Good-bye SugarSync, Hello Dropbox

DropboxI am a long-time SugarSync user. Prior to my complete switch to Mac OS at home and work in late 2011, I relied exclusively on SugarSync for a couple of reasons:

  1. Dollar-for-dollar, SugarSync provides more storage than Dropbox. I subscribed to the $9.99 / month plan and received 60 GB of space. Dropbox only provides 50 GB of space for the same money.
  2. Prior to my complete switch to Apple products, I used a Mac at home, a Windows PC at work, an iPad and an Android phone. Early in the game, SugarSync simply played better in a multi platform environment.

In early April, we made the switch to iPhones at work, and this completed my transformation to an Apple environment. Now I use Macs at home and at work, an iPad, and an iPhone. At the risk of gushing, it is wonderful. :)

As I’ve learned more about the iPhone and about some of the cool apps that really make iOS the awesome operating system that it is (e.g. Instacast, TextExpander, 1Password, and Byword) I’ve also learned that iOS apps strongly favor Dropbox as the preferred method of syncing between devices. Yes, SugarSync provides an iOS app, but many of the in-app sync preferences only support Dropbox. Even support for Apple’s own iCloud falls far short of support for Dropbox.

So, I am in the process of transferring my files out of SugarSync and into Dropbox. Uploading over 40 GBs of data will take some time, so it will likely be a multi-day transition.

The question that begs to be asked is why not iCloud? Simple: even though iCloud has been released, it is still very early in its development, and there has not been a broad embrace of iCloud yet within the developer community. I believe iCloud will be a true contender in the cloud/sync arena by early- to mid-2013. Right now, however, iCloud is not ready for prime time.

How about you? Have you made the transitioned away from Dropbox to iCloud?


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