Giving Letter (7/2001)

July 3, 2001

Dear Church Family:

One year ago, in July of 2000, we stood in absolute frustration. After several months of “construction” our new worship center was nothing more than a well-formed pile of dirt. The steel, which had been promised in mid-July was still months away from delivery. The construction timeline with January 4, 2001 as the completion date hung as a joke on the wall in Larry Jatho’s office.

Yes, we had our timelines, but God had his own timeline. In fact, the Lord had an entirely different plan than any of us could have possible foreseen.  One year ago, without realizing it, we were on the threshold of a great faith-building experience. Never before have the Lord’s words in Isaiah 55:8-9 seemed so appropriate: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

In September, as the first pieces of steel finally arrived, Pastor Nelms began a month-long process of discerning God’s will for his life. A church in Florida had issued him a call to become their pastor. After many tearful meetings with the elders, Pastor Nelms accepted the call and in October bid farewell to Grace Church after 17 years of ministry.

Not by coincidence, the theme we chose for 2001 was God for Us! It was as if the Lord was saying to us “take your eyes off the pastor, keep your eyes on the Master!” Whenever we would start to doubt, and fear would creep in we were reminded “Keep Your Eyes on the Master!” When the weather turned harsh and the building seemed stalled we were reminded “Keep Your Eyes on the Master!” This is the lesson we have learned the past 12 months: “Keep Your Eyes on the Master!”

In January the first completion date passed; in April the second came and went. It was evident to everyone involved with the construction process that our timelines were meaningless. God had His own timeline!

In early March it became clear to our elders that Pastor Phil Winfield was the man God had chosen to serve as our next senior pastor. (Many were convinced of this during a brief meeting March 12, when Pastor Phil and Bonnie flew to Des Moines for a one-night visit.) On March 25 we formally extended an invitation to Pastor Phil to candidate at Grace Church.

That same week we began a series of intense meetings with our builder. It was clear that we would not meet our April deadline and now the June deadline was impossible to meet. We asked our builder to return to the plans, redo the timeline and give us a hard deadline. A week later our builder faxed us a hard deadline with some financial teeth in it. The date he gave us: August 17, 2001.

On April 22 the Grace Church family formally extended a call to Pastor Phil to become their new senior pastor. After accepting the call Pastor Phil explained to our elders the commitments he already had in Peru. The date Pastor Phil gave us for his start date: August 12, 2001.

We began the process of planning our new worship center in 1997. We formally agreed to move ahead with our building plans in March of 1999. In December 1999 our builder presented us with a timeline calling for a late 2000 completion date. But God had His own plan!

What are the odds (if you were a betting person) of these two great events in our church’s history concluding against the best-laid plans of man within one week of each other?

Why do we doubt God? Why do we doubt His sovereignty? Why do we worry and fret about the details of life when God clearly has us in the firm, solid grip of His had?

Within the next few weeks we will see our worship center come to completion. Already we have people stopping by the church just to see the “Church by the Freeway”.

This fall begins a new era at Grace. On Sunday, August 19 we will hold our first service in our new worship center. At the same time we will have the honor of installing Pastor Phil Winfield as our new senior pastor.

On Saturday, September 8, we have invited Enoc, a Christian Concert Pianist to give a concert using our new 15-foot grand piano and state-of-the art sound and media system. And on September 9, we will formally dedicate our new worship center to the Lord and for use in expanding His Kingdom in Central Iowa and beyond. Pastor David will be with us that day and will preach during the morning worship service.

Two weeks later, we will host our annual World Missions Conference, September 19-23. Our guest speaker this year is Dr. Wendell Kempton, president emeritus of ABWE. Many hundreds of men and women, including our own Pastor Marty and Sheila, accepted the call to ministry under the preaching of Dr. Kempton.

In December, our Praise & Worship Ministries will present Bethlehem’s Star, an outstanding Christmas Pageant featuring the Grace Church Choir, Orchestra, Grace Singers, Children’s & Youth Choirs, and Drama ministries. Bethlehem’s Star is a mixture of old-time, familiar Christmas songs coupled with a powerful, heart-touching message.

Through it all, we want Central Iowa to hear one message from Grace Church: God is Good, All the Time God is Good! Yes, God is for us!

Enclosed with this letter is a year-to-date report of your giving. We are so thankful for the many who give sacrificially every week to faithfully support the ministries and outreach of Grace Church. Be assured that we, the elders, are working diligently to be wise and frugal stewards of the resources entrusted here at Grace.

Towards this end, we have appointed a sub-committee from our elder body to pay special attention to our church’s finances and personnel needs. The men on this committee include: Terry Anderson, Chris Eller, Larry Jatho, Ron Jean, and Jay McFarling. If you have any questions or concerns about our church’s financial condition, please contact any of these men.

Finally, we want to encourage you to continue your faithful giving during the summer months. Upon the completion of our worship center we will have the privilege of paying for it! Watch your bulletin for weekly updates on our giving status.

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Yours sincerely in Christ,

The Elders of Grace Church


Announcement: First Service in New Worship Center


First Impressions Survey