SBC Adopts Vision 2025

On June 15, the 2021 SBC messengers adopted Vision 2025 as amended – a call to reach every person for Jesus Christ in every town, every city, every state, and every nation.

Vision 2025 was presented to the convention by Executive Committee President, Dr. Ronnie Floyd. The initiative is built around six key strategic actions:

  • Strategic Action 1: Increase our total number of full-time, fully funded missionaries to a net gain of 500, giving us 4,200 full-time, fully funded missionaries through IMB.

  • Strategic Action 2: Add 5,000 new churches to our Southern Baptist family, giving us more than 50,000 churches. This number will include new church plants, campuses, and existing non-SBC churches that seek to join the SBC.

  • Strategic Action 3: Increase our total number of workers in the field through a new emphasis on “calling out the called,” and then preparing those who are called out by the Lord.

  • Strategic Action 4: Turn around our ongoing decline in reaching, baptizing, and discipling those under the age of 18.

  • Strategic Action 5: Increase our annual giving in successive years to reach and surpass $500 million given through the Cooperative Program to achieve these Great Commission goals.

  • Strategic Action 6: Prayerfully endeavor before God to eliminate all instances of sex abuse and racial discrimination among our churches.

Vision 2025 Prayer Team

Vision 2025 can only be achieved through the power and work of the Holy Spirit through our churches. Towards this end, we are encouraging every pastor and every church member to make Vision 2025 a focus of prayer.

The Vision 2025 Prayer Team launched immediately following the adoption of the initiative by the 2021 SBC Messengers and currently has more than 5,500 Southern Baptists committed to pray.

You can become a part of this army of prayer warriors by texting VISION to 90885.

A response will be sent that confirms you have joined and a brief description of what to expect as a member of this Prayer Team. We want to know every single one of you by name so we're going to ask you for your name. And that's it.

You will begin this journey with us by praying through each initiative for the first 7 days. Following this, prompts will come periodically during specific strategic prayer emphases that call us to unified prayer.


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