# LAWFARE — the Battle Ram of Tyranny ![rw-book-cover](https://wsrv.nl/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fd3t3ozftmdmh3i.cloudfront.net%2Fproduction%2Fpodcast_uploaded%2F1298139%2F1298139-1574280548616-34f871c4cd168.jpg&w=100&h=100) ## Metadata - Author: [[Faith, Family & Freedom with Curtis Bowers]] - Full Title: LAWFARE — the Battle Ram of Tyranny - Category: #podcasts - URL: https://share.snipd.com/episode/b807bad8-8f4e-48c1-b2fb-0dedd59c8ba6 ## Highlights - Episode AI notes 1. Deception in legislation is condemned, especially when individuals deceive by passing bills without proper review or slipping in controversial funding. 2. In a connected world, it is important to be vigilant and prepared for organized resistance through social media. 3. Having alternative communication methods is essential for staying connected in times of isolation and disconnection. ([Time 0:00:00](https://share.snipd.com/episode-takeaways/1ff93943-930a-483c-bf38-f05b65e5a750)) - Deception in Legislation Summary: Deception in legislation is condemned, particularly when individuals who profess religious beliefs deceive, such as passing bills without proper review time or slipping in controversial funding, like for climate issues and LGBTQ agenda, including surgical operations. The responsible parties, even with tearful avowals of faith, are admonished for their dishonesty and lack of transparency in legislative affairs. Transcript: Speaker 1 And it's discouraging when we thought, oh, we've got a speaker of the House that loves Jesus and he's speaking the truth. And then they lie to you. And it's like, Oh, it's the worst of all the blackest of all lies is the lie that's half truth. That's the worst. I'd rather be a Nancy Pelosi in there and have her lie to us and push on through the bill ago. That's what we expected. But you don't expect it from the person who with tears in their eyes talks about how much they love Jesus and everything. It's really it's disgusting. But in that bill, and they broke the law and passing it because you're supposed to have at least 72 hours to review it before passing. So they just shuffle it through in the night. And that's the speaker's responsibility. So he was dishonest and deceitful in what he was doing. But of course, there's funding for Ukraine in there. But there's there's also a lot of funding for the climate nonsense. There's lots of funding for the LGBTQ propaganda to be pushed in our schools, including the promotion of surgical mutilation. That's in the bill that the nice Christian people passed. It empowers the Department of Education even more. It gave all government employees at 5.2% pay raise. And it just goes on and on. ([Time 0:02:58](https://share.snipd.com/snip/3df6df4a-bb51-47eb-81ce-47171315761c)) - Preparedness in a Connected World Summary: In a connected world where individuals can easily gather followers and organize resistance through social media, it is crucial to be vigilant and prepared. As seen in an incident where a video with illegal advice gained over a million followers, there is a need to pay extra attention as uncertainties abound. It is essential to have alternative communication methods with loved ones, as demonstrated by an experience in a state park with no connectivity for two days, leaving individuals feeling isolated and disconnected. Transcript: Speaker 1 Well, that's where we are. And I was watching this one video and I don't know his name yet, but it was illegal who's here. And he has a huge following on social media. And I just saw a little clip of one of his videos telling him how to squat in houses and take property that's not yours, take control of that property. And they can't kick you out and how to just abuse the system and everything. But he had over a million followers. And so what's happened is we've given them phones. Now they're all connected and they can use social media to organize resistance if they wanted to. And most of the people coming in, of course, are young males from all over the world, from the prisons, from from hostile countries toward us. And again, it just just makes sure you're paying much more attention than you normally have in the past because it's just very uncertain. Also make sure you have alternative ways to communicate with the people who live around you, your family, friends that you love. We were in a state park this week and we didn't realize when we went there that there was no self service of any kind and no Wi-Fi. So for two days, we were completely cut off and it was really a weird feeling. You have no way to contact anyone. ([Time 0:08:32](https://share.snipd.com/snip/8cb2264b-d594-40e3-abc6-1bda40612e59))