# The Days of Elijah, Book One

## Metadata
- Author: [[Mark Goodwin]]
- Full Title: The Days of Elijah, Book One
- Category: #books
## Highlights
- They will further assure you that the disappearances were not caused by the mythical rapture. For it was not Christians that the Watchers had to remove for us to move forward, but rather a cult-like subset of people who claimed to be followers of Christ, yet never practiced his compassion, tolerance, and acceptance of those around them. ([Location 659](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=659))
- The Watchers have done their part to cleanse our planet of those who could not turn from their hate and bigotry, now it is up to us to maintain this environment of peace and love. ([Location 666](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=666))
- You tell me, Everett; is being devoted to the Christian religion enough to make you a child of God?” ([Location 710](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=710))
- While not nearly so bad as the New Madrid Seismic Zone in Western Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri, and Arkansas, it won’t be a good place to ride out the sixth seal.” ([Location 1037](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=1037))
- “The enemy has always promised freedom and delivered bondage. ([Location 1711](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=1711))
- The streets of DC are designed to make an inverted pentagram, or upside down five-pointed star. This is the sign of the star, Sirius, and is the most powerful symbol in all of occult magic. It is within this symbol that demonic entities are summoned, and the largest single representation of this symbol is drawn out by the streets of downtown DC. It is here, that the gates of hell will be opened and all manner of evil will be released on this planet.” ([Location 1762](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=1762))
- “The safest place you can be is in the center of God’s will. ([Location 1817](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=1817))
- “Where one door closes, another door opens.” ([Location 2251](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=2251))
- Sarah sat up and looked at Elijah. “What do we do? What do we say?” Elijah pointed up. “Tell him. Tell him you’re sorry for your pride, and all your sins. And tell him, where he leads, you will follow. Tell him that he is the God of your life, and it is no longer you yourselves. Then live according to that commitment.” ([Location 2794](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=2794))
- In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:6 ([Location 2821](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=2821))
- “It’ not the length of the prayer, but the fact that you sought God’s blessing in your endeavor.” ([Location 2993](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=2993))
- When the Lord speaks, he speaks, and when he is silent, you must depend on wisdom, prayer and providence. ([Location 3307](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=3307))
- Many sheep have been led astray by false shepherds. Oh, the heartache that could have been spared if the children of God had learned to draw near and listen to the Good Shepherd himself.” ([Location 3310](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=3310))
- And the stove we are going to build is very efficient. It’s called a rocket stove. It channels the air flow to burn your wood or kindling more quickly, producing the maximum amount of heat for cooking, and the least amount of smoke. Which in these dark times, is of utmost importance.” ([Location 3416](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B01LZV8C6U&location=3416))