# The Content Curation Handbook - How to Create Curated Content for Your Website ![rw-book-cover](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51zIslZVXyL._SL200_.jpg) ## Metadata - Author: [[Eibhlin MacIntosh]] - Full Title: The Content Curation Handbook - How to Create Curated Content for Your Website - Category: #books ## Highlights - When I need content, but have no ideas When a site needs content but I'm clueless (or at least not inspired), here are the places to start: Google Trends gives me a list of trending topics.  I try to think of ways any of them relate to my   niches.  www.google.com/trends Google Insights indicates if anything has recently caused a spike in my niches.  www.google.com/insights/search  I'll probably want to read and reference any recent articles listed there, as well as old ones that suddenly take on a new significance in the niche. Any site that shows what's trending – from Twitter to eBay and from Amazon to a niche forum – can give me ideas for articles, too. ([Location 234](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B007RD4KD6&location=234)) - I'll check Google News and other headline-type websites, searching for my niche keywords.  However, I'll also look for interviews with (and articles by) any celebrities related to my niche.  I watch the things they're talking about.  If it's a video or audio interview (or a transcript), I pay special attention to what the celebrities say when they start to wander off-topic during the discussion.  Those other topics can be flashing lights and arrows, pointing in the direction of what's next in that niche.  Stephen Fry's ([Location 242](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B007RD4KD6&location=242)) - Note: When you aspire to be the opinion leader or thought leader in a niche, you must be one step ahead of the crowd.  If you look at the Diffusion of Innovations bell curve (look it up at Wikipedia), you want to be at the Innovator and Early Adopter end of the scale. ([Location 252](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B007RD4KD6&location=252)) - It's smart to work up a profile of a typical visitor to your website, or the kind of visitor you'd like to attract, too. ([Location 276](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B007RD4KD6&location=276)) - I believe that two of the most important ingredients in curated content are: Know your niche.  Know the exact profile of your website visitors, or the visitors you'd like to attract. Select your content carefully.  Ask yourself, “Will visitors link to my links, or will they link to my page?”  If at least half the links on your webpage are absolute winners, people will post the link to your page. ([Location 953](https://readwise.io/to_kindle?action=open&asin=B007RD4KD6&location=953))