# Men Need to Start Paying Less Attention to Women ![](https://substack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com/public/images/6cff8389-2a14-428e-9f3e-af7d171c3cc3_1024x768.jpeg) - The author argues that many men, particularly in online spaces like the "manosphere," are overly focused on women, even when claiming to be anti-feminist or advocating for men's rights. - This obsession manifests in different ways, such as pickup artistry, the [[Men Going Their Own Way | MGTOW]] movement, and incel ideology, all of which center women in their philosophies, even if negatively. - The author suggests that men should focus on building their own lives and communities, rather than defining themselves in opposition to women or feminism, and advises against engaging in online conflicts with women, as it is often counterproductive.