# 198 — Revisiting Journaling ![rw-book-cover](https://wsrv.nl/?url=http%3A%2F%2Frelayfm.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fuploads%2Fbroadcast%2Fimage%2F34%2Ffocused_artwork.png&w=100&h=100) ## Metadata - Author: [[Focused]] - Full Title: 198 — Revisiting Journaling - Category: #podcasts - URL: https://share.snipd.com/episode/a68ba0f6-409b-4380-8463-ca46921f299c ## Highlights - Efficient Workflow for Daily Note Entries Summary: Organizing Daily Note entries by adding sections for wins, journal entries, and gratitude is crucial for personal retreats. Gratitude is emphasized due to its positive impact on mental state. Journal entries help remember significant events, while capturing wins is essential for motivation and preventing burnout by celebrating achievements. Transcript: Speaker 2 And then I've got a whole bunch of workflows on ways to get things onto that Daily Note in an efficient way so that I can, as part of the personal retreat process, go back and view that stuff Later. So I've got, let's just start, I guess, in order of a complexity here. He talked about the different types of entries and all the different journals that you have. I don't have them broken down that granularly, but I do have a couple different types of entries that I will capture to my Daily Note. And so I've got, essentially, these are third level headers at the bottom of my Daily Note with sections for wins, journal entries, and gratitude. So gratitude specifically, because that one, as we talked about earlier, is tied to my mental state, helps me maintain my positive focus. So that's worth breaking out on its own. All of the entries around this is something that we did, and I want to remember this event. Those will go under the journal entries. And then the other thing that I sometimes have trouble with, which is why it's up front in my face all the time, is capturing my wins. I tend to just, when I accomplish a goal, move on to the next one. What's the next thing I should be working on? And I think it's really important in terms of motivation and avoiding burnout to recognize, you know, hey, you did the thing. Good job. Let's celebrate a little bit. ([Time 0:45:51](https://share.snipd.com/snip/2c1b98e4-e9c7-4c8b-893c-f53759728cb8))