Communications Plan for 40 Days of Purpose


40 Days of Purpose:

A Spiritual Journey

 Communications Plan


  • Coffee with Pastor Phil. A 15-minute video in Pastor Phil’s home giving him the opportunity to share one-on-one with the church his heart about 40 Days of Purpose and how it flows into the church’s future. (Quantity=500;  Cost: $2.28 or $1.140 total)
    Production Date:  Week of Sept. 9
    Release Date:  Sept. 29 & Oct. 6
  • Banners in the Atrium. Five vertical banners on each side of the atrium with one of the purposes of the church on it. (10 banners total. Approx cost: $1500.)
    Banners Up:  Oct. 6
  • Grace Church Purpose stenciled over Worship Center Entrance.
    Completed by:  Sept. 30
  • 40 DOP Web site. (Domain:
    Site Up: October 1
  • Hot Air Balloon(s) on Sunday, Oct. 6 (only if little or no cost). Jack Zimmer is going to try to track down a balloonist he knows.
  • Mailouts: Letters and postcards the two weeks before the simulcast and the week prior to celebration Sunday. (Three Mailouts.
    Approx. Cost: $1,000)
        1.  Letter from Pastor Phil (drop on Sept. 23)
        2.  Postcard #1  (drop on Sept. 30)
        3.  Postcard #2  (drop on Oct. 7)
  • 5x5x5 Postcards: Ask our congregation to take 5 postcards and write a personal note to 5 friends inviting them to the Simulcast and then turn them back into the church office to mail. Then take 5 minutes each day at 5 a.m. / p.m. to pray for their 5 friends. This is an outreach (to the community, not the church congregation.) (Quantity: 5000 postcards. Printing Cost: $800; Postage: $800)
    Handout to Church: Sept. 22
    Mail by:  Oct. 7
  • Hog Roast. On the day of the simulcast have a hog roast following the event. (Approx. Cost: $1200)
    Begin selling tickets: Sept. 15 (cost $1 / tkt)

  • Simulcast (Second Showing). Repeat the Simulcast at 5 p.m. with the focus on singles and people who can’t make it to the first showing. No childcare provided. Pizza following the simulcast. (Cost: $400)
  • New Bulletin Format. Use preprints for the seven weeks of the campaign with a 4-color front cover. (Quantity: 8500; Cost: $810)
    Begin: Oct. 6
  • Video Testimonies / Interviews
    Throughout Campaign.
  • Daily E-mail Thoughts. Send a daily e-mail during the 40 days of the campaign that compliments and reinforces the memory verse and the theme for the week and emphasizes a prayer thought. (Jay McFarling & BJ Deever will write these.)
  • Photography to document the 40 Days. (Jack Zimmer is our campaign photographer.) (Approx. Cost: $120)
  • Video to document the 40 Days.  (Nicholas Sikes is our campaign Videographer.) (Cost: $75)
  • 40 DOP Labels. Print our 40 DOP logo on a label and stick it on everything that goes out of the church office.  Quantity: 2500  (Bart Baker will design/produce these) (Approx. Cost: $100)
    Begin using October 1
  • Sign Display. Two or three word phrases that can be placed on the digital sign by the freeway and catch people’s attention. (Audrey Anderson will come up with the phrases).
  • Video Skits. Use humor to communicate the messages of the campaign. Videotape 6-8 skits, approx. 2-minutes in length to be played just prior to the start of the morning worship services. Actors: Craig Kelly and Adam Colyer; Coralea Turner and Buddy Quick. (Bernie Lyle will work on writing the skits.)
  • Signs Around Church with Catch Phrases. Example would be the “God” billboard displays.



Coffee with Pastor Phil video.............................................................................. $1,140

Banners (5 Purposes of the Church); Full Color............................................. $1,500

(Does not include stands)

Mailings................................................................................................................... $1,000

5x5x5 Postcards .................................................................................................... $1600

Color Bulletin Preprints (seven weeks of campaign)........................................ $810

Film & Development................................................................................................. $120

Blank Videotapes........................................................................................................ $75

Hog Roast............................................................................................................... $1,200

Second Simulcast Showing................................................................................... $400

50 Video Copies of Simulcast................................................................................ $410

40 Days of Purpose Labels.................................................................................... $100


Possible Domain Names for Web sit     .org     .net     .org      (.com not available)     .org     (.com not available)     .net     .org


Missions Conference Letter (2003)


Follow Up Letter to Purpose Driven Roll Out