Values or Principles that Guide My Life

I exist to bring glory and honor to the Lord God. All that I am, and all that I ever hope to become, is dependent upon the influence and work of His Spirit in my life.

Balance is the key to a happy, content life. In all areas, strive for balance.

Life automatically drifts towards complexity and worldliness; learning to live a simple life in the presence of the Lord God requires daily submitting my will to His will and learning to say NO to the things of this world.

I have a lifetime to accomplish God's goals, don't succumb to the pressure to accomplish all things at once.

Next to my own personal relationship with God, my family is my highest priority. It is my responsibility to lead them to a life of balance and simplicity.

The character traits I want to see in Chris, my wife, include a humble, submissive spirit; a Christlike attitude towards me, our children, and others; a desire to grow spiritually and personally; a warmth and openess toward others. Am I displaying these character traits in my life and modeling them for Chris?

The character traits I want to see in my children include honesty and a sense of respect for others; a genuine love for God and for the things of God; a desire to grow spiritually and intellectually; a seriousness about life and our God-given responsibilities to help others and serve others; character that is Christlike; a determination to obey God's Word and to stand firm (many times stand alone) rather than pervert our minds or spirts with the ungodly things of this world. Am I displaying these character traits in my life and modeling them for my children?

When my life is concluded, I can think of nothing more fulfilling than to know I served my Lord faithfully all the days of my life and to look into the eyes of my family and know that I am leaving a deep, rich spiritual heritage that will serve the Lord for generations to come.


E-mail Newsletter (4/16/1999)


A Statement of My Personal Faith