# #638 — Seth Godin on the Game of Life, the Value of Hacks, and Overcoming Anxiety

## Metadata
- Author: [[The Tim Ferriss Show]]
- Full Title: #638 — Seth Godin on the Game of Life, the Value of Hacks, and Overcoming Anxiety
- Category: #podcasts
- URL: https://share.snipd.com/episode/5183915d-1c38-42be-bb5e-8e4262efce29
## Highlights
- The Power of a Process
The insight from this snip is that making a decision about who we want to be and what we want to do can greatly lighten the cognitive load.
By deciding to engage in a specific practice or activity every day, we eliminate the need to constantly negotiate with ourselves. Instead of debating whether or not to do something, we can focus our energy on deciding how to proceed.
This process allows us to move forward with determination and commitment, enabling us to consistently pursue our goals.
Speaker 2
There would be no book if it weren't for that quote from Elizabeth King.
Speaker 1
I don't know how it ended up on my desk. It came from somebody else who took credit for the quote and I started tracking it down because it's so resonated with me. And after talking to him, he acknowledged, well, someone else really said it first. And I found this woman. And if you close your eyes and visualize the sculptor, you might be visualizing her. And if you think about how she lives her life and the number of hours she puts into each piece of work, it's extraordinary. And they made a documentary of some of her work, which you can see on Amazon. I had never heard of her, but now she's my friend. And I've just learned so much from that one sentence. What she is saying is this tomorrow morning, when you wake up, you probably won't feel like engaging in the practice. And if you do, you probably won't feel that way the next day. That what we do is once decide, we decide that we're a runner and runners go running every day. We decide we're a blogger and bloggers blog every day. And that decision lightens the cognitive load so much because there's no time, no reason to negotiate with ourselves because we already had the meeting. We already decided. Now the question is not should we go or not? The question is, should we go left or right? But we're going. ([Time 0:32:07](https://share.snipd.com/snip/c89ebb0c-3e0c-4bf3-8f28-efd17e777086))