# COMMUNISM Is Liberty's Mortal Enemy

## Metadata
- Author: [[Faith, Family & Freedom with Curtis Bowers]]
- Full Title: COMMUNISM Is Liberty's Mortal Enemy
- Category: #podcasts
- URL: https://share.snipd.com/episode/efcd8a38-b500-47cb-8f34-f3ef4a33e640
## Highlights
- Episode AI notes
1. The invasion of the Darien gap and influx of Chinese military personnel and Haitians post-coup raise questions about who truly controls the American government.
2. Communism is a savage, anti-social system that poses the greatest threat to freedom and humanity, overshadowing all other issues.
3. The future of mankind depends on the conflict between communism and freedom, with many in the free world losing their moral indignation against communist atrocities.
4. Biden's policies towards Russia and Putin have been criticized for potentially strengthening foreign powers, contrasting with Trump's actions in office.
5. True greatness lies in mastering oneself, embracing the future while respecting the past, and embodying values of duty, honor, and country, despite the scars of war. ([Time 0:00:00](https://share.snipd.com/episode-takeaways/00084da6-61ec-492a-8a4b-eecf1e20afe2))
- Essence of True Greatness
True greatness lies in mastering oneself before others, maintaining a clean heart, aspiring for lofty goals, balancing laughter with tears, embracing the future while respecting the past, seriousness without taking oneself too seriously, and embodying modesty to understand the essence of wisdom, strength, and greatness.
The soldier epitomizes the values of duty, honor, and country, praying for peace despite bearing the scars of war.
Speaker 1
To master yourself before you seek to master others, to have a heart that is clean, a goal that is high, to learn to laugh, yet never forget how to weep, to reach into the future yet never Neglect the past, to be serious yet never to take yourself too seriously, to be modest so that you will remember the simplicity of true greatness, the open mind of true wisdom, the the Meekness of true strength, and he goes on and on for pages at that level of communication and description of what was removed when they said no more duty, no more honor, no more country, But then he starts to wrap up with this. You are the leaven which binds together the entire fabric of our national system of defense. From your ranks come the great captains who hold the nation's destiny in their hands. The moment the war talks and sounds, the long gray line has never failed us. Were you to do so, a million ghosts and olive drab and brown khaki and blue and gray would rise from their white crosses thundering those magic words. Duty, honor, country. This does not mean that you were warmongers on the contrary. The soldier above all people prays for peace, for he must suffer and bear the deepest wounds his scars of war. ([Time 0:08:15](https://share.snipd.com/snip/5d170202-531a-4bde-8871-96a6ed80d68f))
- Looking Beyond Traditional Political Entities
Commentators often struggle to imagine a complete discussion beyond the traditional political parties, Supreme Court, and Congress.
The current blunders and behaviors of the US government post-coup raise concerns about who controls the government. The invasion through the Darien gap, influx of Chinese military personnel and Haitians, similar experiences in Europe, all targeting cities and communities, disrupting cultures and spreading anarchy.
Speaker 3
It seems like most commentators who are grappling with the larger issues hit a brick wall when it comes to assessing or looking for or simply imagining having a complete, you know, bull Session in terms of what could this be all about. Come to that brick wall in terms of imagining anything going past the labeled neatly categorized political parties in this country, Supreme Court entities, Congress, they are all Discreet and somehow impervious to any sort of subversion. And so therefore when we see the blunders made by the Knights of government, the reckless behavior of the United States government as it exists post coup. I mean, this is the thing. We are not a United States government. I've been trying to talk about this for since the coup of 2020 to January 6, 2021. We do not have an American government. We do not know who controls this government. But as we go forward, that seems to be a lot of people understand that on one level, but it stays compartmentalized from trying to explain these events. For example, this invasion through the Darien gap Panama from bringing in all the Chinese military males, bringing in now Haitians, you know, looking at Europe having the same parallel Experience coming from different. Places obviously, but the same effect targeting our cities, our interiors of the country, breaking apart communities, bringing crime and danger and anarchy and just destroying What remains of our cultures. ([Time 0:10:34](https://share.snipd.com/snip/cf3f1728-2bf3-4d08-a2f8-ede22565baa5))
- Questioning Authority and Beneficiaries
The speaker highlights the lack of transparency and understanding about who really controls the American government, pointing out compartmentalization of this knowledge.
They suggest that the current events, like the influx of Chinese military and Haitians, serving to disrupt communities and culture, are not being questioned in terms of who truly stands to benefit. The speaker urges for a deeper examination of who is seizing control and benefiting from these actions.
Speaker 3
We do not have an American government. We do not know who controls this government. But as we go forward, that seems to be a lot of people understand that on one level, but it stays compartmentalized from trying to explain these events. For example, this invasion through the Darien gap Panama from bringing in all the Chinese military males, bringing in now Haitians, you know, looking at Europe having the same parallel Experience coming from different. Places obviously, but the same effect targeting our cities, our interiors of the country, breaking apart communities, bringing crime and danger and anarchy and just destroying What remains of our cultures. And these are all seen, it seems to me, looking at the conversation, the public conversation, such as it is, these are seen as Irish government problems, American government problems, Etc. Never actually, I think, asking the question, you know, kuibono, who is benefiting the most from this, never asking, well, if the United States government was seized in 2020, who was Who who seized it. ([Time 0:11:37](https://share.snipd.com/snip/fed92e3b-7cae-4774-a784-f65315a442b2))
- The Conflict Between Communism and Freedom
Communism is not a progressive system but an anti-social one embedded with features of savagery, slavery, and feudalism.
Many people in the free world have lost their moral indignation against communist atrocities. The conflict between communism and freedom is the central problem of our time, overshadowing all other issues.
The future of mankind depends on the outcome of this conflict.
Speaker 1
Too many are still prisoners of the illusion that communism is historically speaking, a progressive system or extreme liberalism temporarily making bad mistakes. Actually communism is an anti social system in which there are embedded some of the worst features of savagery, slavery, feudalism and life sapping exploitation. Too many in the free world seem to have lost their capacity for moral indignation against the most brutal in humanities when they are perpetrated by communist. It is painful, but we must face the cruel facts of life. It is disturbing to me that many people in our country who call themselves liberals never find the time to utter a word of condemnation against the communist imperialist destruction. Of the national independence and the democratic rights of hundreds of millions of people in Europe and Asia. The conflict between communism and freedom is the problem of our time. It overshadows all other problems. This conflict mirrors our age, its toils, its tensions, its troubles and its task. On the outcome of this conflict depends the future of all mankind. That's Time magazine in 1955. ([Time 0:14:58](https://share.snipd.com/snip/e99de96e-65fc-4397-9970-be6b53a952e8))
- Assessing Biden's Policies Towards Russia versus Trump's
Biden's actions in office, despite his strong anti-Putin rhetoric, have been perceived by some as strengthening Putin, contrasting with the accomplishments or actions of Trump.
A high-ranking former Putin advisor suggests that Biden's policies indicate he may be acting in the interests of Russia, China, or other foreign powers, though the true motivations remain unknown.
Speaker 3
I'm dipping over into another piece that I read recently that fits into with this by Andre Iliar and off who was a former very high ranking Putin advisor who left. I don't know if you say he defected. I'm not really sure what the terminology is these days, but he's been writing some pieces and one of which is going through this idea of how Biden rhetoric rhetorically appears to be This tremendous enemy of Putin. And yet what he has done in office as opposed to Trump's accomplishments or actions as president have actually strengthened Putin and he goes through an interesting litany. I'll post the link to that because to me that strengthens the idea that Biden is acting on behalf of Russia, China, foreign interests, non-American interests, however, general you Want to get. Obviously we don't know what's going on. We have no idea. ([Time 0:18:09](https://share.snipd.com/snip/54b08807-10e3-490e-acbc-692699fd490e))