The Democrats Declared War: Do You Believe Them?

Sometimes, one of the most difficult hurdles for a people to cross is to begrudgingly embrace reality. Few people want to acknowledge when they are at war until they are forced to accept the fact.

This often happens in traumatic, life-altering events like Pearl Harbor or September 11. Events like this jolt us into reality.

At other times, it is a slow revelation. It requires context that only time permits. Hitler marched into the Rheinland in 1936 in violation of the Treaty of Versaille. He annexed Austria in March 1938 and in October, German troops marched into Sudenland portion of Czechoslovakia. On November 9, 1938, a night that would become known as Kristallnacht, Nazis burned and destroyed Jewish business and synagogues throughout the Reich hundreds were murdered and more than 25,000 arrested. Yet, it was not until September 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland that the world finally, regretfully, begrudgingly accepted that they were at war with Nazi Germany.

This is what is happening in America right now. The Democrats declared war days after Donald Trump became president in 2017. They have openly and aggressively prosecuted their war against Trump and his “basket of deplorable” ever since. They have attempted an open coup d'état using the FBI, Department of Justice, and US Intelligence services. The House of Representatives has continuously carried out their open coup in front of our eyes. The Leftwing American Media have conducted an open war of information, disinformation, and outright propaganda.

Still, for most of us, we refuse to acknowledge we are at war. We’re waiting for a Pearl Harbor kind of event or a September 11.

When we look back, we will see the atrocities line up and understand what was happening within the context of this war. The Brett Kavanaugh hearings. The phony impeachment, Russiagate, the Riots, coronavirus. Economic lockdowns. Each one by themselves didn’t make sense, but in the context of the war, they all make perfect sense.

What I don’t know, today, is whether the election is another in a string of what appears to be unrelated events or if this will be the Pearl Harbor event that will jolt Americans into the reality that we are in fact at war.

Right now, America is like a ship sailing through rough seas to a destination unknown. There are storm clouds on the horizon, but we don’t know what lies beyond the horizon. It is too late to turn around. We cannot outrun the storm or avoid the storm, we must go through it.

For the Christian, we take comfort that our Lord Jesus Christ is the captain of the ship and while He can calm the waves, it is often not His will to turn His church away from the storm, but instead be with His church as it goes through the storm.

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you." - Deuteronomy 31:6.


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