Finance & Personnel Team Purpose & Description

PURPOSE:       To operate as a sub-committee of the elder body to oversee the financial and personnel matters of Grace Church.


  • Analyze financial data and monitor trends to assure compliance with budget restrictions.
  • Make budget recommendations that support the Purpose-driven concepts of ministry.
  • Review all requests for non-budgeted expenditures over $1,000, analyze impact, consider alternatives and make recommendations to the elders.
  • Monitor expenditures to assure effective stewardship of church funds.
  • Provide regular update reports to the elder.
  • Provide periodic updates of financial condition to the congregation.
  • Review employee benefits as necessary and recommend appropriate changes.
  • Perform annual employee performance reviews and recommend appropriate salary changes.
  • Assist in screening process for the acquisition of new employees.




The Finance & Personnel Team will meet monthly, the third Wednesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. and as needed to fulfill the responsibilities defined above.


Why We Exist?


In God We Trust