A Biblical Model for a Deacon Ministry

Grace Church

Deacon Ministry


The purpose of the deacon ministry at Grace Church is two-fold.  First, the deacons will serve the congregation through a comprehensive ministry of helping meet needs; physical, material, financial, and legal.  Second, the deacons will assist the pastors/elders by allowing them to concentrate of the ministries of the Word, prayer, and spiritual oversight and direction of the church.

Deacon Ministry Structure and Procedures:

  • DEACON SELECTION: Each year, the elders of Grace Church will compile a list of deacon candidates to serve in the ministry, and the membership will vote the candidates into office with a simple majority.  Deacons will serve for a term of two years.  After that term, they must wait one year before being considered for the office of deacon.

All eligibility requirements specified in the constitution and bylaws of Grace Church for the office of deacon will be enforced during the compilation of the list of deacon candidates.  The following 12 qualifications must be met by each candidate, without exception, in order for the candidate to be brought before the church membership for vote:

1)    He must be worthy of respect. (I Timothy 3:8)

2)    He must be sincere. (I Timothy 3:8)

3)    He must not be one that indulges in much wine. (I Timothy 3:8)

4)    He must not be one that pursues dishonest gain. (I Timothy 3:8)

5)    He must be committed to the truths of the faith. (I Timothy 3:9)

6)    He must live with a clear conscience. (I Timothy 3:9)

7)    He must be tested with other responsibilities and shown capable. (I Timothy 3:10)

8)    His wife must be worthy of respect. (I Timothy 3:11)

9)    His wife must not be a malicious talker. (I Timothy 3:11)

10) His wife must be temperate and trustworthy in everything. (I Timothy 3:11)

11) He must be the husband of one wife; a “one-woman man”. (I Timothy 3:12)

12) He must manage his children and household well. (I Timothy 3:12)

  • DEACON CHAIRMAN: Each year, the deacons will select a man from among the newly elected deacons to serve as assistant deacon chairman.  During his first year, this man will serve as assistant to the deacon chairman, and, the following year, he will serve as deacon chairman.  The deacon chairman and assistant chairman will work along side a lay-elder liaison from the elder body to maintain communication and coordination between the two groups.  The elder body will give direction to the deacon body through the lay-elder liaison and deacon chairman.

The deacon chairman will have the following responsibilities and duties:

1)    He will serve as the leader of the deacons; leading and facilitating deacons’ meetings, coordinating the deacon ministry, assigning tasks to deacons, etc.

2)    He will monitor the skills and availability of each active deacon.

3)    He will handle difficult situations where help must be denied or ended.

  • BENEVOLENCE TEAM: Each year, the deacons will select no fewer than 4 men from among them to serve on the Benevolence Team.  This team will have the specific duty of meeting weekly to review the financial assistance requests that are submitted.  They will make decisions on the distribution of benevolence funds for amounts greater than $75.

 The Benevolence Team will make decisions on requests for only the following needs:

  • Utility delinquent shut off notices
  • Eviction notices
  • Unpaid rent or mortgages (due to illness, loss of job, etc.)
  • Some needs pertaining to vehicles/transportation

The Benevolence Team will have the following responsibilities and duties: 

1)    Meet once a week on Friday or Saturday to review requests for assistance.

2)    Make a decision regarding the approval/denial and amount of the request.

3)    Coordinate with the Executive Director in the distribution and recording of benevolence fund expenditures.

4)    Communicate the decision back to the requestor.

Categories of Need:

Grace Church acknowledges that the day-to-day needs of people extend to several categories.  The following is a list of needs that will be addressed by the deacon ministry:

  • Physical – A physical need includes anything that diminishes a person’s ability to perform essential daily tasks due to illness, disability, or injury.
  • Material – A material need includes any lack of provision that is essential for survival including food, shelter, and clothing.
  • Financial – A financial need includes a lack of funds and/or poor management of funds required to care for common financial obligations.  The Benevolence Team and/or the elder body will address these needs greater than $75.

Guiding Principles:

Given the limited time and resources available, Grace Church must be a careful steward of that which God has entrusted to us.  The church has a responsibility to balance financial responsibility with compassion and generosity.  Therefore, the deacons will use the following guiding principles regarding requests for help:

1)    Is the person in need a faithful member of our local fellowship of believers?  The local church cannot care for all of the needs present in their community, but it should care for the needs present in its own congregation.  Paul instructed the church to take special care of those who are part of the family of believers (Galatians 6:10) and have a faithful testimony (I Timothy 5:5).  Therefore, although Grace Church will not refuse to help anyone who is truly in need (as resources allow), the deacons and elders will give top priority and special consideration to the members of our church.

2)    Does the person in need have family who can/should care for their needs?  Paul instructs the church in I Timothy 5:4 that, if a widow has relatives, the family should care for her so that the church can use its resources to care for others who have no help.  Therefore, if the person in need has family members who could help, the  deacons and/or elders will encourage the family to care for their relative’s need before providing assistance.

 3)    Is the person willing and able to work?  Believers are instructed to work with our hands so as not to be dependent on anybody (I Thessalonians 4:11,12).  Paul ordered the church not to support those who are lazy and refuse to work (II Thessalonians 3:6-12).  Therefore, Grace Church will only help those members who are willing to work but, for reasons beyond their control, cannot earn wages enough to supply for the basic needs of their household.  Also, if monetary assistance is provided, the person will be asked to provide a voluntary service to the church if they are physically able.



Christmas Letter (2004)


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