# How Dr. Christian Calma Uses OmniFocus ![rw-book-cover](https://wsrv.nl/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftheomnishow.omnigroup.com%2Fassets%2Fimg%2Fomnishow-cover-1x3000.jpg&w=100&h=100) ## Metadata - Author: [[The Omni Show]] - Full Title: How Dr. Christian Calma Uses OmniFocus - Category: #podcasts - URL: https://share.snipd.com/episode/ee79abe9-aee5-4933-8510-0b9c1bec7eff ## Highlights - Episode AI notes 1. Starting fresh with fresh knowledge can lead to more elegant solutions in the end 2. Revisiting tasks that have become unwieldy and questioning whether to start over with fresh knowledge 3. Progress and learning from previous attempts can be carried forward ([Time 0:00:00](https://share.snipd.com/episode-takeaways/9b00e734-c24c-42be-a6b0-2da5f517b2fc)) - Starting Fresh with Fresh Knowledge Summary: Revisiting tasks that have become unwieldy or unmanageable and questioning whether it is better to start over with fresh knowledge rather than trying to fix existing problems. Despite the fear of starting from scratch, the learning and progress from previous attempts can be carried forward to create a more elegant solution in the end. Transcript: Speaker 1 And how well you know this question or how poorly you know this question and ask you this again and again and again. And for something like that, I've just gotten so granular with it when I was starting out and you just have billion cards that you're never going to look at and none of them make sense. Sometimes it's better to ask yourself, hey, is it smarter to just start again? I'm putting more effort into fixing these problems that I've built for myself. I can already appreciate that. And I kind of know the bigger picture of what's going on here. So should I just quit? And it's not like you're starting from ground zero. Wow, Christian. Wow. Yeah. Speaker 2 This is truly unique. You're kind of blowing my mind a little bit. So if I may, just want to restate that to make sure I understand it. So there's a sense in which over time maybe people create a monster, a little bit of a monster, you know, that the tasks are unwieldy or there's too many of them or is kind of this Frankenstein Thing together. And sometimes the best advice is start fresh, but it's not really starting fresh because you have the progress and the learning that came from the previous iteration. So I'm just going to set Frankenstein over here to the side and begin again with the fresh knowledge that what I'm doing might end up being more elegant. ([Time 0:11:12](https://share.snipd.com/snip/410af2ba-c6e0-4a4c-a554-c5ace7b1a1b8))