Legacy Journalists Become Agents of Disinformation

One thing about the Trump presidency—it has torn the mask off of the demonic zeitgeist that possesses the leftist elites in this country.

We used to talk about media bias, but during the Trump presidency we have witnessed outright propaganda not unlike you would see from Chinese or Russian state-owned media. It is impossible to accuse someone of simple bias when they are repeatedly sharing easily proven false information. This is propaganda and ideologically-driven misinformation.

As Bari Weiss noted in her open resignation letter to the New York Times, journalistic integrity has been sacrificed at the altar of propaganda. There are no journalists left at the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, or any of the legacy media entities. Those who dare question the approved party line are publicly shamed and discredited.

These media entities openly point to each other when they “Fact Check” any narrative that contradicts the party line. NBC News will point to “an anonymous source” referenced in a New York Times article as proof that a narrative they disagree with is “wrong.”

The reality is, the legacy media in the United States is all owned by large entertainment companies. They are no longer independent news organizations. Disney, which owns ABC, for example, is more concerned about its market share in China than it is in performing real journalism. Disney cannot afford to have ABC News publish a story that counters a narrative China may find offensive or that the corporate oligarchy might disagree with. Financially, there is no advantage for Disney to permit ABC News to have an independent voice. So, instead, we get a lot of anti-Trump disinformation (party line) and links to stories about Britney Spears’ latest bikini instagram post (click bait).

Where can you find real journalism? It is out there, but you have to search for it. I go to sites like Real Clear Politics because they provide an aggregate of top news stories from a variety of sources. I also visit AllSides.com because they provide headline stories and then show you how media organizations from Left, Center, and Right are covering the story. I also scan British and Australian news organizations because they will provide insights to US News you will not find in American Media.

I also read some of the legacy media organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.) simply because you can often discern what is a real story by observing how they are propagandizing a story and what they are NOT saying.

As Pontius Pilate is fond of saying, “truth...what is truth?”


My Response to John Piper


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