Anniversary Celebration 2005

Monday, October 24, 2005

Dear Family of Friends,

"œWhat on earth am I... oops! are we here for?"

That is the question we have been seeking to answer during the 40 Days of Community over the last few weeks. The most important part of the whole program is the “we” part. We are better together. It is true. So many times we are committed to working together to get things done when God actually wants us to work together to give him glory. Togetherness is the key thought.

That leads me to announce the two reasons we want to celebrate together as the Family of Friends on the 20 of November.

First we want to celebrate what God is doing in our church family. God is doing some awesome things in the lives of our people and we want to hear about it and to rejoice with them.

Also, 26 years ago God put it in the heart of Pastor Bob Wynveen and a handful of believers to come together to start what is now Grace Church. The years have passed and the Lord has built his church. Wow, has he built his church. Someone estimated that about 2100 different people come to Grace Church in a 4 week period. Well, we want you to all come on the same day. We want you to come and to celebrate the great things God has done. What better way to do this than to do it together? So, at 9:30 AM on the 20th of November we are going to have one giant service. Yes it will be a very full auditorium but what a blessing to be together for that one service. Here is how we plan to celebrate.

  • Extended praise and worship
  • Fantastic special music and Guest Artist Warren Rogers accompanied by the Grace Church Choir
  • First ever balloon drop right in the auditorium
  • Giant anniversary cake to share in the FLC
  • Photo shoot of the Body of Christ. This requires a little explanation. 1 Corinthians 12:20 says, "But now indeed there are many members, yet one body."€ We are celebrating the 40 Days of Community and 26 years as the local body of Christ called Grace Church. Weather permitting, we are going to draw an outline of the body of Christ on the parking lot (or somewhere on the grounds) and then we are all going to stand together inside of it to represent the Body of Christ here at Grace Church. We are going to take an overhead picture of the body called Grace and then give every family a copy of the picture and also mount one at an entrance of the building. I can’t wait. Please be here and stand with us in the Body of Christ picture.

Finally, it is also time for our annual Harvest offering. We ask that you make a sacrificial gift twice a year to the ministry outreach of Grace Church. Let’s make it a love offering to the Lord for 26 years of glorious ministry here at Grace. I am ready to give my double tithe. I pray that everyone will join me. It is time to celebrate. Celebrate with us.


Christmas Letter (2005)


Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Letter