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Women of Grace--A New Beginning

April 2009Women of GraceA New Beginning Beginning in the fall of 2009, the women’s ministry of Grace Church will be launched with a renewed vision and new name.  “Women of Grace” will be a comprehensive ministry specifically designed for and conducted by the women of our church.  It will expand to better serve the diverse group and unique needs of women in our church.The Need:We are faced with a unique ministry opportunity among women in our day and age.  The women of today are much different than they were 40 years ago.  Statistics show that women make up more than 50% of church membership in the United States.  Of women with young children, over half work outside the home, and of working women, the majority have obtained a college education.  Our country has a large population of single adults, and the majority of those singles are women.  Furthermore, women are living longer.  So, the population of women over the age of 60 continues to climb.The statistics serve to illustrate that the church has both a challenging and exciting task ahead.  There is a need for the church to employ a model of women’s ministry that is able to meet a broad range of spiritual needs for a very diverse group of women.  Married or single, young or old, employed or un-employed, the women of our church need the opportunity to develop a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ.  Furthermore, in order to reach out to the lost women in our communities, we must be able to provide unique opportunities for outreach and care-giving.It is time for our church to accept the challenge to provide opportunities for women to develop their relationship with Jesus Christ and to help them find their unique gifts and roles in the priesthood of believers.  Christian women today are better educated than ever before and have more skills.  They desire to be involved in ministry areas where they can use those skills and abilities.  They no longer desire to be women’s ministry consumers but, rather, women’s ministry participants and servants.Purpose:The fundamental purpose of the “Women of Grace” ministry at Grace Church is for the women of our church to minister to the women of our church.  “Women of Grace’ is part of the total ministry of the church and exists to promote and support the purpose and core values of Grace Church.Philosophy of Ministry:

  • Leadership – The women’s ministry will be lead by the women of our church.  The women’s leadership team will be accountable to the Pastor of Adult Ministries.
  • Organization – The women’s ministry will be organized into six specific areas of ministry.  Each area will have a designated leader and/or group of leaders to organize and implement the given area of ministry.  Each ministry will be led to complement the overall philosophy of ministry at Grace Church as determined by the pastors and elders.  Each ministry will be structured to support small groups, whenever possible, with the intent of providing the most effective environment for mending, mentoring, and maturing.
    • Prayer – This area of ministry will provide encouragement and opportunities for the women of our church to take the needs of our women and women’s ministry to prayer.
    • Bible Study – This area of ministry will provide multiple weekly and seasonal opportunities for the women of our church to learn from God’s Word and make practical applications of the Truth to their lives (ex. Tuesday morning Bible studies and Wednesday evening classes).
    • Fellowship – This area of ministry will provide year-round opportunities for the women of our church to come together for fun and fellowship.
    • Service – This area of ministry will focus on providing opportunities to serve and reach out to women in need within our church and/or community.  In instances where financial needs are present, this ministry area will be coordinated with the deacons’ benevolence ministry.
    • Events – This area of ministry will provide two to three annual events, retreats, and/or conferences to encourage and edify the women of our church (ex. Women of Faith and Mother/Daughter banquet).
    • Promotion – This area of ministry will oversee the production of all media relating to women’s ministry including publications, web site, video, mailings, e-mail publications, etc.


  • Form Advisory Group (Target Date: 4/12) – A group of women with a passion for a new, exciting women’s ministry will form an advisory group that will commit to prayer and lay the foundation for the Women of Grace ministry.  These women may or may not become leaders on the initial leadership team.  The advisory group will consist of a diverse group of women with varied perspectives.  The advisory group should meet for the first time sometime during the week of April 12.


  • Finalize Ministry Direction (Target Date: 6/30) – The advisory group will meet over the course of the two months to accomplish several tasks.  (1) They will review and finalize the direction of women’s ministry.  (2) They will assess the strengths and weaknesses of the past and current women’s ministry in order to determine future direction.  (3)  They will make recommendations regarding the members of the initial leadership team, ministry slogans and/or Scriptures, and transition items.  (4) They will develop a plan for sustaining the ministry into the future with regard to leader recruitment, training, and rotation. They will finalize the members of the Women’s Ministry Leadership Team.
  • Launch “Women of Grace” (Target Date: 9/13) – Over the course of the summer quarter, the leadership team will develop plans for launching the new ministry that will operate from September 2009 through May 2010. The launch for the new ministry should happen no later than Sunday, September 13.

Guiding Principles:The following principles will guide the decisions and implementation of women’s ministries at Grace Church.

  • The Women of Grace ministry is subject to and will support and promote the philosophy, purpose, and core values of Grace Church as a whole.
  • The Women of Grace ministry will be formed and overseen by an advisory group of ministry-minded women.  This group will not be involved in the detailed planning or implementation of women’s ministries, but they will assist the women’s leadership team on broad-based decisions and overall direction when needed.  The advisory group members will be appointed by and accountable to the Pastor of Adult Ministries.
  • The director of the Women of Grace ministry will be appointed by and accountable to the Pastor of Adult Ministries.  She will be a member of the advisory group and will serve a minimum of 1 year and, preferably, 2 years.
  • The leaders of the six ministry areas within the Women of Grace ministry will be appointed by the Pastor of Adult Ministries and/or the director of the Women of Grace ministry with the assistance of an advisory team.  They will serve a minimum of 1 year and, preferably, 2 years.
  • All leadership roles will be occupied by members of Grace Church who demonstrate a life that is above reproach, both privately and publicly.
  • All leadership roles, with the possible exception of the advisory group, will be rotated periodically (every 1 to 2 years) in order to ensure a constant supply of fresh ideas and new opportunities for the women of our church to serve in the ministry.
  • Every attempt will be made to ensure that the leadership team and advisory group are comprised of a representative (demographically) group of godly women from within our church.

Values:In addition to the core values and beliefs of Grace Church, the following values provide direction and determine how we will pursue the purpose and vision of “Women of Grace”.

  • We value our relationship with Jesus Christ and our responsibility to nurture our relationship with Him and others.
  • We value the example of Christ’s life and our responsibility to love one another and to live a life evident of His seed in us.
  • We value the Great Commission to the church and our responsibility to help fulfill that commission.
  • We value the Scripture as our final authority and our responsibility to use Scripture to encourage, train, correct, and rebuke with great patience and careful instruction.
  • We value the ordained leadership of our pastors and elders and our responsibility to submit to their authority.
  • We value the diversity and unique needs of women and our responsibility to help meet those needs.
  • We value the spiritual gifts and passions God has given women and our responsibility to provide opportunities for meaningful service.
  • We value the spiritual gifts and passions God has given men and our responsibility to complement those gifts in Christian service.
  • We value the high calling of any woman who is a wife or a mother and her God given responsibility to her family.
  • We value the high calling of any who are husband or father and his God given responsibility to be a leader, provider, protector, and teacher by the example of his life.
  • We value the experience and example of spiritually mature women and their responsibility to teach, nurture, and help other women to become mature Christians.
  • We value the children and youth of our church and our responsibility to provide a Christ-like example for them and to nurture their relationships with Jesus Christ.
  • We value appropriate levels of confidentiality and our responsibility to help protect the reputations of each other

Goals:Each of the six areas of ministry within Women of Grace has freedom to establish purposes, goals, methods, and curriculum for the individual initiatives and projects under that area of ministry.  In doing so, each individual ministry will promote the success of the following overall goals of the Women of Grace ministry.

  • Women at Grace Church will be accepted and connected.
  • Women at Grace Church will have a healthy, safe place to share, to heal, and to be nurtured.
  • Women at Grace Church will experience Koinonea (intimate spiritual fellowship with Christ) through His presence in other women.
  • Women at Grace Church will strengthen their relationship with Christ, grow spiritually, and strengthen their identity in Christ.
  • Women at Grace Church will strengthen their relationships with each other.
  • Women at Grace Church will discover their gifts and align those gifts with their passions in order to find a place of ministry in the body.
  • Women at Grace Church will obtain experience serving in the body and ministering to others.
  • Women at Grace Church will minister to and mentor each other.
  • Women at Grace Church will pray with others.
  • Women at Grace Church will seek the Holy Spirit’s direction and God’s will.
  • Women at Grace Church will love people.
  • Women at Grace Church will be joyful.

Misc. Ideas for Ministry Direction:Each area of ministry within Women of Grace will be developed and implemented by the women of Grace Church.  The following list contains possibilities for each of the five ministry areas.Prayer

  • Organize prayer teams
  • Organize prayer chains
  • Organize prayer meetings
  • Work with community prayer groups
  • Provide opportunities for women to become comfortable praying publicly
  • Send women out to pray with and for people in need
  • Organize prayer partners
  • Have women pray with those in need over the phone
  • Track prayer requests and answers to prayer

Bible Study

  • Implement small groups into Bible studies
  • Strengthen Tuesday morning and Wednesday evening Bible studies for women
  • Begin a Sunday morning Women’s Grace Group
  • Organize Bible studies for the working woman
  • Create an online Bible study through the church website
  • Write curriculum for women’s Bible study
  • Create mentoring programs
  • Train women to teach others


  • Offer classes to learn to speak Spanish
  • Form Christian book club
  • Organize play groups for moms & tots
  • Scrap booking/Stamping/Quilting/Crafts groups
  • Organize weight loss support groups
  • Organize exercise groups
  • Form gardening/landscape club
  • Form drama/art club
  • Organize a women’s recreation league


  • Teach illiterate women to read
  • Offer an ESL (English as a Second Language) program to women
  • Minister to hurting women (incarcerated, abused, widowed, etc.)
  • Minister to women in need (teenage/unwed moms, moms of special need children, etc.)
  • Organize work days for service at church
  • Decorate the church for holidays
  • Provide counseling


  • Organize weekend retreats
  • Organize church conferences, workshops, or seminars
  • Organize enrichment events
  • Promote community events
  • Promote national events
  • Honor moms & daughters with a meaningful annual banquet


  • Publish a monthly insert for the worship folder
  • Publish a quarterly newsletter for the women of Grace
  • Develop a Women of Grace Web Site
  • Publish a weekly prayer-focused e-newsletter
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Adult Ministries Discipleship Planning

Grace ChurchAdult Ministries Advisory TeamDiscipleship PlanningFebruary 7, 20099:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.   

Grace Church


Adult Ministries Leadership Team

November 2008

Rationale:Grace Church established the Adult Ministries Leadership Team (AMLT) to serve as resource, represent the congregation and volunteer leaders within adult ministries, and to coordinate the strategic planning process for adult ministries. The team also serves as a focus group and sounding board for various activities and functions within the adult ministries domain.The team consists of a group of people representing various elements within adult ministries, and is linked to the Elder Body of Grace Church by the incorporation of two lay elders.Purpose of the Team:The AMLT's initial purpose is to successfully complete a strategic planning process for adult ministries at Grace Church. Each member will serve as a voice and as a resource towards the completion of this process.Accountability and Authority:The AMLT will serve as advocates for and implementation of a strategic plan focusing on the educational/training/discipleship domain for Grace Church.The AMLT serves in an advisory capacity to the pastor of adult ministries and is ultimately accountable to the Grace Church Elders and senior pastor. Ask Tough QuestionsChuck Gaines, church consultant for LifeWay Christian Resources, was asked at a seminar for his personal observations about the characteristics of "growing, exciting" churches. Gaines comments, "These churches don't look for answers—they look for questions," especially questions relating to forming and implementing a process for discipleship. Gaines said churches that ask tough questions experience growth and excitement in the process of finding the answers to them. He listed some of the questions such churches ask:

  1. How does our church define discipleship?
  2. What is the history of discipleship at our church?
  3. How do we define disciple?
  4. How do we define discipler?
  5. What does a disciple look like?
  6. Do we have an intentional process of discipleship?
  7. Does our church know this process?
  8. Does our leadership team know this process?
  9. How do we communicate this process?
  10. How does this process relate to the purpose of the church?
  11. Has our church prioritized distinct practices that relate to the discipleship process?
  12. Does our church practice the principle of abandonment based on the idea that activity doesn't always mean productivity?
  13. How does our church measure maturity?
  14. How does our church evaluate the effectiveness of the discipleship process?
  15. How does our community describe our church?
  16. What does a church committed to discipleship look like?
  17. Do our church families spend more planned time in a week at church with each other or in the community with non-believers?
  18. Can one size fit all?
  19. Are we creating clones or disciples; what's the difference?
  20. Are "spritual disciplines" and "discipleship" synonymous?

From an article by Chuck Gaines, Pastors Today, 01/19/08 Steve Miller’s Questions:

  1. How can we promote the working of the Holy Spirit in the people (all of the group) we work with?
  2. What are we currently doing to promote Christians to become Disciples of Christ?
  3. What is the fundamental purpose of the educational ministry (learning Biblical based truth, individual spiritual growth, ability/desire to disciple, all of these?)
  4. How do the "groups" we promote interact with our fundamental purpose?
  5. How can we (or should we) evaluate/assess our effectiveness?
  6. As Group Leaders do we believe that attendance equates to "learning" or "spiritual growth"?
  7. How does (should) accountability look for Group Leaders?
  8. How can Chris be accountable for each group and their group leader(s)?
  9. Do we want a linear curriculum (pre-school age through retirement age), sermon based, or group specific - or a combination of each - if so who decides?
  10. What skill development opportunities do group leaders have regarding meeting the needs of adult learners?
  11. What emphasis/expectations are placed on Group Leaders to model the behaviors Grace Church would expect?

I like this quote: If you keep doing what you have always done you will keep getting what you have always gotten. 

Church Models of Discipleship

Growing True Disciples by George Barna (2001)

  • Competencies Model (Pantego Bible Church, Ft. Worth, TX.  David Daniels
  • Missional Model (Fellowship Bible Church, Little Rock, AR. Robert Lewis
  • Neighborhood Model (Perimeter Church, Duluth, GA. Randy Pope
  • Worldview Model (Fellowship Bible Church North, Plano, TX. Jeff Jones.
  • Lecture-Lab Model (North Coast Church, Vista, CA. Larry Osborne

The Competencies Model: Pantego Bible Church

  • 30 specific foci
    • 10 core beliefs
    • 10 core practices
    • 10 core virtues
  • Celebration/congregation/cell
  • Christian Life Profile
  • Topical adult-ed classes

 The Missional Model: Fellowship Bible Church

  • A blend of the Competencies & Worldview models
  • Six core qualities/competencies
  • Introduction class
  • Small group
  • Specialty classes

 The Neighborhood Model: Perimeter Church

  • Combination of Worldview, Competencies, & Missional models
  • Inquirer’s class
  • Neighborhood congregation (15-20 people)
  • Discipleship Team (5-9 people)
  • Church-authored discipleship curriculum
  • Modeling evangelism

 The Worldview Model: Fellowship Bible Church North (Chase Oaks Church)

  • Imparting biblical wisdom that leads to personal transformation
  • Goals:  participation, service, understanding, decision-making
  • Two-year, small group process
  • Discovery Series:  4 topical books
  • Issue-oriented
  • Dissonance-based
  • Peer mentors

 The Lecture-Lab Model: North Coast Church

  • Delivery of content through sermons (lecture) and small groups (lab)
  • Biblical knowledge + faith-based relationships à godly character & Christian service
  • Sermon outlines
  • Small groups as the primary forum for learning

 Barna’s “Best Of” Model: Don’t reinvent the wheel

  • Look for principles not templates
  • Senior Pastor as champion
  • Church membership linked to discipleship
  • All ministry programs tied to discipleship outcomes
  • Minimized programs to focus on discipleship
  • Coordination of all teaching
  • Discipleship tied to the church mission statement
  • Use of PDPs
  • Disciples in small groups
  • Disciples in mid-size groups
  • Disciples in worship services
  • Disciples in community service
  • Disciples with mentors/coaches
  • Annual evaluations & revised PDPs
  • Coordinated sermon content


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Grace Church Grace Church

Grace Church Planning Process for 2004

2004 Planning Process“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding: In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.” –Proverbs 3:5-8Grace Church4200 E. 25th StreetDes Moines, IA 50317(515) “It’s easy to say “no” when there is a deeper “yes” burning within.” –Dr. Steven R. Covey

In 2004 we must become better at saying “no” to many/most good things so that we can say “yes” to the things that really matter. Until we determine what it is that “really matters,” we find ourselves with too many priorities, too many individual roles to fulfill, and not enough time, not enough money, and not enough resources. During this planning retreat we must answer the question, “What Matters Most?”Only the mediocre are always at their best. –Jean GiraudouxReview Purpose StatementGrace Church exists to bring people to Jesus and membership in His family, develop them to Christlike maturity, and equip them for their ministry in the church and life mission in the world, in order to magnify God’s name.Review Core Values

Jesus Is Our Lord–Jesus is our Lord, and because of this everything else is peripheral.  Jesus Christ alone is the only real and lasting hope (John 14:6).  We love Him and, for this reason, we place our relationship with Him first above all others.  We strive to respond faithfully to the call of Jesus- to follow Him above all the distractions of this world, which so often compete for our time, energy, and attention (Luke 14:15-24).  If God is pleased with us, nothing else matters.

People Matter–Since people matter to God, they matter to us.  All people are made in God’s image and have worth.  Therefore, we strive to obey both the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) by reaching out to the world around us and sharing the everlasting love of Jesus Christ (John 20:21).

We Worship God–We invite the Holy Spirit to control us and lead us in our worship of Him.  God is the object of our worship and the recipient of our praise.  We live to honor Him, both with holy lives and adoring lips.  Where tradition helps to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ, and further the mission of our church, we embrace it.  Where tradition becomes a wall between God and His people, we seek to tear it down (Matthew 23:13-36; John 9:1-41).

The Bible Is Foundational–We believe the Bible is God’s Holy, Inspired Word.  The Scriptures are our final authority in all matters.  The Holy Spirit- who is our Teacher- uses the Scriptures to daily guide us (Psalm 119:105; Acts 2:42-47).

We Are Called To Serve–We believe each member is called to be a minister (Ephesians 2:8-10; 4:11-12).  Our God is a great God who deserves to be served by faithful stewards.  It is a privilege to give our time, money and resources to Him.  In fact, anything less than our very best is an insult to His Holy, Awesome Name.  In response to His grace, how can we be less than fully devoted followers of the cross?

We Are one Body–We are a church of individuals, different in many ways, yet called together by God to be one in ministry and mission.  As members of the same body and family, we become more effective when we work in harmony as a unified whole (John 17:20-23).  Among us, love for one another is the norm (John 13:34; Romans 13:8), conflicts are resolved according to the teaching of Jesus (Matthew 18:15-17), and we seek to build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  We rejoice together and we suffer together (1 Corinthians 12:25-27).  We pray for each other (James 5:16), accept each other (Romans 15:7) and serve one another in love (Galatians 5:13).

We Are A Family of Friends–We do something unusual at Grace.  Despite being a larger church, we prioritize the importance of people knowing each other by name- to the point that we provide name tags for the entire church.  We know that you want a friendly church, but even more important, a church where you can make friends.

We Are Committed to The Next Generation--We believe children are a gift from the Lord and that it is our responsibility as a church to partner with parents in raising a next generation fully committed to the Lord. Regardless of what we accomplish during our life time, it is the faithfulness of our children and grandchildren that will be our significant heritage. As individuals and as a church we must take seriously the training and equipping of the Next Generation (Deut. 6).

We Agree to Disagree–There are some disputable matters on which two Christians may agree to disagree, even though they are in the same local church and part of the same leadership team.  We may state the case for our position, but will also acknowledge that sincere and intelligent Christians hold different views.  We are committed to nurturing the unity we share as the family of God and to obeying His command to “love one another” (Romans 14:1-15; 2 Timothy 2:23-24; Titus 3:9; John 13:35).

Review Long-range ObjectivesIn November 2002, Pastor Phil defined a New Charter for Grace Church. Much of the attention during the first 20 years of ministry was focused on “gathering the tools,” from qualified, capable staff members to the buildings and ground necessary to do ministry. Without question, the Lord has blessed Grace Church and provided abundantly! The next 20 years is not about buildings and property. Our focus must change to shepherding.Pastor Phil described our world today like a herd of sheep running for the cliff. Jesus called these people “his little lambs” and commanded us to “tend his sheep.” As a church we must take this very seriously. Our dream is to become a church that exhibits God’s unconditional love to hurting people; a church that doesn’t shoot the wounded, but helps them back to full health. We desire to be a welcoming, loving church that is ready, willing and able to put up with the mess of working with broken people.Not only do we need to help the sheep that have fallen off the cliff, but we need to help families build fences that protect our little lambs from reaching the cliff. The Next Generation Ministry must protect our kids from the wolves that want to push them over the cliff. We must teach the truth and we must model the truth for our children and grandchildren. Kids model what they see.How do we accomplish these things? We believe God has positioned Grace Church in a unique area of influence. Below are the strategic objectives that guide our ministry. Each is founded in what we believe to be the mandate for a true New Testament Church. While our ministry goals and emphasis may change from year-to-year, these objectives–along with our Core Values–will provide the compass for our planning.

  • A Regional, Flagship Church–Based on the principle that “to whom much is given, much is required,” we believe God is leading Grace Church to take on more leadership responsibility to the many smaller churches in our community. Clearly, God has given Grace many resources and opportunities that smaller congregations do not enjoy. We want to be a resource to these ministries and provide more training and fellowship opportunities for pastors within the Central Iowa region. We believe God is leading us to impact not just East Des Moines, but all of Polk, Dallas, Warren, Jasper and Story Counties for His Kingdom.
  • To Continue as a Church-planting Church–God has given us the privilege of planting two new churches in the last ten years, Fellowship Community Church of Norwalk and Grace West Church in West Des Moines and assisting with the planting of Easter Lake Church in 2003 and First Family Church in Ankeny in 2004. We believe the Lord is leading us to continue planting new churches within the Central Iowa region. Some of these churches will be new, independent bodies that will function completely autonomous from Grace Church, while others will serve as new satellite locations that will remain a permanent part of our church body. Specifically, we are praying about future church plant in Newton.
  • A Mission-minded Church with a Strategic Focus–We believe God has given us a very unique opportunity to have a dynamic impact in a specific foreign field–Peru. Pastor Phil and Bonnie are career missionaries in Peru and know the language fluently and are at home in the culture. At the center of our Peru Missions Strategy is The Bridge, a property located just outside Lima, Peru. In addition to a host family (Greg and Sherry Davidson), The Bridge provides short- and long-term housing for both short-term missionaries and potential missionary candidates for full-time service. From this base we can operate a growing and expanding mission ministry in the Lima area and in the entire country of Peru. During the next several years we will seek increasing opportunities to train and deploy our own people in both short-term and long-term ministries in Peru.
  • Preparing Leaders for the Next Generation–We are fully aware of the impact American Culture is having on the family in the 21st Century. Children growing up in our church today will face a new world where technology reigns supreme, values are anything anyone chooses to believe, and the church struggles to stay relevant. We believe God has given us a tremendous responsibility to raise our children to be true believers in the Lord God of Israel. This will not happen without the direct, active involvement of the entire church family. It is our intention to focus more of our resources on the Next Generation and to seek specific, Christ-centered objectives in our Christian Education approach.
  • A Balanced Approach to Church Ministry–We believe God’s approach to ministry is balanced on five specific purposes found in Scripture: membership, maturity, ministry, mission and magnification. As we pray and plan for the future at Grace Church, these five purposes will resonate in all that we do and say. Our desire is to become a church of balanced believers, bringing glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ in our individual lives, our homes, our schools, and our workplace.
  • Every Member a Minister–We want this to be more than just a cute catch phrase. It is our prayer that every man, woman and child at Grace Church will realize their unique calling as a believer and will seek to discover and pursue their specific ministry in this world. We realize, however, that effective ministers must be trained and equipped! It is our desire to see GEMS and other training tools grow and develop so that each member can be an effective minister.

Be certain of one thing: the plans of man are meaningless unless the Lord’s blessing is upon them. We believe God desires for us to plan and to be wise stewards of the resources He gives us, but we fully realize that the Lord is the Lord of the Harvest, and He can and does make changes to our plans as He desires.Review 2004 GoalsThe following goals were presented to the congregation on Jan. 11, 2004Next Generation Ministries–In 2003, we made great strides in building the foundation of our Next Generation Ministries. We brought Pastor Jonathan Meyer to Grace to lead our Student Ministry and we raised $100,000 towards the addition of a children’s pastor, support staff and the physical enhancement of our facilities for the next generation. Our emphasis this year is on finding the right couple to join our staff as Children’s Pastor and to become a church where the kids are dragging their parents to church because they don’t want to miss!Discovering God’s Way–This January we begin a three-year study with John 14:6 as the simple outline. In 2004, we will look at Jesus, The Way; in 2005, we will look at Jesus, The Truth; and in 2006, we will focus on Jesus, The Life. It is our desire over the next three years to saturate Grace Church with the simple truth of God’s Word. It is becoming clear to us that as we move into a post-Christian society, it is critical to have a solid understanding of the Word of God and how it applies to us in order to have an effective witness in this world.Home-based ABFs–In 2003 we saw our regular ABF attendance continue to grow. We are using all of the available building space at 9:45 a.m. on Sundays, and most of our classes are full to capacity. One solution is Home-based ABFs (small groups). Regular ABFs are not for everyone, and moving some classes into the home at a different time allows us to continue growing our ABF ministry. Our goal in 2003 was to create 50 new Home-based ABFs, and we currently have 18 meeting regularly. Praise the Lord!Back-to-Back Services/ABFs–The other solution to our ABF space problem is to create a second ABF hour. In order to do this, we will move to back-to-back services and ABFs in September 2004 (the exact times and logistics are still being worked out). This will allow us to double the amount of space available for Bible fellowships and open the door to new and smaller classes.Celebrate Recovery–Few ministries have had the impact in such a short time that Celebrate Recovery is having. Launched just one year ago, Celebrate Recovery is already seeing many lives changed and hope restored to hurting and broken people. To increase its effectiveness and its outreach potential, the Celebrate Recovery leadership team decided to move the ministry night from Sunday to Friday. Not only does this give Celebrate Recovery more space, but it provides a meaningful alternative on lonely Friday nights for many.Ankeny Church Plant–We have talked about the need for a Grace-like church in Ankeny for many years, and in 2004 this will become a reality. Pastor Todd Stiles is putting together the core group of families to start a new ministry in Ankeny in the fall of 2004. Let’s help him! We will have a lot more to say about this as the details become available. Also, we want to begin exploring the potential for a church plant in Newton.World Missions Outreach–Since arriving in Des Moines two-plus years ago, Pastor Phil has been refining and re-energizing our missions outreach. He has now developed a strategy for missions that just may shake the missions mentality of many churches. We believe we can do something here at Grace Church that will eventually hasten the process and personalize the relationship with our missionaries. In short, we are in the process of creating a network of churches who agree to put a greater portion of their missions support to missionaries working within the network. Moreover, the sending churches agree to support their home missionaries at up to 50 percent of their needed support. What this accomplishes is simple: missionaries currently have to visit a much smaller number of churches (15 to 20) to raise their support. This allows much stronger relationships to develop between the missionary and their churches and puts the missionary on the field in much less time.Missionary Housing–An important component of our missions ministry is providing housing for visiting missionaries and families home on furlough. We would like to see missionary housing available by the end of 2004.Praises/Blessings from 2004 (Areas of Strength)In developing plans for the future, we often neglect to look and see where the Lord is working right now.

  • What are the areas of ministry where we see God’s hand of blessing?
  • How “healthy” is Grace Church? (How are we balancing the five purposes of the church?)


  • Are there areas of ministry where God is blessing and we are not paying attention?

 Problems/Concerns from 2004 (Areas of Weakness)There will always be areas of weakness within any organization. Use this time to determine if we have areas that are both critical and weak.Areas of need identified in 2003:
  • Services too long
  • Not connecting volunteers
  • Women’s Ministry
  • Children’s Ministry

 Ministry PrioritiesDetermining priorities is perhaps the most critical outcome we can achieve from this two-day planning meeting. In determining priorities we need to address both organizational priorities and individual role priorities. Ministry Priority GridReview and agree on the terms used and the placement of various ministries within the grid.  

Individual RolesReview each person’s role within the organization. Does each person know what is truly important to the strategic mission of the church and is each person doing what is truly important?              Pastor Phil, Senior Pastor

Critical Role: See what God is doing and to continually hold our people before God’s Word so they can see what God’s will is.

What Does This Mean? To be the visionary and set the general direction for the leadership team (Staff and Elders); teach God’s Word and clearly proclaim His truth before the people; encourage and coach the staff.

             Larry Jatho, Executive Director

Critical Role: Make things happen behind the scene so Pastor Phil can accomplish his job well; take care of the details of the ministry and the “small things” so Pastor Phil can focus on the big picture.

What Does This Mean? Smooth operations.

             Chuck Morris, Pastor of Congregational Care & Counseling

Critical Role: Care for the people of Grace Church; be the personal extension of the church staff to hurting people; love, care and support the missionaries of Grace Church.

What Does This Mean? People are Job Number 1.

              Jay McFarling, Pastor of Maturity

Critical Role: Create a thirst for Christlike maturity; provide the tools necessary to disciple and grow the people in the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word; to equip and prepare people for ministry.

What Does This Mean? Make disciples.


   Chris Eller, Communications Director

Critical Role: Communicate the message of Grace to the church family, the community, and to the world; increase the awareness of our people to what is happening at Grace Church.

What Does This Mean? Communicate, communicate, and communicate!

          Phillip Winfield, Pastor of Magnification

Critical Role: Lead people into God’s presence through praise & worship.

What Does This Mean? Worship!

          Dan Hayton, Pastor of Membership

Critical Role: Connect people to Jesus Christ and to membership in His family at Grace Church; help people build meaningful relationships within the church body.

What Does This Mean? Do people know they are loved and wanted at Grace Church.

 Paul Dykstra, Children's Pastor 

Critical Role: Assist families in building the spiritual foundation for children.

What Does This Mean? Kids are developing a basic understanding of God, His Word and His plan for their lives.

          Karla Kincaid, Children's Director

Critical Role: Assist families in building the spiritual foundation for children.

What Does This Mean? Kids are developing a basic understanding of God, His Word and His plan for their lives.


        Josh Colyer, Jr. High Youth Pastor

Critical Role: Build relationships with teens.

What Does This Mean? Keep them interested in God through the transitional years.

       Jonathan Meyer, Sr. High Youth Pastor

Critical Role: Leadership training for the Next Generation.

What Does This Mean? Seeing teenagers take responsibility for their own spiritual growth and development and for carrying out the mission God has given them for their life.


ResourcesDoes the distribution of resources accurately reflect the priorities we have established? Are we allocating enough resources to the areas that are critical (Tier 1)? Are we allocating too many resources to areas that are Tier 3 or even Tier 4Areas Not Adequately Supported:MoneyTimeSpace Areas Over Supported:MoneyTimeSpace
 Secretarial Assignment GridAs of September 1, 2004 
  Pam(24 Hours) Dawn(24 Hours) Diana(24 Hours) Kim(38 Hours) Kathy(38 Hours) Linda(24 Hours) Ryan(10 Hours)
Pastor Phil         16    
Receptionist           24  
Finances         8    

Total Hours Per Week: 148General Observations: At the start of 2002 we had four full-time secretaries (156 hours) and seven pastors/directors; today we have 10 pastors/directors and two full-time secretaries and three part-time secretaries.Action Point: Establish a minimum amount of administrative support each pastor/director needs to accomplish the primary goals and objectives of his/her position. Administrative support must be factored into the budget when making hiring decisions. (Note: ___ hours of administrative support is a starting point.) This does not include administrative support staff for functions like receptionist or bookkeeper.


Listing of All Ministries of Grace Church

Magnification (Pastor Phillip)

  • Grace Church Choir
  • Grace Church Orchestra
  • Praise Band
  • Praise Teams
  • Hand Bell Choir
  • Banners
  • Drama Teams
  • Technical
  • Kid’s Choirs
  • Kid’s Drama Teams
  • Kid’s Choreography

Membership (Pastor Dan)

  • Grace 101
  • Family of Friends Call Teams
  • Greeters
  • Info Center Workers
  • Pastor’s Reception Workers
  • Altar Workers
  • Class of 1
  • Baptism

Maturity (Pastor Jay)Children (Pastor Paul)

  • Nursery
  • Early Childhood
  • Elementary
  • Awana
  • VBS & Special Events
  • First Steps Class
  • Growing Kids God’s Way
  • Child Care for Special Events

Students (Pastor Jonathan)

  • Student Bible Fellowships
  • Wednesday Night Small Groups
  • Leadership Development (Adults & Teens)
  • Youth Mission Trips
  • Evangelistic Events
  • Activities
  • Parent’s Ministry

Adults (Pastor Jay)

  • Grace 201
  • ABF
  • HBF (Small Groups)
  • Life Development Institute
  • Men’s Ministry
  • Recreation Ministry
  • Singles Ministry
  • GEMS
  • Writing Ministry

Women’s Ministry

  • Tuesday Morning Bible Studies
  • Special Events
  • Quilting Ministry
  • Education Events (Thrive, etc.)

Ministry (Open Position)

  • Grace 301
  • Ministry Fairs
  • New Ministry Development
  • Volunteer Training / Deployment
  • Four Corner’s Ministry

Mission (Pastor Chuck)

  • Grace 401
  • Celebrate Recovery
  • Counseling
  • Pastoral Care
  • Harvest Prayer Teams
  • Missions Ministry
  • Missions Conference
  • Short-term Missions Trips
  • The Bridge
  • LAMB

Administration (Larry)

  • Staff Development / Leadership
  • Secretarial Support
  • Facilities Support
  • Van Ministry
  • Finances & Personnel
  • Business Management (Insurance, Security, etc.)
  • Ushers
  • Resource Center
  • Security Team

Media (Chris)

  • Multi-media (PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Video
  • Web Development
  • Publications
  • Network Administration
  • Tape & CD Ministry

Pastor Phil

  • Drink Coffee
  • Play Horse
  • Be Master Pastor (Pastor P. P. Club)
  • Vision Casting
  • Staff Development / Leadership
  • Preaching / Teaching
  • Set Priorities / Direction

 Teaching Emphasis for 2005Theme: Growing DeepTeaching Opportunities:Children
  • Sunday School
  • Awana
  • Vacation Bible School


  • Sunday School
  • Student Worship Service
  • Small Groups
  • Camps / Retreats
  • Other


  • Sunday Morning Worship
  • Bible Fellowships
  • Pastor’s Bible Study
  • Life Development Institute
  • Bible Institute
  • Media (devotionals, recordings, web, etc.)
  • Other (Bible studies, small groups, conferences, books, etc.)


Personality Profiles of Staff (Who We Are)
Golden Retriever                    

About the Animals The descriptions of the four animals – the Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever and Beaver – are unique ways to describe a person’s God-given strengths and behavioral style. It is important to note that all people exhibit a combination of the four basic behavioral styles. The four animals used here are memorable representations of each style (dominance, influence, steadiness, and compliance).  By taking a short assessment, you will be able to gain incredible understanding about your unique combination of strengths.Keep in mind that you will tend to be strongest in one or two of the animal styles. The information on the styles presented here describes only the purest form of each style. A person scoring very high in one or two of the animal styles will exhibit many of the descriptors outlined below. 

Circle Every Word That Describes a CONSISTENT Character Trait of Yours:
Takes charge Bold
Determined Purposeful
Firm Decision maker
Assertive Leader
Enterprising Goal driven
Competitive Self-Reliant
Enjoys challenges Adventurous
"Let's Do It Now!"
 Double the number circled ________
Deliberate Discerning
Controlled Detailed
Reserved Analytical
Predictable Inquisitive
Practical Precise
Orderly Persistent
Factual Scheduled
"How was it done in the past?"
 Double the number circled ________
Takes risks Fun-loving
Visionary Likes Variety
Motivator Enjoys change
Energetic Creative
Very verbal Group oriented
Promoter Mixes easily
Avoids details Optimistic
"Trust me! It'll work out!"
 Double the number circled ________
Loyal Adaptable
Nondemanding Sympathetic
Even keel Thoughtful
Avoids conflict Nurturing
Enjoys routine Patient
Dislikes change Tolerant
Deep relationships Good listener
"Let's keep things the way they are."
 Double the number circled ________


Transfer Your Score Totals to the Following Chart:
 ----------------------L- -----------------------B- -----------------------O- -----------------------G- -------------------------
 30--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 25--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 20--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 15--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 10--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 05--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------
 00--------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- ------------------------|- -------------------------


Lions! Need to Direct
Lions have a God-given need to direct. Extroverted people, Lions will usually give their opinions in clear specific language. If group interaction has a slow pace, expect the Lion to step in and push the group along. When Lions have proper authority and responsibility, they can motivate and push people and groups to new heights that were considered impossible to reach. The Lion’s main fear is not being in control in certain situations.   
Otters! Need to Interact
  The Otter has a God-given need to interact and verbalize with others. The Otter has a tendency to talk smoothly, readily, and at length, using friendly contact and verbal persuasion as a way of promoting ideas and team effort. Otters will consistently try to inspire and influence others to their point of view.


Golden Retrievers! Need to Serve
Golden Retrievers have a strong need to serve others. Always the ones to help out, Golden Retrievers will lend a hand to get things finished. Opportunities to help others are energizing motivators for Golden Retrievers.
Beavers! Need for Procedures
There is comfort for Beavers in a stable and orderly life. They tend to follow procedures in both their personal and professional lives. Being conventional, they will usually stick to methods that have brought success in the past

This profile does not represent distinct personality types, but certain strengths and general personality preferences which may affect your approach to using or learning how to use a new software program or view a new online document. This profile is derived from "The Personal Strengths Survey" in The Two Sides of Love by Gary Smalley and John Trent (Focus on the Family Publishing; Pomona, CA, 1990).

 Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Senior PastorPURPOSE:     The Senior Pastor is the spiritual leader of the church, and with the church Elders, is responsible for its edification. He is the primary teacher of Scripture and equipper of the saints for ministry. As undershepherd, he leads the church and staff with compassion and care.RESPONSIBILITIES:
  1. To provide spiritual leadership for the entire church program.
  1. To guard himself and the church from error in doctrine and practice.
  1. To give himself fully to prayer and the study of the Word.
  1. To serve as an Elder.
  1. To prepare the agenda for, and conduct, staff meetings, elder meetings, congregational meetings, planning sessions, training sessions, and retreats.
  1. Lead the church in planning, conducting, and evaluating a comprehensive master plan.
  1. To be “the keeper of the vision” and the primary conduit of the Holy Spirit’s direction and leadership for Grace Church.
  1. To preach at all worship services, which include preaching or arrange for someone else to perform this function.
  1. To mentor and lead the Pastoral Staff to ensure individual growth, development, and spiritual health of each pastor.
  1. To direct the administration of the ordinances of the church.
  1. To conduct funeral services and wedding ceremonies as he is able, sharing and delegating to others on the staff responsibilities in this area.

This position is accountable to:  The EldersThis position works closely with: The Executive Director Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Executive DirectorPURPOSE:     It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to manage the day-to-day operations of the church. He will provide leadership and direct supervision of the Pastoral and Administrative staff to accomplish the mission of the church.RESPONSIBILITIES:

  1. Oversee and direct the Pastoral Staff and Administrative Staff for planning and day-to-day operations, and be directly responsible to the Senior Pastor and the Elders.
  2. Act for the Senior Pastor in his absence, or upon his direction.
  3. Serve as an Elder.
  4. Serve as principal liaison between the Staff and the Elders.
  5. To be responsible for the implementation of church policy as directed by the Elders and the Senior Pastor.
  6. Work with the Senior Pastor and Elders in developing, conducting, and evaluating a comprehensive strategic plan of ministry operation that strives for professionalism and excellence.
  7. Oversee and give direction to the financial operations of the church.
  8. Give general direction to the maintenance operations of the church.

This position reports directly to:  The Senior PastorThis Position works closely with:  Staff and Elders Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor/Director of MagnificationKey Verses:Jesus replied, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV)Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6 (NIV)Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry, for all ages, designed to celebrate God’s presence through praise and worship.Target Group:Crowd – everyone who attends the weekly worship service (both believers and nonbelievers)Ministry Focus:

  • Philosophy/Vision/Standards – establish overall ministry direction and parameters to ensure that the ministry is an instrument of the Holy Spirit
  • Scheduling/Planning – maintain an ongoing schedule for all praise and worship ministries
  • Praise and Worship Groups – develop strong groups which utilize various methods to encourage people to participate in worship (vocal, instrumental, drama, etc.)


Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Worship Team A team of laypeople who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of worshipping God. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church 
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Philosophy/ Vision /Standards – All efforts designed to establish, implement, and enforce the direction and parameters for all praise and worship ministries ·     Philosophy –.Develop and communicate the overall philosophy of praise and worship ministries at Grace Church.·     Vision – Develop, communicate, and promote the vision and goals for all praise and worship ministries.  Ensure that the vision is consistent with the overall vision of Grace Church.·     Standards – Develop, communicate, and enforce standards for praise and worship ministries designed to ensure consistent implementation of the philosophy and vision and to maintain a high standard of quality.
Scheduling /Planning – All efforts to plan, coordinate, and implement all praise and worship ministries ·     Weekly Worship Services –. Schedule, plan, coordinate, and lead all areas of praise and worship segment(s) for the weekly worship services. Practices/Rehearsals – Schedule, plan, and coordinate regular practices and rehearsals for all areas of praise and worship ministry.·     Guest Artists – Oversee the scheduling of all guest artists and coordinate the schedule with other ministry areas.·     Special Music – Maintain a master schedule for all individuals involved in any worship service.·     Technicians – Oversee, schedule, and coordinate all technicians needed to conduct services of any kind in the worship center (audio/visual, lighting, PowerPoint, etc.).
Praise and Worship Groups – All efforts designed to develop, coordinate, and lead various ministry groups to enhance the worship services Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to train and encourage laypeople to participate in the praise and worship ministry in the following areas:·     Vocal – All groups used to praise and worship God with our voices (choir, Grace Singers, praise team, etc.)·     Instrumental – All groups used to praise and worship God through the use of instruments (orchestra, praise band, hand-bell choir, etc.) 
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Praise and Worship Groups (cont.) ·     Drama – All groups used to praise and worship God through acting
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds the purpose of ministry ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all ministry related revenues and expenditures according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team.·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all revenues and expenditures under the ministry budget
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as assigned by the Pastor/Director of Life Missions (according to the temporary job description), Senior Pastor, or Executive Director. ·     Preaching·     Weddings·     Counseling·     Funerals·     Visitation·     Staff/Elders Meetings

General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated passion for worship.  They must be skilled as a musician.  They should model a godly lifestyle that others can adopt and should demonstrate mature and growing relationship with the Lord.  They should have a strong desire to encourage, prepare, and empower people to praise and worship God with all their heart, soul, and mind.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will report to the Senior Pastor regarding ministry (all matters pertaining to the philosophy, structure, methods, and general direction of the ministry) and to the Executive Director regarding administration (all matters pertaining to the operation, management, coordination, and general support of the ministry).  Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor/Director of Membership Key Verse:“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19,20a (NIV)“Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:5 (NIV) Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry focused on the membership of Grace Church.  The primary goal is to connect newcomers into the body of believers and care for them as members of Grace Church.Target Group: Congregation – the group of regular attenders and members of Grace ChurchMinistry Focus:

  • Assimilation – motivate and facilitate believers to develop relationships and form multiple connections with other believers and ministry opportunities at Grace Church
  • Membership – motivate and facilitate the addition of newcomers and new believers into the body of believers at Grace Church
  • Congregational Care – minister to the people of Grace Church through care giving ministries
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Membership Team A team of laypeople and elders who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of membership. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church  
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Assimilation – All ministries associated with connecting new believers and newcomers to Grace Church through relationships, membership, and service. Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to make connections between people in the following areas:·     “Family of Friends” Ministry – All processes and procedures designed to contact and build relationships with those who attend regular Sunday morning services (name tags, phone contacts, ushers, greeters, Welcome Center, Pastor’s Reception, etc.)·     Tracking Process – All procedures and methods used to track overall or individual attendance to the services and events of the church (Care Cards, Sunday School attendance records, etc.)·     Fellowships – All events designed to bring the people of Grace Church together for the sole purpose of building relationships within the body.
Membership – All ministries designed to encourage and facilitate membership into the body of believers at Grace Church ·     Membership Class – Develop curriculum, promote upcoming class dates/times, coordinate staff and layman participation, and facilitate/lead classes designed for believers to learn about the staff, purposes, ministries, and membership requirements of the church. (Grace 101)·     Baptism – Schedule, coordinate, and conduct monthly baptismal services, and develop and teach baptism classes.
Congregational Care– All ministries designed to encourage, assist, and care for the believers at Grace Church ·     Benevolence – All annual and ongoing ministries designed to meet the material needs within our congregation (coordinate w/Deacon chairman & Elder liaison, clothing & food drives, etc.)·     Pastoral Care – Coordinate, organize, supervise, assign, and/or conduct misc. pastoral duties (weddings, funerals, and visitation)·     Altar Workers – Secure volunteers for all events and regular services, and ensure that all volunteers are qualified and have adequate training before ministry participation.
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds the membership ministries. ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all membership ministries according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team.·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all expenditures under the membership ministry budget.
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as assigned/needed by the Senior Pastor. ·     Speaking Engagements – Preaching, teaching, conducting weddings, and conducting funerals·     Pastoral Care – Visitor follow-up, visitation, and counseling·     Meetings– Consistent attendance, preparation, and participation in staff meetings, staff prayer meetings, elders’ meetings, and congregational and/or membership ministry meetings.

General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated love for people and a heart to see people connect with the body of believers at Grace Church.  They must model a warm, loving, and compassionate concern for people.  He should be a mature and growing Christian.  They must meet the Biblical qualifications for an elder.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will work closely with the Membership Ministry Leadership Team and the Pastor of Maturity.  He will report to the Senior PastorGrace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor/Director of Maturity Key Verses:“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19,20a (NIV)“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” II Peter 3:18a (NIV)Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to provide opportunities to the family of believers at Grace Church for spiritual growth toward Christ-like maturity.Target Group: Committed – maturing members of Grace ChurchMinistry Focus:

  • Discipleship – motivate and facilitate the initial growth of new believers
  • Bible Study/Education – provide opportunities for the instruction and equipping of laypeople for spiritual growth and ministry
  • Youth ministries – oversee and coordinate all youth ministries within the overall maturity ministries of Grace Church
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Maturity Ministry Team A team of laypeople who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of maturing the members of Grace Church. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church
Discipleship – All ministries associated with coordinating and facilitating one-on-one discipleship efforts ·     Grace 201 – Develop curriculum, promote participation, and teach classes designed for members to commit to three spiritual habits that will lead to personal growth (daily quiet time, tithing, and small group participation).
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Bible Study/ Education – All ministries associated with preparing and supporting our members for a growing walk with Christ and ministry Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to provide learning opportunities for the believers at Grace Church in the following areas:·     Adult Bible Fellowships – All classes held during the Sunday School hour designed to meet the unique fellowship and study needs of the varying groups of adults who regularly attend Grace Church (college age, singles, newly married, married with young children, empty nesters, senior saints, etc.)·     Small Group Ministries – All groups which meet on a regular basis for the purpose of fellowship, prayer, and Bible study (exception – Harvest Teams)
Youth Ministries – All ministries associated with the care, instruction, and fellowship of the children of Grace Church Provide general oversight, ministry direction, and evaluation for a comprehensive youth ministry in the following areas:·     Children’s Ministries – All ministries related to children in our nursery up to 5th grade (Sunday School, nursery, AWANA, camps, VBS, etc.)·     Student Ministries – All ministries related to our youth from 6th to 12th grade (Student Bible Fellowship, camps, college trips, ministry and social activities, etc.) Also, lead, mentor, and coach the primary directors/pastors over the youth ministries. NOTE:  Youth ministries will have their own structure of ministry based on the 5 purposes of Grace Church which will be developed and overseen by the primary directors/pastors over youth ministries.
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds the maturity ministries ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all maturity ministries (including all youth ministry budgets) according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team. 
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Annual Budget – (Cont.) ·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all revenue and expenditures under the ministry budget
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as assigned by the Pastor/Director of Life Missions (according to the temporary job description), Senior Pastor, or Executive Director. ·     Preaching·     Weddings·     Counseling·     Funerals·     Visitation·     Staff/Elders Meetings

General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated passion for teaching and learning.  They should be a mature and growing Christian with a passion to see others grow in their knowledge of Christ.  They should also have some proven experience with youth ministries; experience with managing a staff is a plus.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will report to the Senior Pastor regarding ministry (all matters pertaining to the philosophy, structure, methods, and general direction of the ministry) and to the Executive Director regarding administration (all matters pertaining to the operation, management, coordination, and general support of the ministry). Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor/Director of Ministry Key Verses: Jesus replied, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:37-40 (NIV)“It was He who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up…” Ephesians 4:11,12 (NIV) Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to provide ministry opportunities and to turn the members of Grace Church into ministers.Target Group: Core – members of Grace Church who make up the dedicated minority of workers and leaders who are committed to ministering to othersMinistry Focus:

  • Ministry Development – continually improve and increase the ministry opportunities at Grace Church
  • Volunteer Recruitment & Placement – encourage involvement and facilitate placement of the members of Grace Church into the various ministry opportunities
  • Training – develop a comprehensive plan to train lay ministers to become the most effective in their area(s) of ministry
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Ministry Team A team of laypeople who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of helping the members of Grace Church find their ministry niche and helping the church improve and add ministry opportunities. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Ministry Development – All efforts intended to evaluate, improve, refine, and/or add ministries ·     Communication – Consistently and continually communicate the vision and goals of lay ministry to the staff, church leaders, and church body.·     New Ministry Development – Actively seek ministry ideas, and, if implemented, participate in the development of these ministries for the first year.·     Ministry Evaluation – Develop and utilize an annual evaluation process to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of each ministry of the church.
Volunteer Recruitment & Placement – All efforts designed to encourage ministry participation and facilitate/monitor member involvement in ministry Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to recruit and place volunteers into the ministry in the following areas:·     Grace 301 – Develop curriculum, promote participation, and teach classes designed for members to discover their ministry niche and SHAPE and to commit to ministry involvement.·     Lay Ministry Fair – Schedule, plan, and coordinate an annual fair designed to promote the many ministry opportunities at Grace Church and recruit new volunteers to minister in those areas·     Ministry Organization – Conduct personal interviews and maintain detailed records for each lay minister (S.H.A.P.E., class attendance, ministry placement, job descriptions, etc.)
Edification /Encouragement – All efforts designed to train lay ministers for ministry involvement and encourage them in their participation Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to train and encourage lay ministers in the following areas:·     Adult Education/Training – All ministries designed to train and equip laypeople for ministry opportunities (teacher training, Life Development Institute, GEMS, etc.)·     Volunteer Appreciation – All efforts designed to communicate appreciation to lay ministers on an ongoing basis (annual appreciation event, church-wide recognition, verbal and written affirmation, etc.)
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds the purpose of ministry ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all ministry related revenues and expenditures according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team.·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all revenues and expenditures under the ministry budget
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as assigned by the Pastor/Director of Life Missions (according to the temporary job description), Senior Pastor, or Executive Director. ·     Preaching·     Weddings·     Counseling·     Funerals·     Visitation·     Staff/Elders Meetings

General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated passion for teaching and learning.  They should be a mature and growing Christian with a passion to see others grow in their knowledge of Christ.  They should have a strong desire to encourage, prepare, and empower laypeople to do the work of the ministry.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will report to the Senior Pastor regarding ministry (all matters pertaining to the philosophy, structure, methods, and general direction of the ministry) and to the Executive Director regarding administration (all matters pertaining to the operation, management, coordination, and general support of the ministry). Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor/Director of MissionKey Verse:“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19,20a (NIV)Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry focused on the community and congregation at large.  The primary goal is to reach out to the lost and hurting with the purpose of helping them fulfill their life mission through the power of the Holy Spirit.Target Groups: Community – any person living within driving distance of Grace Church who has not made any commitment to Jesus Christ or Grace ChurchCongregation – the group of regular attenders and members of Grace Church Ministry Focus:

  • Outreach – reach out to the lost and hurting in our surrounding communities
  • Congregational Care – minister to the people of Grace Church through care giving ministries
  • Missions – equip and motive the members of Grace Church to support and participate in missions endeavors
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Mission Ministries Leadership Team A team of laypeople who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of missions. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church     
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Outreach – All ministries associated with reaching out to the lost in our surrounding communities. Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive outreach ministry in the following areas:·     Bridge Events – All special events that are designed to build a bridge between our community and Grace Church and provide a platform for the propagation of the Gospel (ex. seasonal/holiday emphasis, summer picnics, etc.)·     Evangelism – Schedule and plan recurrent evangelistic events and training.
Congregational Care– All ministries designed to encourage, assist, and care for the believers at Grace Church ·     Counseling – Coordinate, organize, supervise, and conduct a comprehensive pastoral and lay counseling ministry.·     Pastoral Care – Conduct misc. pastoral duties (weddings, funerals, and visitation)·     “Celebrate Recovery” – Coordinate, organize, supervise, and conduct a ministry to help those who suffer from various forms of addiction
Missions– All ministries designed to equip and encourage believers at Grace Church to support and participate in missions endeavors ·     Mission Class – Develop curriculum, promote upcoming class dates/times, coordinate layman participation, and facilitate/lead classes designed for members to commit to fulfilling their life mission. (Grace 401)·     International Missions – All ministries related to the support and selection of missionaries to the domestic or foreign fields (Missions Committee, Annual Missions Conference, Harvest Teams, short-term missions trips, missionary correspondence and contact, etc.)
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds the mission ministries ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all mission ministries according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team.·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Annual Budget (cont.) ·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all expenditures under the mission ministry budget.
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as assigned/needed by the Senior Pastor. ·     Speaking Engagements – Preaching, teaching, conducting weddings, and conducting funerals·     Pastoral Care – Visitor follow-up, visitation, and counseling·     Meetings– Consistent attendance, preparation, and participation in staff meetings, staff prayer meetings, elders’ meetings, and congregational and/or membership ministry meetings.

General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated love for people and a heart to see people come to place their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for salvation and victory in the midst of spiritual battles.  They must model a warm, loving, and compassionate concern for people.  They must have a heart for missions and for those who are sent out into the harvest fields.  They must meet the Biblical qualifications for an elder.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will work closely with the Mission Ministries Leadership Team and the Pastor of Membership.  He will report to the Senior PastorGrace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Pastor of Student MinistriesKey Verse:“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19,20a (NIV)Purpose: This position has the overall responsibility to develop, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry for youth.  The primary goal is growth in Christ-likeness among the youth of Grace Church and the development of a strong leadership team to support and direct student ministries.Target Group:  Student members and non-members grades 6-12 both believers and non-believersMinistry Focus:

  • Evangelism – reach out to the lost in order to share the Gospel message with them
  • Discipleship – motivate and facilitate the initial and ongoing growth of believers
  • Activities – oversee and coordinate all youth activities
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Student Ministry Leadership Team A team of laypeople, elders, and staff who will assist in the direction, organization, and implementation of the ministries associated with the purpose of student ministries. ·     Regularly recruit and train laypeople as team members for ministry leadership·     Oversee and direct all team activities·     Conduct and lead team meetings·     Utilize the team to oversee, develop, and evaluate all areas of this ministry·     Utilize the team to coordinate and collaborate with all other ministry areas of Grace Church
Evangelism – All ministries associated with reaching youth with the Gospel  
Discipleship – All ministries associated with preparing and supporting our youth for a growing walk with Christ and ministry leadership Develop, recruit for, implement, oversee, and evaluate a comprehensive ministry designed to provide learning opportunities for the youth at Grace Church in the following areas:·     Small Groups – All groups which meet on a regular basis for the purpose of fellowship, prayer, and Bible study·     Discipleship/Leadership Training
Roles/Responsibilities: Tasks/Duties:
Discipleship (cont.) ·     Student Bible Fellowships – All classes held during the Sunday School hour designed to meet the unique fellowship and study needs of the youth who regularly attend Grace Church
Activities – All activities specifically targeting youth Develop, promote, implement, oversee, and evaluate all activities designed to provide interaction between and ministry opportunities for the youth at Grace Church.  For example:·     Retreats·     Praise & Worship·     Missions Trips·     Parties/Fellowships·     Youth Camps & Outings
Annual Budget – All responsibilities associated with the development, presentation, and stewardship of the budget that funds student ministries ·     Preparation – Prepare an annual budget for all student ministries according to the guidelines and timelines provided by the Executive Director and/or Finance & Personnel Team.·     Presentation – Present annual budget and all budget changes/amendments to the Finance & Personnel Team for consideration and initial approval.  Answer questions and concerns from the Elders for final approval.·     Stewardship – Oversee, evaluate, and accept accountability for all expenditures under the student ministry budget
Misc. Pastoral Duties – Perform or participate in tasks and duties as needed/assigned by the Senior Pastor. ·     Speaking Engagements – Preaching, teaching, conducting weddings, and conducting funerals·     Pastoral Care – Visitor follow-up, visitation, and counseling·     Meetings– Consistent attendance, preparation, and participation in staff meetings, staff prayer meetings, elders’ meetings, and congregational and/or youth ministry meetings.

 General Qualifications/Giftedness:This person should have a demonstrated passion for youth ministries.  He should be a mature and growing Christian with a passion to see youth place their faith in Jesus Christ and grow in their knowledge and love of Him.  They should also have proven experience with youth ministries; experience with managing a staff is a plus.  They must meet the Biblical qualifications for an elder.Reporting Relationship(s):This person will work closely with the Student Ministry Leadership Team and the Pastor of Maturity.  He will report to the Senior Pastor.Extra Ministry Involvement:The Pastor of Student Ministries is encouraged to partner with, support, and assist other youth pastors and organizations within central Iowa for the purpose of maintaining a Kingdom perspective within youth ministry. Grace Church Job DescriptionPosition Title: Communications DirectorPURPOSE:       It is the responsibility of the Communications Director to develop and oversee a comprehensive communications strategy for Grace Church, to provide technology solutions to aid and assist the staff in them in carrying out their responsibilities, and to assist the Executive Director with the administrative functions of the church.RESPONSIBILITIES:

  1. Develop a comprehensive communications strategy for Grace Church to communicate the message of the church both internally and externally using the media available.
  2. To oversee the multimedia (projection and video) components of the worship services and develop media content to support the theme and teaching topic.
  3. To produce or oversee the production of the bulletin, newsletters, brochures, Web sites, flyers, posters, and signs to maintain a coordinated theme and message.
  4. Coordinate the master schedule for all events and activities planned at the church for the purpose of promotion and advertising.
  5. To serve as the church’s public information officer to the media, providing press releases and statements to the media as needed.
  6. To assist the pastoral staff in developing promotional materials for their ministries.
  7. To coordinate the use of outside media for the purpose of advertising the church’s ministries and events.
  8. To assist the executive director with managing the church’s finances, ensuring that accurate, detailed records are kept of all financial operations and to work in close coordination with the church’s outside accountant to ensure the integrity of the church’s finances.
  9. To assist in the development of the church’s annual budget process, working in close collaboration with the Executive Director and the Finance and Personnel Team.
  10. To assist the Executive Director in developing and coordinating a system of employee compensation, performance reviews and employee benefits.
  11. To serve as the church’s chief technical officer, ensuring the church employees have access to current technology to be effective in their jobs.
  12. To oversee the purchase and deployment of computer hardware and software.
  13. To serve as the church’s network administrator, ensuring the computer network is operating efficiently, is kept up-to-date, and that adequate training is provided to employees on software available.
  14. To develop and implement an effective back-up strategy for the church’s computer data, to ensure its safety in the event of a catastrophic loss.

This position reports directly to:  The Executive Director;This Position works closely with:  The Pastoral Staff and Elders

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