Seven Tough Questions Spiritual Assessment

Seven Tough Questions Spiritual AssessmentCheck one answer for each question. If you are in-between two answers then you can put a line or dot between the two boxes.#1 – When I pray:[ ] I don't pray[ ] I only pray when there is an emergency[ ] I regularly pray for things I need and want[ ] I often pray for others and thank God for his blessings[ ] My prayers feel like a two way communication channel with God #2 – I give money to the church[ ] Rarely[ ] I put in some pocket money on occasion[ ] I give regularly a small percentage (less than 10%) of my income[ ] I give 10% regularly[ ] I give sacrificially above my 10% #3 – The Bible[ ] The last time I opened a bible outside of church was more than 6 weeks ago[ ] I read bible stories to my kids or grandkids[ ] I keep my bible near and read it when I have some spare time[ ] I set aside time 5 or more times per week to read the bible and do devotions[ ] I invest significant time to memorize scripture and study it in depth #4 – Serving others[ ] I'm so busy I can barely keep my own affairs in order[ ] Once or twice in the last year I gave money or time to help someone in need[ ] Whenever I see someone with a need I try to meet it[ ] People with problems seem to come looking for me[ ] A significant amount of my time goes towards helping others #5 – Fellowship[ ] I attend church less than 20 times per year[ ] I attend church most Sundays[ ] I attend church most Sundays and also attend prayer meetings and other events[ ] People notice when I'm not at church[ ] In addition to regularly attending church and events I am an active member of a small group #6 – Evangelism[ ] No one outside the church knows I'm a Christian[ ] I practice lifestyle evangelism and hope that by my example people will want to know Christ[ ] I invite unsaved people to church[ ] I feel comfortable discussing spiritual matters with the unsaved and can explain biblical salvation[ ] I seek out the lost to help them know Christ #7 – Helping others to become more mature Christians (discipleship)[ ] I know so little about being a Christian that I can't help others yet[ ] I'm bringing my kids or grandkids to church[ ] I check in on people who haven't been to church recently to encourage them to come[ ] I encourage other adults to read the bible and discuss spiritual matters with them[ ] I invest time one on one with other adults to study the bible and pray Assessment – God called, He wants you to work on one of the things in this list above, which one are you going to work on?

[ ] #1 – More meaningful prayer [ ] #4 – Getting active in a small group
[ ] #2 – Giving faithfully to support the church and its [ ] #5 – Serving others
ministries [ ] #6 – Sharing the Gospel with others
[ ] #3 –Reading and learning the bible [ ] #7 – Helping others to grow in their maturity

 How did you do?The first answer for each question is 1 point, the second is 2 points, the third is 3 points, the fourth is 4 points and the last is 5 points. Half points are OK so if you're halfway between the third and fourth options in “bible reading” it's OK to give yourself 3.5 points. The goal is to take this assessment periodically and see an improvement each time you take it. The highest score is 35 and if you get a 35 it means you need to work on your humility. :-)Your Score: ___________  Today's Date: __________ 0 2009 by Matthew Nuzum – – you are free to copy and distribute this as long as this notice is included. v1


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