# TS&TT — William Wolfe | the Need for Biblical Leadership in the SBC ![rw-book-cover](https://wsrv.nl/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fepisodes.castos.com%2F6015949f6e6558-84128287%2Fimages%2FSword-Trowel-3.jpg&w=100&h=100) ## Metadata - Author: [[The Sword & The Trowel]] - Full Title: TS&TT — William Wolfe | the Need for Biblical Leadership in the SBC - Category: #podcasts - URL: https://share.snipd.com/episode/3b4ef487-5ac3-4f78-9202-4a2a7c08ffd2 ## Highlights - Episode AI notes 1. The preservation of the Southern Baptist Convention's Confessional roots and biblical commitments is crucial for preventing denominational decline and potential drift towards liberalism. 2. An amendment proposed by Mike Law aims to reinsert language into the Baptist faith and message to affirm that churches in cooperation with the convention must only appoint or affirm male pastors as qualified by Scripture. 3. The proposed amendment is deemed as one of the most crucial votes for Southern Baptists to maintain biblical leadership within the SBC and prevent potential liberal trends. ([Time 0:00:00](https://share.snipd.com/episode-takeaways/a4c0cb52-08fc-4a7b-b37d-1b4f67ef0fac)) - Preservation of Confessional Roots in Baptist Convention Summary: The preservation of the southern Baptist convention's Confessional roots and biblical commitments is highlighted through the example of egalitarianism, particularly in the growing presence of women pastors. An amendment proposed by Mike Law aims to reinsert language into the Baptist faith and message to affirm that churches in cooperation with the convention must only appoint or affirm male pastors as qualified by scripture. This proposed amendment is deemed as one of the most crucial votes for southern baptists, as it is seen as a significant measure to prevent denominational decline and potential drift towards liberalism in line with historical trends observed in mainline denominations. Transcript: Speaker 1 Yeah, well, I was saving one major example of the drift in the southern Baptist convention or the down grade If you want to use that language from Spurgeon's day And that is a egalitarianism That probably is one of the most prominent examples of how southern Baptist have lost their Confessional roots and their biblical commitments with the proliferation of women pastors And how that pertains this convention is that we have a vote On an amendment to try to address this which is an appropriate measure to use It's being offered by mike law from Arlington, Virginia And his amendment takes language that we have in the baptist faith and message and reinserts it into article three of our constitution Clarifying that to be in friendly cooperation With the southern Baptist convention a church must only appoint employee or affirm Men to be pastors as qualified by scripture that passed for the first time one of two votes in new orleans Last year We have to pass it again in Indianapolis in order to ratify it I think that might be the most important vote we take as southern baptists this year in Indianapolis And so if you Care about helping stop denominational decline on this point, which I have to add Is really a bell whether it's the first barrier to fall before the nomination almost begins to move Headlong into total liberalism. This is what happened to the main lines as well And so if for nothing else come to Indianapolis to help ratify the mike law amendment That's one of the biggest votes on the table. There are certainly others if you want to get into them so why first of all, are there ([Time 0:15:39](https://share.snipd.com/snip/8a789335-c834-49bc-9287-47837218591b))