Memo From Hell

TO:        All Rulers, Authorities, Powers of the Dark, & Spiritual Forces of Evil

FROM:        Lucifer

DATE:        2132 Apollyon 65 Satanic Years

RE:        Local Church Ministry

It has come to my attention that effective ministry in the local church can be greatly diminished by diverting the attention of the believers away from stewardship and focusing their attention on trivial matters. Henceforth, you are ordered to begin implementing immediately the following directives concerning local church ministry in your targeted churches:

  1. Frustrate and discourage both pastors and congregations with endless meetings and arguments over finances.
  2. Influence the believers to focus on their own needs instead of on the needs of others.
  3. Sow bitterness and resentment between the believers along economic lines.
  4. Sow mistrust in the hearts of the believers towards their leaders and all those in authority over them concerning financial matters.
  5. Sow contempt in the hearts of the leadership for the believers under their care.
  6. Use the endless complaining of the weak to weaken the resolve of the strong.
  7. Do everything within your power to remove prayer from all ministry-related activities.
  8. Do everything within your power to move the church away from Biblical standards; persuade the leadership to rely on their own wisdom and knowledge (This is where my influence is greatest!).
  9. Reward all acts of self-centeredness and pride with worldly success.
These directives are to be carried out without exception. Do not waste time on ministries that are dead, dying, or on the decline. Orders will follow identifying your targeted church with a complete analysis of its strengths and weaknesses.

This is a battle we cannot afford to lose. The effectiveness of the modern local church must be stopped. A strong financial base is critical to all that a church tries to do. Destroy that financial base.

NOTE: For further reading see Ephesians 6:10-20


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