Giving Letter (7/1997)

July 10, 1997

Dear Church Family:

It has been several months since our “from the heart” talk in January. I wanted to take just a minute during our busy summer to pull over to the side of the road and bring you up-to-date on some of the things happening in your church.

These are exciting times! During the last five or six months God has literally poured His blessings upon this church. Given the time, I could fill page after page with all of the blessings we are seeing. Every week I stand at the doors and greet people who only a couple of months ago were lost to a world of sin, but because of the faithful prayer and witness of someone in our church, they now know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior! Grace Church, I hope you recognize that God is allowing His Holy Spirit to work through this body. As a senior pastor I can ask for nothing more.

I often ask myself, “Why does God bless some pastors and churches, and seemingly not others?” I know it has nothing to do with the talents and abilities of the pastors and staff, the size of the church or the doctrinal distinctives of the congregation. But as a church we can place ourselves in a position that is conducive to God’s blessing.

John Maxwell suggests that God blesses churches who…

  1. Obey Him.
  2. Have a passion for the lost and to carry out the Great Commission.
  3. Put God before personal and church agendas.
  4. Worship and honor God.
  5. Live by faith and not by sight.
  6. Possess a servant’s heart.
  7. Minister to people as unto Jesus.
  8. Make prayer the foundation of their lives.
  9. Practice what they preach.
  10. Don’t have to survive.

I want this letter to be an encouragement to you. We are seeing God’s blessings fall on Grace Church. Even now your elders are working on what we are calling “The Master’s Plan” for Grace Church. He has given us a great open door to see many wonderful things accomplished in His name. Let us be diligent. Most importantly, let us be a church God can use to share His grace with a hurting city. Let Grace Church become known as “The Place of Grace.”

Enclosed with this letter is your quarterly giving statement. As a church body we are continuing to grow in our giving. Remember one of our banners in the auditorium: “Maturity is Evidenced by Love.” As we grow and mature spiritually, one clear response is our desire to worship God through our tithes and offerings. Let me challenge you if you are not yet tithing to place your complete trust in the Lord and begin giving Him His portion.

Well, I promised you a short note, and I want to keep my promise. Thank you, again, for the privilege of serving you as your senior pastor. You are in my prayers.


David Nelms
Senior Pastor


Pastor in Training Program