News of the Day: Cards Win Game 6 and Obama White House Ties to Lobbies

wpid-wpid-2011-10-28_09-07-04s-2011-10-28-09-09-2011-10-28-09-091.jpegThe St. Louis Cardnals won a thrilling come-from-behind Game 6 in the World Series on David Freese’s 11th Inning home run. Twice, the Texas Rangers had the Cardinals down to their last strike only to see the Cards somehow rally. The Game is already being touted as one of the greatest thrillers in baseball history.Also interesting are little headlines like the one on today’s cover: “Top Obama ‘Bundlers’ Hold Close Ties to Lobbies.” It is oftentimes small stories like this that are just the tip of the iceberg, and lead to much greater, prolonged times of crisis for a White House. Seldom to crises like these blow up on the scene. They are often shrouded in secrecy, and it takes weeks, or sometimes months, of journalistic digging to uncover the full extent of the wrongdoing. This is not to say this is a crisis for the White House, it is simply an interesting observation, and something to watch.


On Hypocrisy


News of the Day: Steve Jobs (1955-2011)