# Some Say the SBC Isn't W...

## Metadata
- Author: [[@dmichaelclary on Twitter]]
- Full Title: Some Say the SBC Isn't W...
- Category: #tweets
- URL: https://twitter.com/dmichaelclary/status/1786744115054399887
## Highlights
- Some say the SBC isn't woke & there's nothing to be alarmed about. Don't be so sure.
Paul said "a little leaven leavens the lump."
The broader SBC may not be full-blown woke, but some places are.
A friend recently shared notes from a SEND Philly training.
See for yourself🧵 ([View Tweet](https://twitter.com/dmichaelclary/status/1786744115054399887))
- My friend attended a training who's purpose was "to assist planters, pastors, ministry leaders and lay persons with a heart to serve those within the urban context." ([View Tweet](https://twitter.com/dmichaelclary/status/1786744116396630100))
- The "urban context" is defined according to progressive priorities using leftist buzzwords.
Page 8 describes "marginalized" people as "the other."
They are subject to:
* Systemic racism
* System disparity
* Modern day slavery and
* Environmental oppression
 ([View Tweet](https://twitter.com/dmichaelclary/status/1786744118019826072))
- Jesus' ministry is presented as a social justice crusade to empower "the least of these."
This is a misuse of that text. The "least of these" in Mt25 refers to Christians who are socially ostracized because of their faithfulness to Jesus. It doesn't teach social activism. ([View Tweet](https://twitter.com/dmichaelclary/status/1786744121110986948))
- The biblical justification they provide is simply to accept the social justice framing as valid and then quote texts where Jesus ministers to people who fit those categories.
* Poor
* Women
* Disabled
* Strangers
* Prostitutes
* Criminals
Jesus is the "marginalized savior"

 ([View Tweet](https://twitter.com/dmichaelclary/status/1786744122797113389))
- Ministry leaders are instructed to do "incarnational ministry" like Jesus (dubbed "biblical justice") by focusing on marginalized peoples.
The definition of biblical justice is provided by Ron Sider, a well known progressive social justice advocate.
 ([View Tweet](https://twitter.com/dmichaelclary/status/1786744126890766599))
- What does this kind of incarnational ministry look like in practice? A buffet of buzzwords.
* Opposing systemic oppression
* Protest events
* Recognizing inequity
* Use your power/privilege to be a voice
* Advocate for the oppressed
Preaching the gospel is barely acknowledged.
 ([View Tweet](https://twitter.com/dmichaelclary/status/1786744130145554736))
- The pastor's #1 task is to preach Christ & him crucified.
Trainings like this take a church planter's zeal & guilts them into using worldly means to accomplish spiritual ends.
They're taught that Jesus is more of an activist than savior.
It's a false gospel that cannot save.
 ([View Tweet](https://twitter.com/dmichaelclary/status/1786744133647765708))
- According to Linked in, the author of this training material is still employed by NAMB.
 ([View Tweet](https://twitter.com/dmichaelclary/status/1786746573805723675))