The American Christian’s Armageddon

Last week, Senate Democrats tried to force a vote on the Equality Act on the Senate floor. In the words of the Alliance Defending Freedom, for Christians, the "Equality Act" is legal Armaggedon. If this bill ever becomes law, it will destroy religious freedom in America. You need to pay close attention to this issue and oppose it at every level and at every opportunity.

What is the “Equality Act”?

The “Equality Act”—in its simplest form—adds “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes to already existing federal nondiscrimination laws. This would prohibit employers, individuals who rent out apartments in their homes, preschools, and even religious schools and organizations from making choices based on basic biology, bodily privacy, and their beliefs about the nature of marriage. It would apply to every single recipient of federal financial assistance (including every public school and almost all colleges and universities.) And though “nondiscrimination” sounds good in the abstract, in practice this law poses a serious threat to women’s rights and religious freedom.

Learn More: What You Need to Know About the Equality Act


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