House chaplain prays to exorcise 'all spirits of darkness ... at play in the people’s House'

The spiritual condition of America is becoming more and more transparent. The solution is not a policy-driven solution or a person-driven solution, but prayer. The house chaplain, Rev. Pat Convoy, recognized this in his opening prayer last Thursday (July 18, 2019).

“This has been a difficult and contentious week in which darker spirits seem to have been at play in the people’s House," the Reverend Pat Conroy began.Then, in a dramatic moment, Conroy raised both hands and said, "In Your most holy name, I cast out all spirits of darkness from this chamber. Spirits not from You. I cast out the spirit of discouragement which deadens the hope of those who are of goodwill."I cast out the spirit of petty divisiveness which clouds the sense and the desire to be of fruitful productivity and addressing the issues more appropriately before this House," he continued. "I cast out any sadness brought on by the frustration of dealing with matters detrimental to the honorable work each member has been called to engage in.”Conroy concluded with a plea to the Lord: "Annoit your servants here in the House with a healing balm to comfort and renew the souls of all in this assembly. May your spirit of wisdom and patience descend upon all so that any spirit of darkness might have no place in our midst. Rather, let Your spirit of comity, of brother-and-sisterhood, and love of our nation, and all colleagues in this chamber, empower our better angels to be at play in the common work to be done, for the benefit of all Your people. May all that is done within the people's House be for Your greater honor and glory. Amen."The chaplain is responsible for opening the House each day with a prayer and offering counsel to lawmakers and aides on the House side of the Capitol. Conroy is a Roman Catholic priest from the Jesuit order. The Jesuit motto is Ad maiorem Dei gloriam, or "For the greater glory of God."


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