24 Hours) Dawn(24 Hours) Diana(24 Hours) Kim(38 Hours) Kathy(38 Hours) Linda(24 Hours) Ryan(10 Hours)
Pastor Phil         16    
Receptionist           24  
Finances         8    

Total Hours Per Week: 148General Observations: At the start of 2002 we had four full-time secretaries (156 hours) and seven pastors/directors; today we have 10 pastors/directors and two full-time secretaries and three part-time secretaries.Action Point: Establish a minimum amount of administrative support each pastor/director needs to accomplish the primary goals and objectives of his/her position. Administrative support must be factored into the budget when making hiring decisions. (Note: ___ hours of administrative support is a starting point.) This does not include administrative support staff for functions like receptionist or bookkeeper.


Listing of All Ministries of Grace Church

Magnification (Pastor Phillip)

  • Grace Church Choir
  • Grace Church Orchestra
  • Praise Band
  • Praise Teams
  • Hand Bell Choir
  • Banners
  • Drama Teams
  • Technical
  • Kid’s Choirs
  • Kid’s Drama Teams
  • Kid’s Choreography

Membership (Pastor Dan)

  • Grace 101
  • Family of Friends Call Teams
  • Greeters
  • Info Center Workers
  • Pastor’s Reception Workers
  • Altar Workers
  • Class of 1
  • Baptism

Maturity (Pastor Jay)Children (Pastor Paul)

  • Nursery
  • Early Childhood
  • Elementary
  • Awana
  • VBS & Special Events
  • First Steps Class
  • Growing Kids God’s Way
  • Child Care for Special Events

Students (Pastor Jonathan)

  • Student Bible Fellowships
  • Wednesday Night Small Groups
  • Leadership Development (Adults & Teens)
  • Youth Mission Trips
  • Evangelistic Events
  • Activities
  • Parent’s Ministry

Adults (Pastor Jay)

  • Grace 201
  • ABF
  • HBF (Small Groups)
  • Life Development Institute
  • Men’s Ministry
  • Recreation Ministry
  • Singles Ministry
  • GEMS
  • Writing Ministry

Women’s Ministry

  • Tuesday Morning Bible Studies
  • Special Events
  • Quilting Ministry
  • Education Events (Thrive, etc.)

Ministry (Open Position)

  • Grace 301
  • Ministry Fairs
  • New Ministry Development
  • Volunteer Training / Deployment
  • Four Corner’s Ministry

Mission (Pastor Chuck)

  • Grace 401
  • Celebrate Recovery
  • Counseling
  • Pastoral Care
  • Harvest Prayer Teams
  • Missions Ministry
  • Missions Conference
  • Short-term Missions Trips
  • The Bridge
  • LAMB

Administration (Larry)

  • Staff Development / Leadership
  • Secretarial Support
  • Facilities Support
  • Van Ministry
  • Finances & Personnel
  • Business Management (Insurance, Security, etc.)
  • Ushers
  • Resource Center
  • Security Team

Media (Chris)

  • Multi-media (PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Video
  • Web Development
  • Publications
  • Network Administration
  • Tape & CD Ministry

Pastor Phil

  • Drink Coffee
  • Play Horse
  • Be Master Pastor (Pastor P. P. Club)
  • Vision Casting
  • Staff Development / Leadership
  • Preaching / Teaching
  • Set Priorities / Direction

 Teaching Emphasis for 2005Theme: Growing DeepTeaching Opportunities:Children
  • Sunday School
  • Awana
  • Vacation Bible School


  • Sunday School
  • Student Worship Service
  • Small Groups
  • Camps / Retreats
  • Other


  • Sunday Morning Worship
  • Bible Fellowships
  • Pastor’s Bible Study
  • Life Development Institute
  • Bible Institute
  • Media (devotionals, recordings, web, etc.)
  • Other (Bible studies, small groups, conferences, books, etc.)


Personality Profiles of Staff (Who We Are)
Golden Retriever                    

About the Animals The descriptions of the four animals – the Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever and Beaver – are unique ways to describe a person’s God-given strengths and behavioral style. It is important to note that all people exhibit a combination of the four basic behavioral styles. The four animals used here are memorable representations of each style (dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance).  By taking a short assessment, you will be able to gain incredible understanding about your unique combination of strengths.Keep in mind that you will tend to be strongest in one or two of the animal styles. The information on the styles presented here describes only the purest form of each style. A person scoring very high in one or two of the animal styles will exhibit many of the descriptors outlined below. 

Circle Every Word That Describes a CONSISTENT Character Trait of Yours:
Takes charge Bold
Determined Purposeful
Firm Decision maker
Assertive Leader
Enterprising Goal driven
Competitive Self-Reliant
Enjoys challenges Adventurous
"Let's Do It Now!"
 Double the number circled ________
Deliberate Discerning
Controlled Detailed
Reserved Analytical
Predictable Inquisitive
Practical Precise
Orderly Persistent
Factual Scheduled
"How was it done in the past?"
 Double the number circled ________
Takes risks Fun-loving
Visionary Likes Variety
Motivator Enjoys change
Energetic Creative
Very verbal Group oriented
Promoter Mixes easily
Avoids details Optimistic
"Trust me! It'll work out!"
 Double the number circled ________
Loyal Adaptable
Nondemanding Sympathetic
Even keel Thoughtful
Avoids conflict Nurturing
Enjoys routine Patient
Dislikes change Tolerant
Deep relationships Good listener
"Let's keep things the way they are."
 Double the number circled ________


Transfer Your Score Totals to the Following Chart:
 ----------------------L- -----------------------B- -----------------------O- -----------------------G- -------------------------
 30--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 25--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 20--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 15--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 10--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 05--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 00--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------


Lions! Need to Direct
Lions have a God-given need to direct. Extroverted people, Lions will usually give their opinions in clear specific language. If group interaction has a slow pace, expect the Lion to step in and push the group along. When Lions have proper authority and responsibility, they can motivate and push people and groups to new heights that were considered impossible to reach. The Lion’s main fear is not being in control in certain situations.   
Otters! Need to Interact
  The Otter has a God-given need to interact and verbalize with others. The Otter has a tendency to talk smoothly, readily, and at length, using friendly contact and verbal persuasion as a way of promoting ideas and team effort. Otters will consistently try to inspire and influence others to their point of view.


Golden Retrievers! Need to Serve
Golden Retrievers have a strong need to serve others. Always the ones to help out, Golden Retrievers will lend a hand to get things finished. Opportunities to help others are energizing motivators for Golden Retrievers.
Beavers! Need for Procedures
There is comfort for Beavers in a stable and orderly life. They tend to follow procedures in both their personal and professional lives. Being conventional, they will usually stick to methods that have brought success in the past

This profile does not represent distinct personality types, but certain strengths and general personality preferences which may affect your approach to using or learning how to use a new software program or view a new online document. This profile is derived from "The Personal Strengths Survey" in The Two Sides of Love by Gary Smalley and John Trent (Focus on the Family Publishing; Pomona, CA, 1990).

 Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Senior PastorPURPOSE:     The Senior Pastor is the spiritual leader of the church, and with the church Elders, is responsible for its edification. He is the primary teacher of Scripture and equipper of the saints for ministry. As undershepherd, he leads the church and staff with compassion and care.RESPONSIBILITIES:
  1. To provide spiritual leadership for the entire church program.
  1. To guard himself and the church from error in doctrine and practice.
  1. To give himself fully to prayer and the study of the Word.
  1. To serve as an Elder.
  1. To prepare the agenda for, and conduct, staff meetings, elder meetings, congregational meetings, planning sessions, training sessions, and retreats.
  1. Lead the church in planning, conducting, and evaluating a comprehensive master plan.
  1. To be “the keeper of the vision” and the primary conduit of the Holy Spirit’s direction and leadership for Grace Church.
  1. To preach at all worship services, which include preaching or arrange for someone else to perform this function.
  1. To mentor and lead the Pastoral Staff to ensure individual growth, development, and spiritual health of each pastor.
  1. To direct the administration of the ordinances of the church.
  1. To conduct funeral services and wedding ceremonies as he is able, sharing and delegating to others on the staff responsibilities in this area.

This position is accountable to:  The EldersThis position works closely with: The Executive Director Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Executive DirectorPURPOSE:     It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to manage the day-to-day operations of the church. He will provide leadership and direct supervision of the Pastoral and Administrative staff to accomplish the mission of the church.RESPONSIBILITIES:

  1. Oversee and direct the Pastoral Staff and Administrative Staff for planning and day-to-day operations, and be directly responsible to the Senior Pastor and the Elders.
  2. Act for the Senior Pastor in his absence, or upon his direction.
  3. Serve as an Elder.
  4. Serve as principal liaison between the Staff and the Elders.
  5. To be responsible for the implementation of church policy as directed by the Elders and the Senior Pastor.
  6. Work with the Senior Pastor and Elders in developing, conducting, and evaluating a comprehensive strategic plan of ministry operation that strives for professionalism and excellence.
  7. Oversee and give direction to the financial operations of the church.
  8. Give general direction to the maintenance operations of the church.

This position reports directly to:  The Senior PastorThis Position works closely with:  Staff and Elders Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor/Director of MagnificationKey Verses:Jesus replied, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV)Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6 (NIV)Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry, for all ages, designed to celebrate God’s presence through praise and worship.Target Group:Crowd – everyone who attends the weekly worship service (both believers and nonbelievers)Ministry Focus:

  • Philosophy/Vision/Standards – establish overall ministry direction and parameters to ensure that the ministry is an instrument of the Holy Spirit
  • Scheduling/Planning – maintain an ongoing schedule for all praise and worship ministries
  • Praise and Worship Groups – develop strong groups which utilize various methods to encourage people to participate in worship (vocal, instrumental, drama, etc.)


Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Worship Team A team of laypeople who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of worshipping God. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church 
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Philosophy/ Vision /Standards – All efforts designed to establish, implement, and enforce the direction and parameters for all praise and worship ministries ·     Philosophy –.Develop and communicate the overall philosophy of praise and worship ministries at Grace Church.·     Vision – Develop, communicate, and promote the vision and goals for all praise and worship ministries.  Ensure that the vision is consistent with the overall vision of Grace Church.·     Standards – Develop, communicate, and enforce standards for praise and worship ministries designed to ensure consistent implementation of the philosophy and vision and to maintain a high standard of quality.
Scheduling /Planning – All efforts to plan, coordinate, and implement all praise and worship ministries ·     Weekly Worship Services –. Schedule, plan, coordinate, and lead all areas of praise and worship segment(s) for the weekly worship services. Practices/Rehearsals – Schedule, plan, and coordinate regular practices and rehearsals for all areas of praise and worship ministry.·     Guest Artists – Oversee the scheduling of all guest artists and coordinate the schedule with other ministry areas.·     Special Music – Maintain a master schedule for all individuals involved in any worship service.·     Technicians – Oversee, schedule, and coordinate all technicians needed to conduct services of any kind in the worship center (audio/visual, lighting, PowerPoint, etc.).
Praise and Worship Groups – All efforts designed to develop, coordinate, and lead various ministry groups to enhance the worship services Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to train and encourage laypeople to participate in the praise and worship ministry in the following areas:·     Vocal – All groups used to praise and worship God with our voices (choir, Grace Singers, praise team, etc.)·     Instrumental – All groups used to praise and worship God through the use of instruments (orchestra, praise band, hand-bell choir, etc.) 
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Praise and Worship Groups (cont.) ·     Drama – All groups used to praise and worship God through acting
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds the purpose of ministry ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all ministry related revenues and expenditures according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team.·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all revenues and expenditures under the ministry budget
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as assigned by the Pastor/Director of Life Missions (according to the temporary job description), Senior Pastor, or Executive Director. ·     Preaching·     Weddings·     Counseling·     Funerals·     Visitation·     Staff/Elders Meetings

General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated passion for worship.  They must be skilled as a musician.  They should model a godly lifestyle that others can adopt and should demonstrate mature and growing relationship with the Lord.  They should have a strong desire to encourage, prepare, and empower people to praise and worship God with all their heart, soul, and mind.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will report to the Senior Pastor regarding ministry (all matters pertaining to the philosophy, structure, methods, and general direction of the ministry) and to the Executive Director regarding administration (all matters pertaining to the operation, management, coordination, and general support of the ministry).  Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor/Director of Membership Key Verse:“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19,20a (NIV)“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:5 (NIV) Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry focused on the membership of Grace Church.  The primary goal is to connect newcomers into the body of believers and care for them as members of Grace Church.Target Group: Congregation – the group of regular attenders and members of Grace ChurchMinistry Focus:

  • Assimilation – motivate and facilitate believers to develop relationships and form multiple connections with other believers and ministry opportunities at Grace Church
  • Membership – motivate and facilitate the addition of newcomers and new believers into the body of believers at Grace Church
  • Congregational Care – minister to the people of Grace Church through care giving ministries
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Membership Team A team of laypeople and elders who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of membership. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church  
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Assimilation – All ministries associated with connecting new believers and newcomers to Grace Church through relationships, membership, and service. Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to make connections between people in the following areas:·     “Family of Friends” Ministry – All processes and procedures designed to contact and build relationships with those who attend regular Sunday morning services (name tags, phone contacts, ushers, greeters, Welcome Center, Pastor’s Reception, etc.)·     Tracking Process – All procedures and methods used to track overall or individual attendance to the services and events of the church (Care Cards, Sunday School attendance records, etc.)·     Fellowships – All events designed to bring the people of Grace Church together for the sole purpose of building relationships within the body.
Membership – All ministries designed to encourage and facilitate membership into the body of believers at Grace Church ·     Membership Class – Develop curriculum, promote upcoming class dates/times, coordinate staff and layman participation, and facilitate/lead classes designed for believers to learn about the staff, purposes, ministries, and membership requirements of the church. (Grace 101)·     Baptism – Schedule, coordinate, and conduct monthly baptismal services, and develop and teach baptism classes.
Congregational Care– All ministries designed to encourage, assist, and care for the believers at Grace Church ·     Benevolence – All annual and ongoing ministries designed to meet the material needs within our congregation (coordinate w/Deacon chairman & Elder liaison, clothing & food drives, etc.)·     Pastoral Care – Coordinate, organize, supervise, assign, and/or conduct misc. pastoral duties (weddings, funerals, and visitation)·     Altar Workers – Secure volunteers for all events and regular services, and ensure that all volunteers are qualified and have adequate training before ministry participation.
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds the membership ministries. ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all membership ministries according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team.·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all expenditures under the membership ministry budget.
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as assigned/needed by the Senior Pastor. ·     Speaking Engagements – Preaching, teaching, conducting weddings, and conducting funerals·     Pastoral Care – Visitor follow-up, visitation, and counseling·     Meetings– Consistent attendance, preparation, and participation in staff meetings, staff prayer meetings, elders’ meetings, and congregational and/or membership ministry meetings.

General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated love for people and a heart to see people connect with the body of believers at Grace Church.  They must model a warm, loving, and compassionate concern for people.  He should be a mature and growing Christian.  They must meet the Biblical qualifications for an elder.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will work closely with the Membership Ministry Leadership Team and the Pastor of Maturity.  He will report to the Senior PastorGrace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor/Director of Maturity Key Verses:“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19,20a (NIV)“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” II Peter 3:18a (NIV)Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to provide opportunities to the family of believers at Grace Church for spiritual growth toward Christ-like maturity.Target Group: Committed – maturing members of Grace ChurchMinistry Focus:

  • Discipleship – motivate and facilitate the initial growth of new believers
  • Bible Study/Education – provide opportunities for the instruction and equipping of laypeople for spiritual growth and ministry
  • Youth ministries – oversee and coordinate all youth ministries within the overall maturity ministries of Grace Church
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Maturity Ministry Team A team of laypeople who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of maturing the members of Grace Church. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church
Discipleship – All ministries associated with coordinating and facilitating one-on-one discipleship efforts ·     Grace 201 – Develop curriculum, promote participation, and teach classes designed for members to commit to three spiritual habits that will lead to personal growth (daily quiet time, tithing, and small group participation).
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Bible Study/ Education – All ministries associated with preparing and supporting our members for a growing walk with Christ and ministry Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to provide learning opportunities for the believers at Grace Church in the following areas:·     Adult Bible Fellowships – All classes held during the Sunday School hour designed to meet the unique fellowship and study needs of the varying groups of adults who regularly attend Grace Church (college age, singles, newly married, married with young children, empty nesters, senior saints, etc.)·     Small Group Ministries – All groups which meet on a regular basis for the purpose of fellowship, prayer, and Bible study (exception – Harvest Teams)
Youth Ministries – All ministries associated with the care, instruction, and fellowship of the children of Grace Church Provide general oversight, ministry direction, and evaluation for a comprehensive youth ministry in the following areas:·     Children’s Ministries – All ministries related to children in our nursery up to 5th grade (Sunday School, nursery, AWANA, camps, VBS, etc.)·     Student Ministries – All ministries related to our youth from 6th to 12th grade (Student Bible Fellowship, camps, college trips, ministry and social activities, etc.) Also, lead, mentor, and coach the primary directors/pastors over the youth ministries. NOTE:  Youth ministries will have their own structure of ministry based on the 5 purposes of Grace Church which will be developed and overseen by the primary directors/pastors over youth ministries.
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds the maturity ministries ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all maturity ministries (including all youth ministry budgets) according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team. 
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Annual Budget – (Cont.) ·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all revenue and expenditures under the ministry budget
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as assigned by the Pastor/Director of Life Missions (according to the temporary job description), Senior Pastor, or Executive Director. ·     Preaching·     Weddings·     Counseling·     Funerals·     Visitation·     Staff/Elders Meetings

General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated passion for teaching and learning.  They should be a mature and growing Christian with a passion to see others grow in their knowledge of Christ.  They should also have some proven experience with youth ministries; experience with managing a staff is a plus.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will report to the Senior Pastor regarding ministry (all matters pertaining to the philosophy, structure, methods, and general direction of the ministry) and to the Executive Director regarding administration (all matters pertaining to the operation, management, coordination, and general support of the ministry). Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor/Director of Ministry Key Verses: Jesus replied, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV)“It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…” Ephesians 4:11,12 (NIV) Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to provide ministry opportunities and to turn the members of Grace Church into ministers.Target Group: Core – members of Grace Church who make up the dedicated minority of workers and leaders who are committed to ministering to othersMinistry Focus:

  • Ministry Development – continually improve and increase the ministry opportunities at Grace Church
  • Volunteer Recruitment & Placement – encourage involvement and facilitate placement of the members of Grace Church into the various ministry opportunities
  • Training – develop a comprehensive plan to train lay ministers to become the most effective in their area(s) of ministry
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Ministry Team A team of laypeople who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of helping the members of Grace Church find their ministry niche and helping the church improve and add ministry opportunities. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Ministry Development – All efforts intended to evaluate, improve, refine, and/or add ministries ·     Communication – Consistently and continually communicate the vision and goals of lay ministry to the staff, church leaders, and church body.·     New Ministry Development – Actively seek ministry ideas, and, if implemented, participate in the development of these ministries for the first year.·     Ministry Evaluation – Develop and utilize an annual evaluation process to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of each ministry of the church.
Volunteer Recruitment & Placement – All efforts designed to encourage ministry participation and facilitate/monitor member involvement in ministry Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to recruit and place volunteers into the ministry in the following areas:·     Grace 301 – Develop curriculum, promote participation, and teach classes designed for members to discover their ministry niche and SHAPE and to commit to ministry involvement.·     Lay Ministry Fair – Schedule, plan, and coordinate an annual fair designed to promote the many ministry opportunities at Grace Church and recruit new volunteers to minister in those areas·     Ministry Organization – Conduct personal interviews and maintain detailed records for each lay minister (S.H.A.P.E., class attendance, ministry placement, job descriptions, etc.)
Edification /Encouragement – All efforts designed to train lay ministers for ministry involvement and encourage them in their participation Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to train and encourage lay ministers in the following areas:·     Adult Education/Training – All ministries designed to train and equip laypeople for ministry opportunities (teacher training, Life Development Institute, GEMS, etc.)·     Volunteer Appreciation – All efforts designed to communicate appreciation to lay ministers on an ongoing basis (annual appreciation event, church-wide recognition, verbal and written affirmation, etc.)
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds the purpose of ministry ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all ministry related revenues and expenditures according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team.·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all revenues and expenditures under the ministry budget
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as assigned by the Pastor/Director of Life Missions (according to the temporary job description), Senior Pastor, or Executive Director. ·     Preaching·     Weddings·     Counseling·     Funerals·     Visitation·     Staff/Elders Meetings

General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated passion for teaching and learning.  They should be a mature and growing Christian with a passion to see others grow in their knowledge of Christ.  They should have a strong desire to encourage, prepare, and empower laypeople to do the work of the ministry.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will report to the Senior Pastor regarding ministry (all matters pertaining to the philosophy, structure, methods, and general direction of the ministry) and to the Executive Director regarding administration (all matters pertaining to the operation, management, coordination, and general support of the ministry). Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor/Director of MissionKey Verse:“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19,20a (NIV)Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry focused on the community and congregation at large.  The primary goal is to reach out to the lost and hurting with the purpose of helping them fulfill their life mission through the power of the Holy Spirit.Target Groups: Community – any person living within driving distance of Grace Church who has not made any commitment to Jesus Christ or Grace ChurchCongregation – the group of regular attenders and members of Grace Church Ministry Focus:

  • Outreach – reach out to the lost and hurting in our surrounding communities
  • Congregational Care – minister to the people of Grace Church through care giving ministries
  • Missions – equip and motive the members of Grace Church to support and participate in missions endeavors
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Mission Ministries Leadership Team A team of laypeople who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of missions. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church     
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Outreach – All ministries associated with reaching out to the lost in our surrounding communities. Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive outreach ministry in the following areas:·     Bridge Events – All special events that are designed to build a bridge between our community and Grace Church and provide a platform for the propagation of the Gospel (ex. seasonal/holiday emphasis, summer picnics, etc.)·     Evangelism – Schedule and plan recurrent evangelistic events and training.
Congregational Care– All ministries designed to encourage, assist, and care for the believers at Grace Church ·     Counseling – Coordinate, organize, supervise, and conduct a comprehensive pastoral and lay counseling ministry.·     Pastoral Care – Conduct misc. pastoral duties (weddings, funerals, and visitation)·     “Celebrate Recovery” – Coordinate, organize, supervise, and conduct a ministry to help those who suffer from various forms of addiction
Missions– All ministries designed to equip and encourage believers at Grace Church to support and participate in missions endeavors ·     Mission Class – Develop curriculum, promote upcoming class dates/times, coordinate layman participation, and facilitate/lead classes designed for members to commit to fulfilling their life mission. (Grace 401)·     International Missions – All ministries related to the support and selection of missionaries to the domestic or foreign fields (Missions Committee, Annual Missions Conference, Harvest Teams, short-term missions trips, missionary correspondence and contact, etc.)
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds the mission ministries ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all mission ministries according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team.·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Annual Budget (cont.) ·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all expenditures under the mission ministry budget.
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as assigned/needed by the Senior Pastor. ·     Speaking Engagements – Preaching, teaching, conducting weddings, and conducting funerals·     Pastoral Care – Visitor follow-up, visitation, and counseling·     Meetings– Consistent attendance, preparation, and participation in staff meetings, staff prayer meetings, elders’ meetings, and congregational and/or membership ministry meetings.

General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated love for people and a heart to see people come to place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation and victory in the midst of spiritual battles.  They must model a warm, loving, and compassionate concern for people.  They must have a heart for missions and for those who are sent out into the harvest fields.  They must meet the Biblical qualifications for an elder.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will work closely with the Mission Ministries Leadership Team and the Pastor of Membership.  He will report to the Senior PastorGrace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor of Student MinistriesKey Verse:“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19,20a (NIV)Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry for youth.  The primary goal is growth in Christ-likeness among the youth of Grace Church and the development of a strong leadership team to support and direct student ministries.Target Group:  Student members and non-members grades 6-12 both believers and non-believersMinistry Focus:

  • Evangelism – reach out to the lost in order to share the Gospel message with them
  • Discipleship – motivate and facilitate the initial and ongoing growth of believers
  • Activities – oversee and coordinate all youth activities
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Student Ministry Leadership Team A team of laypeople, elders, and staff who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of student ministries. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church
Evangelism – All ministries associated with reaching youth with the Gospel  
Discipleship – All ministries associated with preparing and supporting our youth for a growing walk with Christ and ministry leadership Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to provide learning opportunities for the youth at Grace Church in the following areas:·     Small Groups – All groups which meet on a regular basis for the purpose of fellowship, prayer, and Bible study·     Discipleship/Leadership Training
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Discipleship (cont.) ·     Student Bible Fellowships – All classes held during the Sunday School hour designed to meet the unique fellowship and study needs of the youth who regularly attend Grace Church
Activities – All activities specifically targeting youth Develop, promote, implement, oversee, and evaluate all activities designed to provide interaction between and ministry opportunities for the youth at Grace Church.  For example:·     Retreats·     Praise & Worship·     Missions Trips·     Parties/Fellowships·     Youth Camps & Outings
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds student ministries ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all student ministries according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team.·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all expenditures under the student ministry budget
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as needed/assigned by the Senior Pastor. ·     Speaking Engagements – Preaching, teaching, conducting weddings, and conducting funerals·     Pastoral Care – Visitor follow-up, visitation, and counseling·     Meetings– Consistent attendance, preparation, and participation in staff meetings, staff prayer meetings, elders’ meetings, and congregational and/or youth ministry meetings.

 General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated passion for youth ministries.  He should be a mature and growing Christian with a passion to see youth place their faith in Jesus Christ and grow in their knowledge and love of Him.  They should also have proven experience with youth ministries; experience with managing a staff is a plus.  They must meet the Biblical qualifications for an elder.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will work closely with the Student Ministry Leadership Team and the Pastor of Maturity.  He will report to the Senior Pastor.Extra Ministry Involvement:The Pastor of Student Ministries is encouraged to partner with, support, and assist other youth pastors and organizations within central Iowa for the purpose of maintaining a Kingdom perspective within youth ministry. Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Communications DirectorPURPOSE:       It is the responsibility of the Communications Director to develop and oversee a comprehensive communications strategy for Grace Church, to provide technology solutions to aid and assist the staff in them in carrying out their responsibilities, and to assist the Executive Director with the administrative functions of the church.RESPONSIBILITIES:

  1. Develop a comprehensive communications strategy for Grace Church to communicate the message of the church both internally and externally using the media available.
  2. To oversee the multimedia (projection and video) components of the worship services and develop media content to support the theme and teaching topic.
  3. To produce or oversee the production of the bulletin, newsletters, brochures, Web sites, flyers, posters, and signs to maintain a coordinated theme and message.
  4. Coordinate the master schedule for all events and activities planned at the church for the purpose of promotion and advertising.
  5. To serve as the church’s public information officer to the media, providing press releases and statements to the media as needed.
  6. To assist the pastoral staff in developing promotional materials for their ministries.
  7. To coordinate the use of outside media for the purpose of advertising the church’s ministries and events.
  8. To assist the executive director with managing the church’s finances, ensuring that accurate, detailed records are kept of all financial operations and to work in close coordination with the church’s outside accountant to ensure the integrity of the church’s finances.
  9. To assist in the development of the church’s annual budget process, working in close collaboration with the Executive Director and the Finance and Personnel Team.
  10. To assist the Executive Director in developing and coordinating a system of employee compensation, performance reviews and employee benefits.
  11. To serve as the church’s chief technical officer, ensuring the church employees have access to current technology to be effective in their jobs.
  12. To oversee the purchase and deployment of computer hardware and software.
  13. To serve as the church’s network administrator, ensuring the computer network is operating efficiently, is kept up-to-date, and that adequate training is provided to employees on software available.
  14. To develop and implement an effective back-up strategy for the church’s computer data, to ensure its safety in the event of a catastrophic loss.

This position reports directly to:  The Executive Director;This Position works closely with:  The Pastoral Staff and Elders

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Grace Church Grace Church

20th Anniversary 60 Second Radio Spot (text)

Grace Church is celebrating 20 years of ministry in Central Iowa this Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and we want to invite you to celebrate with us!

On Friday join us at 7 PM for Jamey Ragle. Jamey both inspires and motivates audiences with his unique humor and powerful message.

Then on Saturday there'€™s an indoor carnival for the kids starting at four and a BBQ dinner starting at 5:15 PM. At 6:30 we will relive the highlights of the last twenty years and welcome back Pastor David Nelms.

And on Sunday during our morning worship services at 8:30 and 11 AM Pastor Nelms will again be with us as we celebrate God's blessings and His power in seeing lives changed and hope restored in the lives of thousands of people.

It all happens this weekend at Grace Church, located at the corner of E. 25th Street and Aurora. Everything is free and it's guaranteed to be fun for the entire family! For more information you can visit us online at or call 265-0199. That'€™s or 265-0199.

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Grace Church Grace Church

50 Days of Love Promo Letter

September 29, 2003

Dear Family of Friends,

We are now underway with our fall spiritual growth emphasis we are calling “50 Days of Love.” Jesus told us there is no greater commandment than to love the Lord our God with all of our heart, soul and mind and to likewise love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Most of us have a theoretical understanding of love, but not a very practical understanding. That is the emphasis of the 50 Days of Love. It is my prayer that during the next several weeks we as a church family will grasp what it means to demonstrate our love for each other, show our love to the community in which God has placed us, and reflect God’s love to a lost and dying world.

As part of the 50 Days of Love we have developed several tools to help in the journey:

  • Eight-part Sermon Series–each week between now and Nov. 23 we will study verse-by-verse 1 Corinthians 13…the famous “love chapter” in the New Testament.
  • ABF/Small Group Curriculum–to expand on the topics of each week’s sermon, each ABF and Small Group will use coordinated curriculum that helps flesh out the core concepts and apply them to your life.
  • Daily Devotional Series–a team of writers has worked hard to develop individual daily devotions for the entire 50 days of the spiritual journey. These will help you carry the theme of each week with you and to reflect and meditate as the Holy Spirit leads.
  • Fall Ministry Fair–on November 16 we will hold our second annual Fall Ministry Fair. Our theme this year is “All Hands on Deck!” Finding a place of service within the local church is a clear expression of love, and we will help you find your place within the great ship of Grace Church! It takes a lot of people to float a boat as big as Grace Church. Everyone needs to get an oar in the water so to speak. Don’t miss this exciting event.
  • Four Expressions of Love–in an effort to put the practical into our teaching series, we are encouraging each person to participate in the four expressions of love during the 50 days. These include: (1) Operation Christmas Child; (2) Share What You Wear (Nov. 20-22); (3) Each One Reach One (sharing Jesus with one person before the end of 2003); (4) Project Blessing (early December). There will be much more information on each of these outreach projects during the 50 days.• Celebration Sunday–we will conclude the 50 Days of Love journey with a giant celebration on Sunday, Nov. 23.

In addition to the 50 Days of Love, this fall also marks our church’s 20th anniversary. In celebration, we have invited back Pastor David Nelms the weekend of Oct. 31 through Nov. 2. We will kick-off the weekend on Friday night, Oct. 31 with Jamey Ragle. If Jamey was the only special guest of the weekend it would still be a huge blessing! Then on Saturday, Nov. 1, starting at 4 p.m., we will have a family festival with games for the kids, lots of food, and fun. At 6:30 p.m. we will move into the Worship Center for a time of worship, celebration, testimony and to hear a challenge from Pastor Nelms. On Sunday, Nov. 2, Pastor Nelms will preach during both morning services and we will give our annual Harvest Offering.

The Lord has blessed us in so many ways this year, and this is our opportunity to give back to the Lord and say “Thank you!” for providing so abundantly for 20 years. I want to ask you to dig down good and deep for the Harvest Offering. We have our sails set for growth and outreach so we need to harvest a copious offering to reap a bountiful harvest of souls. I am asking you to give the best offering you can possibly give on November 2nd. In the past we have given a double tithe, but let God lead you as you determine how to say thank you Lord for these 20 years. In my case a double tithe is not nearly enough to give in thanksgiving. Please help me bring a worthy offering to the Lord.

My dear family of friends–I know the next two months will be a huge blessing for each one of you. But to experience the blessings…you must be here! Let me encourage you to make the commitment now–write it on your calendar–to be here and to participate in the 50 Days of Love. We are going to talk about “What Matters Most to God.” Love is the subject, so make it a point to not miss a single event. I’ll be looking for you Sunday.

God Bless,

Pastor Phil

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