Grace Church Grace Church

Announcement: First Service in New Worship Center

This Sunday, August 19, is one of the most significant days in Grace Church's history. From our first service with only a handful of people, Grace has met in basements, rented facilities, old, converted warehouses, and for the past ten years, a gymnasium. This Sunday, that all's the beginning of a New Era!

We have a beautiful, state-of-the-art worship center ready to greet a church family excited about Praise & Worship the Lord whom we serve. Moreover, we have the unique privilege of installing Pastor Phil Winfield as our new senior pastor. Plan now to be a part of this historic day at Grace.

Please note the changes in our service schedule starting this Sunday:

    ** Worship Service at 9 a.m. **
    ** Bible Fellowship Hour at 10:45 a.m. **
Note: In addition, starting this Sunday the children will begin the worship service in the Worship Center with their parents and will then be dismissed right before Pastor's message.

Finally, to finish the day in Iowa Style, we will host a Neighborhood Celebration and Hog Roast. You can come between 6 and 7:30 p.m., enjoy a BBQ pork dinner and tour the new facility.

** This weekend is a GREAT OPPORTUNITY to INVITE your friends and family. Pastor Phil will preach on Jesus, and the salvation message will be clear.

This newsletter is provided as a free service from Grace Church in Des Moines, Iowa. If you know of someone you think might enjoy staying informed about Grace Church, please forward this newsletter to them. If you would like to subscribe, please send an e-mail with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to mailto:[email protected]

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Grace Church Grace Church

E-Mail Newsletter (8/1/2000)


Tuesday, August 1, 2000


Please note: You are receiving this newsletter as a service from Grace Church. If you wish to unsubscribe at any time, just send a message to with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line to [email protected]


    1.  This Month at Grace

    2.  Higher Power Concert a Great Success

    3.  Worship Center Update

    4.  Grace West update


Greetings friends across the Internet! Have you started making your Christmas list yet? I know, it’s August 1, but based on all the catalogs flowing into the Eller home, Christmas must be just around the corner. (Question: do you think there will be junk mail in heaven? Where do telemarketers go when they die?)

From a church staff perspective, we are hot and heavy into fall planning. September is going to be a great month at Grace Church! Starting Sept. 10 we will return to our regular Sunday evening service (that’s Cecil Cooper you hear cheering in the background). To kick-off our return to Sunday evening services, we will have Rick Amato with us for three weeks. I believe the focus of his messages will be prayer.

Also, the Grace Singers are scheduled to release their first recording project in September. It’s called “Into His Presence,” and it is a CD guaranteed to lead you into worship. The cost of the CD is $12 and the tape is $10. You can reserve your copy today by contacting Sherry Vanderploeg.

September is also Missions Month at Grace. Our featured speaker this year will be our former co-pastor and missionary to Peru, Phil Winfield.  Our conference begins on Wednesday, September 20 and concludes on Sunday, September 24.

Enjoy the final month of Summer! Below is a summary of events happening at Grace during the month of August.

–Chris Eller



    Dr. James Flanagan, guest speaker … August 6

    Grace 301 Class (Serving) at Grace Church … August 6

    Grace 101 Class (Belonging) at Grace West … August 6

    Men’s Rally, 7 a.m., Room 201, Grace Church … August 12

    Grace 201 Class (Growing) at Grace West … August 20

    Praise & Worship Ministry Picnic at Big Creek … August 26

    Baptism (following both morning services at Grace) … August 27

WOW! If you missed the Higher Power concert last Sunday night, YOU MISSED IT! Nate, Dave, Tim and the guys did a great job. You can catch Higher Power at their next concert. Visit their web site at for more information.

WORSHIP CENTER UPDATE. This morning we met with officials of Myler Church Builders and the City of Des Moines. We anticipate a preliminary permit to begin erecting the steel by the middle to the end of next week. KEY PRAYER REQUEST: Pray for wisdom and patience as we work with our builder.

GRACE WEST. Excitement is building as we anticipate moving into our permanent building in late October. There will be a lot of work getting the building ready, so any help you can offer will be greatly appreciated. To volunteer, or for more information, please contact Bob Deever, 265-0199. Also, remember to pray for Lutheran Church of Hope and their building project (located at the corner of 74th and Ashworth Road).

HELP SPREAD THE WORD about Grace Church’s Weekly Newsletter. If you know of anyone who would like to receive our Update, please forward this to them and encourage them to subscribe.  To subscribe, click on the following link:


This newsletter is provided as a free service from Grace Church in Des Moines, Iowa. If you know of someone you think might enjoy staying informed about Grace Church, please forward this newsletter to them. If you would like to subscribe, please send an e-mail with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to [email protected].

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Grace Church Grace Church

E-mail Newsletter (6/30/2000)


Friday, June 30, 2000


Please note: You are receiving this newsletter as a service from Grace Church. If you wish to unsubscribe at any time, just send a message to with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line to [email protected]


    1.  Food for Thought by Colleen Wipperman

    2.  This Month at Grace

    3.  Worship Center Update

    4.  Grace West update

    5.  David Ring / Church Picnic

    6.  Vacation Bible School



By Colleen Wipperman

The Jesus movie that was on TV a few weeks ago was a real eye-opener for me.  Normally, I am opposed to watching movies like that because they make so many technical errors that it really upsets me.  However, I decided to take off my technical eye glasses that night and put on a different pair of glasses.  Let me explain.

About a year ago I went through a Bible study called “Breaking Out” by Bob Mumford.  In that study I learned a very valuable insight that has benefited me immensely this past year—it was learning about love with a hook.  That love defined is:  conditional, self-referential, it loves as long as there is an advantage, it seeks to use others for its own pleasure, it is demanding, urgent, in a hurry, and it seeks to conquer and to possess.  The hook is described as “I will love you if I can get something out of it.”  It comes with a selfish motive.  It uses people to its own advantage.  It always wants to control, in fact, it HAS to control!  It comes at you with hidden agendas.  It has to look good and would rather lie than look bad.  It has to feel good and cannot stand to feel bad. Much of our addictive nature lies in this particular “feel good” giant.  It has to be right.  It does not like to be disturbed by others.  This love is defined as love with a hook because it always sends it out with a hook so it can pull something back in for itself.

Love without a hook is defined as love that seeks for nothing in return.  It seeks only voluntary love.  It doesn’t use anyone.  It gives value and time rather than being demanding and in a hurry.  It is not kindled by the attractiveness nor quenched by the unattractiveness of its object.  It is love that is not determined by the worthiness nor the unworthiness of those whom it loves, but rather by His own nature of love.  This love is defined as a straight arrow because it is sent out without expectation of every bringing anything back to itself.

When I sat down to watch the Jesus movie I took off my technical glasses and put on my glasses to see if they showed Jesus with a hook.  I was floored at how I viewed the movie.  They showed him as a man with love, emotions, relationships and trials.  He danced at the wedding in Cana and splashed his disciples with water when they were at the well.  He was God.  And he was man.  And they made a lot of technical mistakes!!!  More than I could count.  But they only showed him with a hook one time that I spotted.

When Joseph died they showed Jesus praying to the Father and saying something to the effect that “I can’t do this without him.  I’m asking you to bring him back NOW.”  That was definitely a hook.  They showed him as demanding and in a hurry.  But it was the only hook I saw.

If memory serves me correctly, I heard Joseph say to Jesus, “You could help your fellow Jews.”  That could possibly have happened but Jesus didn’t respond with a hook.  He could have fixed the immediate problem.  He could have been demanding and in a hurry.  He could have decided to feel good himself or help his father feel good.  But He didn’t.  Instead he waited on God and surrendered to His plan and His timing.  That’s love with a straight arrow.  At the same time as he was forced to watch every single day the intense suffering of the Jewish people, His people.  That must have been hard for him.  My heart began to soften.

Then I remember how I felt sitting at home in my living room when he went to the tomb of Lazarus.  The crowd was heckling him.  It was apparent that his disciples felt uncomfortable.  He said “Lazarus, come out” one time and then waited.  It never occurred to me up until this time how much time actually elapsed before Lazarus came out of the grave.  It could have been 20 minutes for all we know.  One thing I can tell you was I felt uncomfortable in my own home.  I was starting to squirm.  Jesus definitely didn’t look good right then, nor did his disciples.  It was almost like I felt embarrassed for them all.  But Jesus responded without a hook—he didn’t have to look good, nor did he have to feel good.  He just waited on His Father.  Wow!  I think I would have at least started explaining or something!!

When He hung on the cross He certainly didn’t look good or feel good.  And, you know, He was right when he stood before Pilate but he didn’t have to be right.  Did they show him staying in control?  Not that I could see.  I surely wouldn’t have hung on the cross if I were in control!  Nor did they ever show him coming at Mary Magdalene with a hidden agenda.  He could have.  He certainly didn’t do anything that was to his own personal advantage.  Marrying Mary would have been a decision he could have made that would have been to his own advantage.  He didn’t.  And his life was surely disturbed.  Was he demanding?  Was he in a hurry?  If they portrayed him that way, I sure didn’t pick up on it.

Do you see what I mean?  I saw an entirely different movie than I would have otherwise seen.  The problem is, I was left to think about one haunting question in my own life when the movie was over—Do you suppose the Pharisees looked at Jesus through technical eye glasses or did they watch to see if he loved the world without a hook?  Somehow I think God was showing me how much of a Pharisee I have been.  He wants me to love as He loved—without a hook, with an arrow sent out straight that doesn’t draw things back to myself.  Instead, I have been busy viewing the world through my technical colored glasses!



    ** David Ring / Church Picnic…July 2

    Holiday, Church Office Closed … July 4

    Foundations Class Begins … July 5

    Jamaica Mission Trip … July 7-14

    High School Mission Trip … July 7-14

    Men’s Rally, 7 a.m. … July 8

    Deacon’s Meeting … July 12

    Grace 301 (Serving) … July 16 & 23

    France Student Mission Trip … July 16-27

    Ireland Mission Trip … July 21-29

    ** Vacation Bible School … July 24-28

    ** Fifth Sunday At Grace

           with Higher Power in Concert … July 30


WORSHIP CENTER UPDATE. If you are like most of us, the progress seems to be slow on the Worship Center. Believe it or not, work is progressing on schedule. Much of the work right now centers on preparation of the foundation. During the month of July we should see the plumbing and electrical conduit placed in the floor. The steel is the next major step. At this time we are still anticipating a completion date of next March.

GRACE WEST. Our new satellite church in West Des Moines is off with a bang. Attendance has hovered around the 150 mark even in the summer months. We fully anticipate attendance to increase to 200 and above this fall. Remember to pray for Lutheran Church of Hope and their building project (located at the corner of 74th and Ashworth Road).

DAVID RING / CHURCH PICNIC, is Sunday, July 2 at Grace Church. Evangelist David Ring is a victim of Cerebral Palsy, but a victor in Jesus Christ! His powerful message will encourage and challenge you to live your life victoriously regardless of life’s challenges. Following the service we will have our annual Church Picnic. There’s tons of food, games, a Kidz Carnival and more! Remember to dress casual and come prepared for a great time! The service schedule for July 2 only is ABF at 9 a.m., Worship at 10 a.m., the picnic at 11:30 a.m. and no evening classes.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL is just around the corner (July 24-28) for Kidz preschool through 5th grade. Registration will begin Sunday, July 9 in the Atrium. We still need adult helpers. If you’re interested, you can contact John Colyer at [email protected] .

HELP SPREAD THE WORD about Grace Church’s Weekly Newsletter. Our subscriber base in currently approaching 400 and growing. If you know of anyone who would like to receive our Update, please forward this to them and encourage them to subscribe.


This newsletter is provided as a free service from Grace Church in Des Moines, Iowa. If you know of someone you think might enjoy staying informed about Grace Church, please forward this newsletter to them. If you would like to subscribe, please send an e-mail with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to [email protected]

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Grace Church Grace Church

E-mail Newsletter (4/23/1999)


Friday, April 23, 1999


Please note: You are receiving this newsletter as a service from Grace Church. If you wish to unsubscribe at any time, just send a message to with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line to [email protected]



 “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him.”

--Colossians 2:6



    Newcomers Class at 9:30 p.m. (Rm. 100)

    Quarterly ABF Teacher’s meeting, 5 p.m. (Rm. 101)

    Sunday Evening Special: Mr. Warren Marcus, a Messianic Jew, will speak at 6 p.m.

    Haiti Missions Trip Meeting at 7:30 p.m. (Rm. 102)

    SUNDAY EVENING FELLOWSHIP: There is no fellowship this week.

REGGIE REPORT! Grace Church broke ALL attendance records this past Wednesday night with almost 2200 people in attendance to hear NFL Football great, Reggie White (“Big Dawg” to his friends). The auditorium was PACKED to hear the former GB Packer and people spread into FIVE overflow rooms connected through closed circuit TV. There was electricity in the air. Also in attendance was presidential hopeful Mr. Gary Bauer ( and Rick Amato.

THIS SUNDAY MORNING, Rick Amato will preach his “Y2K and the Second Coming of Christ” sermon. This provocative, timely message is a refreshing and thought-provoking approach on how to deal with the Y2K phenomenon. At the same time, Rick’s sermon will set the pace for coping with the growing concerns of millions of people everywhere. EVANGELISTIC OPPORTUNITY: Many people are concerned about Y2K and how it will impact them. This is a great opportunity to invite friends and relatives to hear Rick’s message.

ATTENTION LADIES, you need to purchase your tickets to this year’s Mother’s Day Brunch on Saturday, May 8 at 10 a.m. The theme of this year’s brunch is “The Power of Love.” Tickets are $8 per person and can be purchased at the Welcome Center.

BABY DEDICATION is just around the corner (May 2). If you have a baby born during the last 12 months (or an older child who has never been dedicated to the Lord), be sure to participate in this important service. You can let us know of your interest by Emailing Pastor Colyer at [email protected].

COOL WEB SITE OF THE WEEK! This week’s Web site was forwarded to us by Ryan Otterberg. Ryan recommends you check out because “of the information and inspiration it contains. Do you have a Cool Web Site you would like to recommend to our readers? If so, let us know. You can E-Mail your recommendation to [email protected].

HELP SPREAD THE WORD about Grace Church’s Weekly Newsletter. Our subscriber base in currently approaching 150 and growing. If you know of anyone who would like to receive our Update, please forward this to them and encourage them to subscribe.

VISIT US ON THE WEB. Our web site continues to grow as we add more and more information. NEW ON OUR WEB SITE THIS WEEK: Hear Rick Amato’s sermon “Preparing for Y2K.” You can hear it in our online sermon library. There is also information about Grace Church. Next time you’re on the web, surf on by and pay us a visit. We’ll leave the front porch light on for you.


This newsletter is provided as a free service from Grace Church in Des Moines, Iowa. If you know of someone you think might enjoy staying informed about Grace Church, please forward this newsletter to them. If you would like to subscribe, please send an e-mail with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to [email protected]

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Grace Church Grace Church

E-mail Newsletter (4/16/1999)


Friday, April 16, 1999


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service from grace Church. If you wish to unsubscribe

at any time, just send a message to with the word

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“Great people are good because they’ve come to wisdom through failure.”

--William Saroyan



    Newcomers Class at 9:30 p.m. (Rm. 100)

    Quarterly AWANA Workers meeting, 5 p.m. (Rm. 101)

    ** Parents of Teens Update at 5 p.m. or 7:15 p.m. (Rm. 201)

    Sunday Evening Special: Pastor Warren Rogers in Concert, 6 p.m.

    Haiti Missions Trip Meeting at 7:30 p.m. (Rm. 102)


WOW What A Week!

This coming week is going to be powerful. It starts on Wednesday evening with Reggie White, former defensive end with the Green Bay Packers. You may not be a big football fan, but there are probably some kids in your neighborhood who would love to see Reggie. Invite them! RUMOR HAS IT that Jess Settles and Dean Oliver of the Iowa Hawkeyes basketball team will be here. Also in attendance will be presidential hopeful, Gary Bauer, and Evangelist Rick Amato. The service starts at 7 p.m., but GET HERE EARLY if you want to get a seat.

SPEAKING OF RICK AMATO, join us Thursday through Sunday for a powerful week of Revival. Rick’s messages are targeted at those who are hurting (emotionally, physically, or spiritually) and need the healing message of the Cross. Do you know someone who needs a little hope in their life? Invite them to hear Rick’s messages. Again, the services start at 7 p.m.

NEXT SUNDAY MORNING, Rick will preach his “Y2K and the Second Coming of Christ” sermon. This provocative, timely message is a refreshing and thought-provoking approach on how to deal with the Y2K phenomenon. At the same time, Rick’s sermon will set the pace for coping with the growing concerns of millions of people everywhere.

ATTENTION LADIES, you need to purchase your tickets to this year’s Mother’s Day Brunch on Saturday, May 8 at 10 a.m. The theme of this year’s brunch is “The Power of Love.” Tickets are $8 per person and can be purchased at the Welcome Center.

BABY DEDICATION is just around the corner (May 2). If you have a baby born during the last 12 months (or an older child who has never been dedicated to the Lord), be sure to participate in this important service. You can let us know of your interest by Emailing Pastor Colyer at [email protected].

FINALLY, we are looking into a new summer program for Kids called Summer Sensation. Designed to fill the gap between school years, this “Day Camp” would begin on June 7 and run every day, Monday through Friday, until August 20. The cost would be approximately $85 per child per week. The Day Camp hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. If you (or someone you know) is interested in more information on Summer Sensation, please contact the church as soon as possible ([email protected]). We need your name and the number and ages of your children.



Our web site continues to grow as we add more and more information. The Online Sermon archive is now “online” and you can listen to Pastor Nelms’ important message on Revival from December 27, 1998. You can also listen to Gene Wolfenbarger’s message, “When Hollywood Says Yes, America Can’t Say No.” There is also information about Grace Church. Next time you’re on the web, surf on by and pay us a visit. We’ll leave the front porch light on for you.


This newsletter is provided as a free service from Grace Church in Des Moines, Iowa. If you know of someone you think might enjoy staying informed about Grace Church, please forward this newsletter to them. If you would like to subscribe, please send an e-mail with the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line to [email protected]

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