# The Holy Spirit

## Metadata
- Author: [[John F. Walvoord]]
- Full Title: The Holy Spirit
- Category: #books
## Highlights
- THE GREAT Dutch theologian of the last century, Abraham Kuyper, in beginning his classic work, The Work of the Holy Spirit, struck a note which every careful student of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit will echo when he wrote, “The need of divine guidance is never more deeply felt than when one undertakes to give instruction in the work of the Holy Spirit—so unspeakably tender is the subject, touching the inmost secrets of God and the soul’s deepest mysteries. We shield instinctively the intimacies of kindred and friends from intrusive observation, and nothing hurts the sensitive heart more than the rude exposure of that which should not be unveiled, being beautiful only in the retirement of the home circle. Greater delicacy befits our approach to the holy mystery of our soul’s intimacy with the living God.“1 ([Location 454](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B004B8W0DC&location=454))
- It is natural that more attention be given to the New than to the Old Testament, with which we are primarily concerned at present. The Old Testament, however, affords an important introduction to the revelation of the New Testament. The similarities and contrasts bring out the truth of the New Testament in greater beauty. The doctrine of the Holy Spirit is not complete until viewed as a whole from eternity to eternity. It may then be seen that His work is all part of one majestic purpose of God to display His own attributes and work His own will. It is ([Location 472](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B004B8W0DC&location=472))
- An examination of this field of truth will reveal at least four major phases of the work of the Holy Spirit as directly involved in the plan of salvation. ([Location 484](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B004B8W0DC&location=484))
- I. OBEDIENCE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The doctrine of procession states that the Holy Spirit proceeded from the Father and the ([Location 486](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B004B8W0DC&location=486))
- Son as the Son proceeds from the Father. Based on this eternal relationship of the persons of the Trinity, it may be inferred that in the eternal plan of salvation the Holy Spirit undertook to be obedient to the First and Second Persons. The obedience of the Holy Spirit as revealed in a number of Scriptures (John 14:16-17, 26; 15:26; 16:7, 13) is not confined to any one dispensation, but it is rather the norm for every age. The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments never reverse the order of obedience. As the Son is always obedient to the Father, so the Spirit is always obedient to the Father and the Son. This must not be taken to imply any inferiority of the Holy Spirit as to His person, but rather a willing subordination in keeping with His person and the unity of purpose of the Godhead. This subordination of the Holy Spirit is essential to all His ministry and characterizes all that is revealed. As it behooved Christ to be obedient even unto death, so it is harmonious with all that we know of God and His work that the Holy Spirit should be the unseen obedient servant of God, speaking of Christ rather than Himself, glorifying the Father rather than His own Person directly. Yet, as Christ in humiliation brought to Himself ([Location 487](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B004B8W0DC&location=487))
- II. PART IN CREATION AND PROVIDENCE From the use of elohim in the creation narrative, it may be assumed that the Holy Spirit had a part in creation. This inference is sustained by explicit Scriptures which will be subject to later discussion. It is in keeping with all that is revealed about Him in Scripture. Not only in creation, but also in preservation of creation the Holy Spirit undoubtedly has His part. While the distinct features of this work are not revealed, we may assume that One who is immanent in the world bears a sustaining relation to it. All this is a part of the original undertaking of the Holy Spirit. ([Location 498](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B004B8W0DC&location=498))