# 205 — Tasks & Calendars

## Metadata
- Author: [[Focused]]
- Full Title: 205 — Tasks & Calendars
- Category: #podcasts
- URL: https://share.snipd.com/episode/9d049515-cf29-4264-a709-ed716cd7154e
## Highlights
- Episode AI notes
1. Focus on list considerations at appropriate times rather than individual tasks
2. Use segment cards for daily monitoring and scheduling
3. Adapt to tasks that require more frequent considerations
4. Evolving the task management system over time for a healthier approach ([Time 0:00:00](https://share.snipd.com/episode-takeaways/e813e49c-1be5-4c19-bfd4-91a446086387))
- Digital Task Management and List-Based Approaches
The speaker discusses a software approach to task management, focusing on list considerations at appropriate times rather than tasks.
They emphasize the use of segment cards for daily monitoring and scheduling list consideration based on deadlines. The system involves paying close attention to avoid missing deadlines, adapting to tasks that require more frequent considerations and evolving the system over time for a healthier task approach.
Speaker 2
And just to continue with the example, that is the case as we record this, the ads are not ready yet. But what I'm not going to go into my task manager and make any adjustments, all I'm going to do then is pass on that. And then next Monday will be the next time I get this consider focused podcast showing up. And that'll still be eight days before the show publishes. And I will, I'll check then. And most likely they will be available and I'll record them. And if they're not available, then I'll take action to try and get them ready sooner. And so this is a little bit of a software approach to task management. And then I guess the last yard of this, and we talked about this on a recent episode as I like these segment cards. I like looking at it each day, I'm looking at today's as I'm talking right now. And it's got these things written down. It's got the, the consider blocks and it's got a couple individual tasks. And if I got to next Monday and the ads were still not ready, I would probably just write down on the augment card for the following day focused ads. And so it starts to get more deliberate. If it's got a deadline as I get closer to the deadline. But I don't think I'd even put it in OmniFocus. I would just write it down on the card for next Tuesday. And when I woke up Tuesday, I'd say, oh, I better follow up on that. It's still not ready. So, so that's kind of the system for me. It's digital. I'm thinking about lists instead of tasks, which is just kind of semantics, but it works go with me. And I'm trying to schedule list consideration at the appropriate times and paying attention to where this stuff falls down. I mean, you have to be very attentive to a system like this because it's softer. You don't want deadlines missed. So you may have some that require more frequent consideration blocks than others. And but I've been doing this now. I don't know. It started evolving about a year ago, but as I look at it now, it's kind of taken over. And I find it a much healthier approach to tasks. This episode of the Focus Podcast is brought to you by Nom Nom. Go to trinom.com slash focused for a healthy fresh food for dogs formulated by board certified veterinary nutritionists and get 50% off. Nom Nom is the world's most exciting dog food. Consider it your dog's membership to the clean bowl club. Nom Nom is vet developed with enticing textures and stimulating variety. It's so good your dog will lick the floor clean. Nom Nom's vet developed meals burst with balanced nutrients, dogs need and tantalizing tastes and textures they crave to add delight to their day. Recipes are made with 100% premium ingredients, which means 0% freaky fillers or funky stuff. Even a little bit of nom nom can add delight to their day. There are so many ways for your dog to get their nom nom on serve vet developed recipes as a full meal, offer it as a tasty treat or exercise your pup's mind and trigger their drool mechanism By hiding a spoonful in puzzles or lick mats. Say goodbye to boring dog food and give your dog a reason to run to their bowl with every meal every day. I can tell you from personal experience, my dog loves nom nom. She's a picky eater, but when we put nom nom in the bowl, she runs in her tail wags throughout the meal. You can be confident in trying nom nom because if your dog isn't deliriously excited about dinner, you get your money back guaranteed. Nom nom is now available at chewy.com and your local pet smart stores. Or for 50% off your no risk trial box by going to trinom.com. Spelled t-r-y-n-o-m.com. Much focused for 50% off your first subscription order and our thanks to nom nom for their support of the Focus Podcast and all of relay FM. What about you, Mike? What are you doing with tasks?
Speaker 1
Well, I am all in with obsidian, but I think my approach actually isn't a whole lot different than the one that you were describing because it is very list based. I'm going to start to get down the nerdy rabbit hole. You tell me if I go too far. I think I've mentioned before I have this task dashboard, which is essentially an obsidian canvas that shows the tasks that are on these different lists. And I've kind of been playing around with a specific obsidian plugin called obsidian tasks, which continues to get better and better. It's on version 7.2 as we record this and it has its own API as an obsidian plugin. It's kind of crazy. It gives you the ability to quick add tasks directly in obsidian. What I do is I capture all those things to one specific note, which was a little bit of a mindset shift for me. The concept of an inbox doesn't really work in obsidian because you don't have contexts and you don't have projects necessarily. ([Time 0:17:41](https://share.snipd.com/snip/a00b69bc-c01e-4032-b410-14e16b91df13))