Random Thoughts: January 9, 2021

  • What happened at the US Capital on January 6 was planned. By whom? We don’t know, but it is clearly another step in a grand agenda that was rolled out at the beginning of 2020.

  • Does it sound like a conspiracy theory to suggest this is all part of an agenda? Perhaps in a different world, but in today’s world, the Globalists are very open about their plans. According to the World Economic Forum, “The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. … As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.”

  • Speaking of conspiracy theories, many cheered when Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Apple removed Alex Jones from their platforms. Alex Jones is crazy…everyone agreed. Still, there were many who feared that was an ominous sign for freedom of speech in America. Since then, we have witnessed these same platforms use their power to silence political opponents of Joe Biden, sway electors in key states by pushing narratives that favored the Democrats while shadow banning narratives that were negative to Democrats or favorable to Trump. Big Tech banned Alex Jones in one weekend in August 2018; that was only a little more than two years ago. Look at how far things have gone in that short window of time.

  • Many on the ground at the US Capital on January 6 who had been at the Capital many times previously were immediately surprised at the clear lack of security. Given the nature of the events happening within the Capital (full session of Congress with the Vice President in attendance) and the announced intentions of the pro-Trump rally to march to the Capital, there was a noticeable lack of security. Barricades that have become common place over the last 20 years were not in place. Police that are typically heavily armed guarding the Capital were not to be seen, and in their place were police officers who were lightly armed or not even armed. In the words of one observer, if this wasn’t a setup, then it was the most egregious lack of security in American history.

  • The immediate response from the media and many elected officials was over-the-top. They called the events of January 6 the most heinous crime against America since September 11. They accused Trump of sedition and inciting riots. They immediately used Cancel Culture to start going after their political enemies.

  • Clearly, the Left is using January 6 to increase tension and division. If the Left believed January 6 was compelling the US in a direction they did not want to go, they would seek to de-escalate tensions and lower emotions. Instead, they are pouring fuel on the fire.

  • According to The New York Times, Speaker Nancy Pelosi pressured Military leaders to ignore any orders from President Trump. As the Times article points out, “Mr. Trump, they noted, is still the commander in chief; unless he is removed, the military is bound to follow his lawful orders. While military officials can refuse to carry out orders they view as illegal — or slow the process by sending those orders for careful legal review — they cannot remove the president from the chain of command. That would amount to a military coup, the officials said.”

  • The whole event on January 6 rings of the infamous Reichstag Fire in Berlin, Germany on February 27, 1933. Less than a month after Adolf Hitler became chancellor, a fire broke out in the middle of the night at the Reichstag, the German parliament building and the equivalent of our US Capital. The government immediately announced the capture of a Dutch communist as the arsonist. The very next day, President Paul von Hindenburg issued a degree “for the Protection of People and State.” The decree removed many of the civil liberties and protections for German citizens thus permitting the police to arrest and imprison without cause. Not surprisingly, those arrested happened to be the political opponents and enemies of the Nazi officials. Here’s the point: revolutionaries use events like January 6 to manipulate public opinion and then harness the power of emotion to quickly move against their enemies.

  • I believe we are witnessing a revolution.

  • Truth be told, the Democrats will lose a lot of the public sympathy and support once Orange Man Bad is gone. For another two weeks they can use Trump as a foil and blame him for anything that happens. Once Trump is out-of-office, they will lose the power a common enemy like Trump has given them. This is why the next couple of weeks could be very tumultuous.

  • If one of our foreign enemies wants to hit America, now is the time.

  • Forgive me for the comparisons to Germany in 1933, but the rise and fall of Nazi Germany has been an intense point of study and research for me since middle school. I have always been intrigued by the fact that a nation like Germany, which played such an important role in the formation of Western Civilization from 1500 forward could openly support and fight for a regime as evil as the Nazi Party. Keep in mind we are talking about the country that gave us Luther, Beethoven, Schiller, Goethe, Einstein, and many more notables.

  • Adolf Hitler could not have come to power if not for the reputation and credibility of one man: Paul von Hindenburg. Hindenburg was the 85-year old president who named Hitler Chancellor of Germany in an effort to restore unity to a deeply divided Germany. Old and senile, Hindenburg gave Hitler the credibility and tacit approval of the older generation, many of whom were wary of the young politician and radical. When Hindenburg died at the age of 86 in August 1934, Hitler moved quickly to merge the office of President and Chancellor thus making himself the sole leader of Germany. History doesn’t repeat, but if often rhymes.

  • What does Joe Biden bring to the table at this time in American history? He brings credibility and the appearance of normalcy to a deeply divided nation. Joe Biden was electable at a time many of the younger, more radical leaders in the Democrat party are not. This is why I do not believe Joe Biden will finish his term as president. He will have served his purpose by carrying the party across the finish line, and they will soon work to replace him. The Congress has already dusted off the 25th Amendment and cleared the path to carry out their plan.

  • Pastors need to prepare for more division within their congregations. It is impossible to think a country could be as deeply divided as the US and not have it impact the church. We have already witnessed the division a relatively harmless issue like face masks can bring into the church. There are now many issues on the horizon that promise equal, if not more division. At the top of the list? Vaccines. Should Christians get the COVID vaccine or not? There are those out there who are warning the COVID vaccine is the mark of the beast (I don’t believe this), while there is strong suggestion that corporate America is going to prohibit people from buying, selling, or flying without the vaccine.

  • If you haven’t read the article by Jason Whitlock published on The Blaze, you need to read it.

  • It is time to move away from social media and Legacy Media. One thing both the Left and the Right agree on is that Big Tech is the enemy of the people. I include Legacy Mass Media in this category, too. What does this mean? You cannot trust Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, NY Times, Washington Post, or any other media organization that is owned and operated by Corporate America. (Did you know that six corporations own almost all of the media outlets in the United States?) Look for reliable sources in the new media that are not dependent upon Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube to get their message out.

  • This is also a warning to pastors and churches: one of the unintended consequences of the 2020 pandemic is that it forced most churches to greatly increase their digital footprint. This is good, but churches need to be wise and not build their digital platforms on Facebook or YouTube, both of whom have proven to be unfriendly towards contrarian messages (like many of your biblical stands on issues today). As the old song says it so well, “don’t build your house on the sandy land…”

  • Yes, I recognize the irony of posting this warning on Facebook. I, too, am looking for alternative ways to stay connected with people. Clearly, based on Google’s decision to ban Parler from its App Store requires that any replacement form of communication must not depend on an app to be viable. Bottom line: own the platform where you publish.


The SBC Alamo


The Challenge Ahead: Religious Liberty