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Poem on Convictions

Some ships go east, and some go west,
Before the wind that blows;

It's the set of the sail, and not the gale;
That determines the way it goes.


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Blog, Quotes, Resources Blog, Quotes, Resources

Revival is the Work of God's Spirit

Revival is the work of God’s Spirit, and He works on each individual according to his or her station and need. It is important that the minister understand the objectives and work of the Holy Spirit, as well as the situation and spiritual condition of the members of his congregation (Prov. 27:23). His preaching and other ministries will be more likely to be used of God in moving the vessel of the church along the channels of reviving grace if he is both firmly grounded amid the needs and fears and longings of his “crew,” and if he is able to discern the direction and strength of the Spirit’s breezes, and hoist the sails of his preaching accordingly.

T.M. Moore

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On Bible Reading

"It is well to remember that reading books about the Bible is a very different thing to searching the Word for oneself."


--H A Ironside (American Bible teacher, pastor, and author. Authored more than 60 volumes including highly regarded commentaries on the books of the Bible. For 18 of his 50 years of ministry, he was pastor at Moody Memorial Church in Chicago).

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