Giving Letter (3/14/2002)

March 14, 2002

Dear Family of Friends,

On the road to Damascus, Saul, an enemy of the gospel, met Jesus Christ in a personal way. It was such an encounter that Saul was changed into another person so much so that his name had to be changed to reflect the difference. He was now Paul. Paul’s response to his Damascus Road encounter was to ask the question, “Lord, what would you have me to do?” Of course the answer to that question was to become the apostle to the gentiles.

I want to speak to each of you concerning asking that question to the Lord. It should be a natural response to Jesus to ask him what he would have each of us to do. When we consider his love and his sacrifice on the cross to take our sins away we should want to know his desires for us. One thing he wants us to do is to tell others of the “good news”. It should be our priority that others know that Jesus died for them.

This week we celebrate Palm Sunday together. We will celebrate with songs of praise and shouts of joy as we say “Hosanna” or “save now” to our Lord. We will also celebrate with an offering representing a sacrifice. I wonder if you would ask the Lord the question, “Lord what would you have me to give?” This year’s offering is dedicated to ministry expansion. Included is opening the way for a pastor to be fully dedicated to the evangelism and assimilation effort. Also we are looking to bring in God’s special man and wife to work with our Sr. High teen-age ministries. The time is now for outreach and evangelism in this, our Jerusalem. You play a very important part. You testimony and your ministry are irreplaceable. As well each of us can seek the Lord’s guidance as to what sacrifice we will make. Think of the cross and the sacrifice of our Savior and then pray asking him Lord, what should I give? Will you do that? Please seek the Lord in prayer and ask him how much you should give toward our goal of $150,000. May God bless you as you seek his will in prayer.

Thinking of Calvary,

Pastor Phil


Giving Letter (3/2002)


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