Grace West Orientation Letter

September 13, 1999

Last Sunday night we held our first organizational meeting for Grace West, Grace Church’s westside campus. Fifty-four adults expressed interest in being a part of the core group of this new church plant. Of those present, many will emerge in the weeks and months ahead as the key leaders for Grace West.

If you are receiving this letter it is because you have expressed interest in Grace West in the past, but were unable to attend last night’s meeting. We want to give you the opportunity to be a part of the core group for Grace West and have a part in seeing this become a significant outreach to our western suburbs.

Grace West is going to be a westside extension of Grace Church. While it will be incorporated separately for secondary reasons, it will be a part of Grace Church. Grace West will have the same leadership team as Grace Church and be wholly integrated into the ministry of Grace Church. It is our goal to avoid or eliminate as much duplication between the two campuses as possible.

If you are interested in serving as a part of the core group for Grace West, it is important that you notify us as soon as possible. Our tentative launch date is Sunday, April 30, 2000. Much of the training and groundwork for Grace West will be completed in the next 4 to 5 months. Ideally, we would like to take 150 people from Grace Church to Grace West to begin our missions outreach. Please let us know if we can count you in as a part of our missions team. (Please contact Kathy Jatho, 265-0199.)

Grace West will be the single greatest evangelistic effort our church has undertaken to date. We are excited to see how the Holy Spirit will mold and shape this new congregation into a dynamic body of believers reaching their Jerusalem (West Des Moines) for Christ. Let us know today if you plan to be a part.


David Nelms
Senior Pastor


P.S. Enclosed is a tape of last Sunday’s meeting, a survey and a proposed timeline. If you are interested, please listen to the tape and return the enclosed survey to Kathy Jatho as soon as possible.



Giving Letter (1/2000)


E-mail Newsletter (4/23/1999)