Invitation Letter to Leadership Dinner (7/2002)

July 10, 2002

Dear Church Leader:

In the fall of 2000 the elders formally adopted the Purpose Driven Philosophy of Ministry here at Grace Church. In fact, many of the components of the Purpose Driven Philosophy (e.g. Grace 101, Grace 201, Grace 301, etc.) were started in the late 1990s under Pastor David Nelms. As the Pastoral Search Team conducted their search for a senior pastor, this was one of the qualities they looked for in potential candidates. I can remember discussing with both the Search Team and the Elders my view on the Purpose Driven philosophy and how I would lead this church in continuing the implementation process.

In May of this year, I attended my first conference for Purpose Driven Churches at Saddleback Church in Lake Forrest, California. God used this conference to confirm in my own heart that this is indeed where He is leading Grace Church. In June our church staff met for two days to chart out our course and lay the foundation for a long-range plan of action. I can confidently report to you the staff is committed to see this become a reality at Grace Church.

This fall we will begin sharing with the church family what it means to live a purpose driven life! Starting in October we will lead our church through 40 Days of Purpose, a church-wide spiritual growth campaign that I am convinced will impact each one of us.  During the 40 Days of Purpose, I will preach seven messages that will drive home what God’s mission is for each one of His children. As we begin to live purpose driven lives, we will become the church that will impact our community through our own ministry opportunities.

In order for the 40 Days of Purpose to be successful, however, we as the leadership of the church must begin on the same page. That is why we are hosting two dinners—the first on July 23 and the second on August 6—to share the nuts and bolts of this campaign. The first dinner on July 23 at 6 p.m. is for our core leadership: our elders, deacons, staff, and key influencers. We would like you to bring your spouse to this dinner. The second dinner is for our ABF teachers, AWANA Leaders, Student Ministry Leaders, Praise & Worship Ministry Leaders, etc. If you are receiving this letter, consider yourself invited to the July 23 dinner.

I know that with vacations and summer schedules, it may be tough to make it to these dinners, but please make every effort to attend. I really believe the future effectiveness of our church is at stake. It is important that you RSVP (yes or no) to Kathy Jatho by July 18 so we have an accurate count for the kitchen staff. You can call Kathy at 265-0199 or e-mail her at [email protected].

Finally, please put this spiritual growth campaign on your prayer lists. All great spiritual endeavors must begin with a firm foundation of prayer, and we need the prayer warriors of Grace to lead the church family as we begin this journey.

In His Service,

Phil Winfield
Senior Pastor




Invitation Letter for Purpose Driven Roll Out


Letter - Matthew Sunday