# I’ve Spent 29 Years Reading This Book. It Solved My Busyness Problem
## Living a Deeper Life
- Life can feel chaotic and overwhelming, pulling individuals in different directions, making it difficult to feel whole or grounded, and this feeling of chaos can be addressed by adopting a new way of living [(00:00:07)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=7s).
- The book in question has been read for 29 years and has helped the reader to develop a new style of living, which is being shared to help others live a deeper and more meaningful life [(00:00:17)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=17s).
- The reader did not read much as a child or teenager but developed a hunger for wisdom on how to live life well at the age of 20, when they started their spiritual journey [(00:00:55)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=55s).
- The book that has been read for 29 years is so significant that a new version has been purchased recently, as the original copy has fallen apart [(00:01:16)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=76s).
## The Significance of Thomas Kelly's Book
- The book's author, Thomas Kelly, was an intelligent and academic individual who studied and taught at advanced levels, including [[Harvard University | Harvard]], but struggled with busyness and the desire for something deeper [(00:02:05)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=125s).
- Thomas Kelly's life took a dramatic turn when he failed to obtain his second PhD at the age of 44, leading to a deep spiritual crisis and eventual spiritual awakening [(00:02:52)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=172s).
- Thomas Kelly's spiritual awakening was characterized by a profound encounter with [[God]] in a cathedral, which he described as being "melted down by the love of God" [(00:03:29)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=209s).
- Following his spiritual awakening, Thomas Kelly experienced a prolonged and refreshing experience of the spirit, which had a profound impact on his being [(00:03:55)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=235s).
- Thomas Kelly was invited to speak in [[Germany]] in 1938, where he would offer support to people suffering under Hitler's regime [(00:04:10)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=250s).
- The author of the book in question was initially sharing his spiritual experiences through messages, articles, and journals, which resonated deeply with people, particularly in Germany, due to the authority and depth that came from his personal experiences [(00:04:14)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=254s).
## Kelly's Key Idea: Multi-Level Living
- The author's thoughts and writings from the last couple of years of his life were compiled into the book, with the first essay introducing the key idea of ordering one's mental life on multiple levels simultaneously [(00:05:05)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=305s).
- This concept involves thinking, discussing, and attending to external affairs on one level, while also being in prayer, adoration, and worship on a deeper, more profound level [(00:05:14)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=314s).
- The author suggests that it is at this deeper level that the real business of life is determined, and that one can live from this place even in the midst of external chaos and challenges [(00:05:43)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=343s).
- The idea is not to carve out separate times for peace and calm, but to infuse all of life with a deep sense of connection with [[God]], groundedness, and centeredness [(00:06:33)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=393s).
- The author of the video has been reading the book for 29 years and finds the idea of living from a deeper place inspiring, although they feel they have not yet fully broken through to this level [(00:06:55)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=415s).
- The book describes a life lived from the center as one of unhurried peace, power, simplicity, serenity, and radiance, which occupies all of one's time but takes no time [(00:07:29)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=449s).
## The Simplification of Life
- One of the chapters in the book is called "The Simplification of Life," which explores how to live a simple life, but the author notes that simplicity is not just about clearing out clutter and to-do lists [(00:08:11)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=491s).
- Simplicity starts from the inside, not from external factors, and is achieved by living from a connection with [[God]], which provides Clarity and guides one's attitude and approach to life [(00:08:27)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=507s).
- This connection serves as a source of power and peace, allowing individuals to live from that place and bring their problems to it, regardless of their circumstances [(00:08:52)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=532s).
## Practical Application of Kelly's Idea
- Kelly's idea may seem inspiring but also discouraging, as it may be perceived as only applicable to highly spiritual people, such as monks, rather than ordinary individuals with busy lives [(00:09:17)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=557s).
- However, Kelly offers a practical solution, encouraging readers to start now, in the present moment, and offer themselves to God in quiet, humble surrender, without needing to read the [[Bible]] or sort out their lives [(00:09:47)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=587s).
- This practice involves quietly turning inward, abandoning oneself, and offering praise, which can be done for just a few seconds or minutes, and should be repeated whenever one remembers [(00:10:39)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=639s).
- Despite the intention to live from this quiet center, lapses and forgetting are frequent, and surroundings can be distracting, but Kelly advises against self-recriminations and instead recommends breathing a signal prayer for forgiveness and beginning again [(00:11:32)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=692s).
- When catching oneself after a lapse, one should offer broken worship to [[God]], admit no discouragement, and gently return to Him, waiting in His presence without self-discrimination [(00:12:03)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=723s).
- The concept of being gentle with oneself when reconnecting with God after a period of disconnection is discussed, emphasizing the importance of not filling oneself with shame or regret, but rather beginning again immediately [(00:12:29)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=749s).
- The idea is to use energy for starting anew, rather than dwelling on past failures or intentions, and to center oneself on God [(00:13:20)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=800s).
## Personal Reflection on Busyness
- The speaker reflects on their own struggles with busyness and shares a personal story about discovering the underlying reasons for their busyness, which is not due to external circumstances, but rather an internal issue [(00:13:42)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=822s).
- The realization is that the real reason for busyness is different from what one might initially think, and this understanding can be helpful for those who struggle with feelings of being overwhelmed or having too much to do [(00:13:51)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=831s).
- The topic of busyness and its underlying causes will be explored further in a future video, which may be helpful for those who struggle with eternal chaos and feeling overwhelmed [(00:13:57)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWGP1obe6R0&t=837s).